Unicode 12.1
Character Definition body
Pinyin Jyutping keoi1 On KU Kun KARADA
Traditional U+8EC0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition 4th terrestrial branch ; period from 5-7 a.m.
Pinyin MAO3 Jyutping maau5 On BOU Kun U Hangul Korean MYO Viet mão
Variant U+623C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition 4th terrestrial branch ; period from 5-7 a.m.
Pinyin mǎo Jyutping maau5 On BOU Kun U Hangul : 0E Korean MYO Viet mão
Variant U+623C

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin DU2 Jyutping duk6

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping duk6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sit on eggs , hatch
Pinyin FU1 Jyutping fu1 On FU Kun KAESU Hangul Korean PWU
Variant U+5B5A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sit on eggs , hatch
Pinyin Jyutping fu1 On FU Kun KAESU Hangul : 0N Korean PWU
Variant U+5B5A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fertile eggs ; ( Cant .) rotten , muddled
Pinyin DUAN4 Jyutping dyun6 wo5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition infertile eggs ; ( Cant .) rotten , muddled
Pinyin duàn Jyutping dyun6 wo5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition egg ; ovum ; roe ; spawn
Pinyin LUAN3 Jyutping leon2 leon5 On RAN KON Kun TAMAGO Hangul Korean LAN
Variant U+F91C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition egg ; ovum ; roe ; spawn
Pinyin luǎn Jyutping leon2 leon5 On RAN KON Kun TAMAGO Hangul :0 : 0E Korean LAN
Variant U+F91C

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin lào Jyutping lou6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition body
Pinyin QU1 Jyutping keoi1 On KU Kun KARADA Hangul Korean KWU Tang kio Viet xo
Simplified U+8EAF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition body
Pinyin Jyutping keoi1 On KU Kun KARADA Hangul : 0N Korean KWU Tang kio Viet xo
Simplified U+8EAF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to discipline , train , bring up ; discipline , training

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to discipline , train , bring up ; discipline , training
Pinyin měi Kun SHITSUKE SHITSUKERU Hangul :N

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition body ; group , class , body , unit
Pinyin TI3 On TEI TAI Kun KARADA Hangul Korean CHEY
Variant U+9AD4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition body ; group , class , body , unit
Pinyin On TEI TAI Kun KARADA Hangul :1 Korean CHEY
Variant U+9AD4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZUAN3

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin zuǎn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a variety of bamboo , bamboo with high joints
Pinyin HUAI2 Jyutping saau1 saau2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of a variety of bamboo , bamboo with high joints
Pinyin sōu Jyutping saau1 saau2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition height or stature of a person , tall ; a tall trunk , ( dialect ) to sit down and take some rest
Pinyin HAI2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition height or stature of a person , tall ; a tall trunk , ( dialect ) to sit down and take some rest
Pinyin hái

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to walk , ( corrupted form of ) evil , to shoot

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to walk , ( corrupted form of ) evil , to shoot
Pinyin chēn

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin GU1 On KO Kun TAGA

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping ku1 kwu1 On KO Kun TAGA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mountain sedan chair ; ( Cant .) a simple container without a cover
Pinyin DOU1 Jyutping dau1 On TOU TSU Kun KAIBAOKE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mountain sedan chair ; ( Cant .) a simple container without a cover
Pinyin dōu Jyutping dau1 On TOU TSU Kun KAIBAOKE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stop , halt ; stay , detain , keep
Pinyin LIU2 LIU3 LIU4 Jyutping lau4 On RYUU RU Kun TOMERU TODOMARU TOMARU Hangul Korean LYU Tang *liou Viet lưu
Variant U+7544

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stop , halt ; stay , detain , keep
Pinyin liú Jyutping lau4 On RYUU RU Kun TOMERU TODOMARU TOMARU Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYU Tang *liou Viet lưu
Variant U+7544

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bare , nude ; undress , strip
Pinyin LUO3 Jyutping lo2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bare , nude ; undress , strip
Pinyin luǒ Jyutping lo2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a dark , sallow colour
Pinyin LI2 LAI2 Jyutping lai4 On REI RAI RI Kun KUROI Korean LI LYE LAY

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a dark , sallow colour
Pinyin Jyutping lai4 On REI RAI RI Kun KUROI Korean LI LYE LAY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fine-toothed comb ; comb hair
Pinyin BI4 PI2 Jyutping bei1 bei6 On HEI Kun HERA NO Hangul Korean PI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fine-toothed comb ; comb hair
Pinyin Jyutping bei1 bei6 On HEI Kun HERA NO Hangul : 1N Korean PI

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YU2

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slips of bamboo provided for writing in ancient times
Pinyin XIE4 Jyutping se3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition slips of bamboo provided for writing in ancient times
Pinyin xiè Jyutping se3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition not well-formed figure , incorrect ; unrespectable ; improper physical build
Pinyin LONG3 Jyutping lung5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition not well-formed figure , incorrect ; unrespectable ; improper physical build
Pinyin lǒng Jyutping lung5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a bamboo basket for fishing , name of a variety of bamboo , thin and flat slips of bamboo used for weaving purpose
Pinyin PAN2 Jyutping bun1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a bamboo basket for fishing , name of a variety of bamboo , thin and flat slips of bamboo used for weaving purpose
Pinyin bān Jyutping bun1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to govern , to oversee , to manage , to direct official duty , office
Pinyin ZHI2 Jyutping zik1 On SHOKU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to govern , to oversee , to manage , to direct official duty , office
Pinyin zhí Jyutping zik1 On SHOKU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with a symmetric well-formed ; upright ; respectable ; proper carriage
Pinyin QIN3 YIN3 ZHEN3

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