Unicode 5.2
Character Definition precedent , example ; regulation
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6 On REI RETSU Kun TATOERU TAGUI TAMESHI Hangul Korean LYEY Viet lề
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arise , go up ; hoist ; advance
Pinyin SHENG1 Jyutping sing1 On SHOU Kun MASU NOBORU Hangul Korean SUNG Tang *shiəng Viet thăng
Variant U+6607
Hong Kong proper shape 0428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition correspondence ; a case ; a box
Pinyin HAN2 Jyutping haam4 On KAN Kun IRERU HAKO Hangul Korean HAM Tang hæm Viet hòm
Variant U+51FE
PRC Telegraph Code 0428 Taiwan Telegraph 0428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition precedent , example ; regulation
Pinyin Jyutping lai6 On REI RETSU Kun TATOERU TAGUI TAMESHI Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYEY Viet lề
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition arise , go up ; hoist ; advance
Pinyin shēng Jyutping sing1 On SHOU Kun MASU NOBORU Hangul : 0N Korean SUNG Tang *shiəng Viet thăng
Variant U+6607
Hong Kong proper shape 0428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition correspondence ; a case ; a box
Pinyin hán Jyutping haam4 On KAN Kun IRERU HAKO Hangul : 0N Korean HAM Tang hæm Viet hòm
Variant U+51FE
PRC Telegraph Code 0428 Taiwan Telegraph 0428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to move ; to shake ; to rock ; to excite , to decrease ; to reduce ; to diminish ; to subtract ; to deduct , to shoulder ; to take upon on oneself
Pinyin HAI4 Jyutping hoi6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to move ; to shake ; to rock ; to excite , to decrease ; to reduce ; to diminish ; to subtract ; to deduct , to shoulder ; to take upon on oneself
Pinyin hài Jyutping hoi6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin AI2 On GAI Kun IGAMU Korean AY

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fold hands on breast ; bow , salute
Pinyin GONG3 Jyutping gung2 On KYOU Kun KOMANUKU Hangul Korean KONG Tang *giǒng Viet cõng

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin ái On GAI Kun IGAMU Korean AY

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fold hands on breast ; bow , salute
Pinyin gǒng Jyutping gung2 On KYOU Kun KOMANUKU Hangul : 0N Korean KONG Tang *giǒng Viet cõng

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin gǒng Jyutping gung2 On KYOU KU KYOKU KOKU KIKU Kun TEKASE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition howl , roar
Pinyin XIAO1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fist ; various forms of boxing
Pinyin QUAN2 Jyutping kyun4 On KEN GEN Kun KOBUSHI Hangul Korean KWEN Tang ghyuɛn Viet quyền

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition howl , roar
Pinyin xiào

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fist ; various forms of boxing
Pinyin quán Jyutping kyun4 On KEN GEN Kun KOBUSHI Hangul : 0E Korean KWEN Tang ghyuɛn Viet quyền

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fast , speedy
Pinyin PIAO1 PIAO4 Jyutping piu1 piu3 On HEU Kun HAYAI YURERU MIDARERU Hangul Korean PHYO

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢫤

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fast , speedy
Pinyin piào Jyutping piu1 piu3 On HEU Kun HAYAI YURERU MIDARERU Hangul : 1N Korean PHYO

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢫤

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used in onomatopoetic expressions
Pinyin LOU5 LOU2 Jyutping lau1 lau4 On ROU RU Kun URUSAISAAMA MIDARERU Hangul Korean LWU Viet làu
Simplified U+55BD

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢫥

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition used in onomatopoetic expressions
Pinyin lóu Jyutping lau1 lau4 On ROU RU Kun URUSAISAAMA MIDARERU Hangul : 1N Korean LWU Viet làu
Simplified U+55BD

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢫥

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of laughter ; bad , malevolent
Pinyin GA1 GA3 Jyutping gaa1 gaa4 On KATSU KECHI Hangul Korean AL
Variant U+5C1C

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢫦 Definition variant of , to clap , tap , beat ; a beat or rhythm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sound of laughter ; bad , malevolent
Pinyin Jyutping gaa1 gaa4 On KATSU KECHI Hangul : 1N Korean AL
Variant U+5C1C

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢫦 Definition variant of , to clap , tap , beat ; a beat or rhythm
Jyutping paak3 On HAKU HYOU Kun UTSU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition legendary auspicious animal
Pinyin QI2 Jyutping kei4 On KI GI Hangul Korean KI Tang ghiə Viet

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition legendary auspicious animal
Pinyin Jyutping kei4 On KI GI Hangul : 0N Korean KI Tang ghiə Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bind with rope , fasten
Pinyin SHUAN1 Jyutping saan1 On SEN Kun ERABU
Variant U+63CE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bind with rope , fasten
Pinyin shuān Jyutping saan1 On SEN Kun ERABU
Variant U+63CE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to make , prepare , manufacture ; workmanship ; an arrangement
Pinyin CUN2 On SON Kun KOSHIRAERU Hangul Korean CON Viet dồn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to make , prepare , manufacture ; workmanship ; an arrangement
Pinyin cún On SON Kun KOSHIRAERU Hangul : 1N Korean CON Viet dồn

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢫧

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢫧
Pinyin zhǒu

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢫨 Definition ( Cant .) to push from behind
Jyutping ngung2

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢫨 Definition ( Cant .) to push from behind
Pinyin rǒng Jyutping ngung2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition press , squeeze hard ; force
Pinyin ZAN3 ZA1 Jyutping zaat3 On SATSU Kun SEMARU Hangul Korean CHAL

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition press , squeeze hard ; force
Pinyin Jyutping zaat3 On SATSU Kun SEMARU Hangul :1 Korean CHAL

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition felicity , prosperity ; large and strong
Pinyin GU3 JIA3 Jyutping gaa2 gu2 On KA KE Kun SAIWAI Korean HA KA

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢫩

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition felicity , prosperity ; large and strong
Pinyin Jyutping gaa2 gu2 On KA KE Kun SAIWAI Hangul :N :N Korean HA KA

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢫩

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition torture and interrogate ; hit
Pinyin KAO3 Jyutping haau1 haau2 On GOU KOU Kun UTSU Hangul Korean KO Viet khỉu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition torture and interrogate ; hit
Pinyin kǎo Jyutping haau1 haau2 On GOU KOU Kun UTSU Hangul : 0N Korean KO Viet khỉu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition final exclamatory particle
Pinyin XIAO1 JIAO1 Jyutping haau1 On HAU HEU RAUROU BIU MIU Hangul Korean KYO

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHI3 YI2 Jyutping ji4

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