Unicode 5.2
Character Definition combine
Pinyin BING4 On HEI Kun AWASERU NARABU SHIKASHI Hangul Korean PYENG Tang *biɛ̌ng biɛ̌ng Viet tính
Variant U+4F75
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0458

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dislike , detest , reject ; satiate
Pinyin YAN4 YA1 YAN1 Jyutping jim1 jim3 On EN OU YOU Kun AKIRU ITOU Hangul Korean YEM YEP Tang *qiɛ̀m Viet ướm
Simplified U+538C
Hong Kong proper shape 0458

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition temple , shrine , monastary
Pinyin CHA4 SHA1 Jyutping caat3 saat3 On SATSU SECHI Kun HATABASHIRA TERA KUNI Hangul Korean CHAL
Traditional U+524E
PRC Telegraph Code 0458 Taiwan Telegraph 0458

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition combine
Pinyin bìng On HEI Kun AWASERU NARABU SHIKASHI Hangul : 0N Korean PYENG Tang *biɛ̌ng biɛ̌ng Viet tính
Variant U+4F75
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0458

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dislike , detest , reject ; satiate
Pinyin yàn Jyutping jim1 jim3 On EN OU YOU Kun AKIRU ITOU Hangul : 0N Korean YEM YEP Tang *qiɛ̀m Viet ướm
Simplified U+538C
Hong Kong proper shape 0458

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition temple , shrine , monastary
Pinyin shā Jyutping caat3 saat3 On SATSU SECHI Kun HATABASHIRA TERA KUNI Hangul : 0N Korean CHAL
Traditional U+524E
PRC Telegraph Code 0458 Taiwan Telegraph 0458

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢶃

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢶃
Pinyin fán

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be silent , be quiet

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition be silent , be quiet
Pinyin hēi Jyutping hei1 On BOKU MOKU KOKU Kun SHIZUKA DAMARU AGIMUKU Hangul : 1N Korean MWUK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition furrow in field , small drainage ditch
Pinyin ZHEN4 Jyutping zan3 On SHIU SHU SHIN SON SHUN Kun MIZO

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢶄

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition furrow in field , small drainage ditch
Pinyin zhèn Jyutping zan3 On SHIU SHU SHIN SON SHUN Kun MIZO

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢶄

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scar ; mark ; trace
Pinyin HEN2 GEN4 Jyutping han4 On KON Kun ATO Hangul Korean HUN Tang *hən Viet nốt ngấn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition scar ; mark ; trace
Pinyin hén Jyutping han4 On KON Kun ATO Hangul : 0N Korean HUN Tang *hən Viet nốt ngấn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to wound ; to damage ; to destroy ; to injure
Pinyin HUI3 Jyutping wai2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to wound ; to damage ; to destroy ; to injure
Pinyin huǐ Jyutping wai2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition very , quite , much
Pinyin HEN3 Jyutping han2 On KON Kun MOTORU Hangul Korean HUN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition very , quite , much
Pinyin hěn Jyutping han2 On KON Kun MOTORU Hangul : 1N Korean HUN

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZHUO2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin zhuó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vicious , cruel ; severely , extreme
Pinyin HEN3 YIN2 YAN2 KEN3 HANG3 Jyutping han2 On GAN KON Kun MOTORU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vicious , cruel ; severely , extreme
Pinyin hěn Jyutping han2 On GAN KON Kun MOTORU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition select , choose , pick out
Pinyin ZE2 ZHAI2 Jyutping zaak6 On TAKU EKI Kun ERABU YABURERU Hangul Korean THAYK Tang djhæk Viet trạch
Simplified U+62E9 Variant U+629E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition select , choose , pick out
Pinyin Jyutping zaak6 On TAKU EKI Kun ERABU YABURERU Hangul : 0E Korean THAYK Tang djhæk Viet trạch
Simplified U+62E9 Variant U+629E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hatred , dislike ; resent , hate
Pinyin HEN4 Jyutping han6 On KON Kun URAMU URAMESHII URAMI Hangul Korean HAN Tang *hə̀n Viet hận

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hatred , dislike ; resent , hate
Pinyin hèn Jyutping han6 On KON Kun URAMU URAMESHII URAMI Hangul : 0E Korean HAN Tang *hə̀n Viet hận

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PU1 BU3

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smoothly , progressing , no trouble
Pinyin HENG1 XIANG3 PENG1 Jyutping hang1 paang1 On KYOU KOU HOU Kun TATEMATSURU TOORU Hangul Korean HYENG PHAYNG Viet hanh

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smoothly , progressing , no trouble
Pinyin hēng Jyutping hang1 paang1 On KYOU KOU HOU Kun TATEMATSURU TOORU Hangul : 0E Korean HYENG PHAYNG Viet hanh

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢶅 Definition to divine ; to fold
Jyutping sip3

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢶅 Definition to divine ; to fold
Pinyin shé Jyutping sip3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hum ; sing softly ; groan , moan ; ( Cant .) an interjecting indicating disapproval
Pinyin HENG1 Jyutping hang1 hng6 ng1 On KOU KYOU Kun OBIERU Korean HYENG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hum ; sing softly ; groan , moan ; ( Cant .) an interjecting indicating disapproval
Pinyin hēng Jyutping hang1 hng6 ng1 On KOU KYOU Kun OBIERU Korean HYENG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pierce ; to break through
Pinyin CHUO4 CHUO1 Jyutping cok3 On SAKU TAKU SHOKU ZOKU Kun SASU Hangul Korean CHAK Viet thọc

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to pierce ; to break through
Pinyin chuò Jyutping cok3 On SAKU TAKU SHOKU ZOKU Kun SASU Hangul : 1N Korean CHAK Viet thọc

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strike , hit , beat ; attack , fight
Pinyin JI1 JI2 JI4 XI2 Jyutping gik1 On GEKI KEKI Kun UTSU Hangul Korean KYEK Tang *gek
Simplified U+51FB Variant U+6483

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition strike , hit , beat ; attack , fight
Pinyin Jyutping gik1 On GEKI KEKI Kun UTSU Hangul : 0E Korean KYEK Tang *gek
Simplified U+51FB Variant U+6483

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a tool to make ( crumble and to make smooth ) a bow , to beat ; to strike ; to attack
Pinyin TUN2 Jyutping tyun4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a tool to make ( crumble and to make smooth ) a bow , to beat ; to strike ; to attack
Pinyin tún Jyutping tyun4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition obstruct , impede ; stop ; resist
Pinyin DANG3 DANG4 TANG3 Jyutping dong2 dong3 On TOU Kun SAKERU
Simplified U+6321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to obstruct ; shut out ; shelter from ; keep off ; stop ; resist
Pinyin dǎng Jyutping dong2 dong3 On TOU Kun SAKERU
Simplified U+6321

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢶆

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢶆

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢶇

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢶇
Pinyin qióng

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