Unicode 5.2
Character Definition saline soil ; natural salt , rock
Pinyin LU3 Jyutping lou5 On RO Kun SHIO SHIOCHI TATE Hangul Korean LO
Simplified U+5364
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 197.0 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 197.0

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠧸
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 197.0 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 197.0

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition saline soil ; natural salt , rock
Pinyin Jyutping lou5 On RO Kun SHIO SHIOCHI TATE Hangul : 0N Korean LO
Simplified U+5364
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 197.0 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 197.0

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠧸
KangXi Radical-Stroke Count 197.0 Unicode Radical-Stroke Count 197.0

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LING2 On REI RYOU Kun AZANA Hangul Korean LYENG Viet lanh

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition 5th of the 8 trigrams ; south-east ; mild , modest , obedient
Pinyin XUN4 Jyutping seon3 On SON Kun TATSUMI Hangul Korean SON Viet rốn
Variant U+5DFA

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin líng On REI RYOU Kun AZANA Hangul : 1N Korean LYENG Viet lanh

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition 5th of the 8 trigrams ; south-east ; mild , modest , obedient
Pinyin xùn Jyutping seon3 On SON Kun TATSUMI Hangul : 0N Korean SON Viet rốn
Variant U+5DFA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of cattle
Pinyin LING2 Jyutping ling4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition entire , whole

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of cattle
Pinyin líng Jyutping ling4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition entire , whole

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition repose , serenity , peace ; peaceful
Pinyin NING2 NING4 ZHU4 Jyutping ning4 On NEI NYOU Kun YASUI MUSHIRO NANZO Hangul Korean NYENG Tang *neng neng
Simplified U+5B81

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition suddenly , abruptly ; neglect
Pinyin HU1 Jyutping fat1 On KOTSU Kun YURUGASENI TACHIMACHI Hangul Korean HOL Tang *xuət Viet hốt

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition repose , serenity , peace ; peaceful
Pinyin níng Jyutping ning4 On NEI NYOU Kun YASUI MUSHIRO NANZO Hangul : 0E :0 :0 Korean NYENG Tang *neng neng
Simplified U+5B81

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition suddenly , abruptly ; neglect
Pinyin Jyutping fat1 On KOTSU Kun YURUGASENI TACHIMACHI Hangul : 0E Korean HOL Tang *xuət Viet hốt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used as a term of comparison : -rather ; it is better ; would that
Pinyin NING2 NING4 Jyutping ning4 On NEI Kun MUSHIRO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition absent-minded , confused
Pinyin HU1 BU1 Jyutping fat1 On KOTSU Kun HORERU Hangul Korean HOL Tang xuət Viet hốt

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition used as a term of comparison : -rather ; it is better ; would that
Pinyin níng Jyutping ning4 On NEI Kun MUSHIRO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition absent-minded , confused
Pinyin Jyutping fat1 On KOTSU Kun HORERU Hangul : 0N Korean HOL Tang xuət Viet hốt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition down ; to see obscurely , ( same as U+401B )
Pinyin GU3 MEI4 XUE2 Jyutping faat1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( archaic ) a wren
Pinyin NING2 Jyutping ning4
Simplified U+2B6E2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition down ; to see obscurely , ( same as U+401B )
Pinyin Jyutping faat1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( archaic ) a wren
Pinyin níng Jyutping ning4
Simplified U+2B6E2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the sky ; the heaven ; the void , Nature ; God , big ; large ; great , light ; bright
Pinyin MING2 Jyutping ming4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sound of wind , a gale ; a typhoon
Jyutping fat1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) the sky ; the heaven ; the void , Nature ; God , big ; large ; great , light ; bright
Pinyin níng Jyutping ming4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the sound of wind , a gale ; a typhoon
Pinyin Jyutping fat1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interrogative or exclamatory final particle
Pinyin HU1 HU2 Jyutping fu1 fu4 wu4 On KO Kun YO KANA KA Hangul Korean HO Tang ho Viet hồ

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition interrogative or exclamatory final particle
Pinyin Jyutping fu1 fu4 wu4 On KO Kun YO KANA KA Hangul : 0E Korean HO Tang ho Viet hồ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition breathe sigh , exhale ; call , shout
Pinyin HU1 XU1 Jyutping fu1 On KO Kun YOBU Hangul Korean HO Tang *xo Viet
Variant U+8B3C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition breathe sigh , exhale ; call , shout
Pinyin Jyutping fu1 On KO Kun YOBU Hangul : 0E Korean HO Tang *xo Viet
Variant U+8B3C

Unicode 5.2
Character 𧕝

Unicode 12.1
Character 𧕝
Pinyin níng

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