
JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 御詠歌 ; ご詠歌
Reading ごえいか
Translation eng song in praise of the Buddha Translation ger Pilgerlied

JMdict 200217
Word 詠歌
Reading えいか ; えいが
Translation hun vers Translation spa poema ; canción ( Bud .) canción del peregrino
Translation eng poem ( esp . tanka ) ; song ; composition of a poem or song ; pilgrim's song ; pilgrim's hymn ; singing a poem or song in a loud voice Translation ger Verfassen eines Gedichts ; Dichtung ; Gedicht ; Rezitieren eines Gedichtes ; Pilgerlied Translation fre hymne de pélerinage ( boudh ) ; poême , chanson ( préparation de ) Translation rus 1) сочинение ( сложение ) стихов ; 2) ( буд .) хорал
Crossref 御詠歌

JMdict 200217
Word 御詠歌 ; ご詠歌
Reading ごえいか
Translation eng pilgrim's song ; pilgrim's hymn ; song in praise of the Buddha Translation ger Pilgerlied Translation rus ( буд .) песня паломников

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