Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clear ; bright and brilliant ; swea
Pinyin CI3 Jyutping ci2 On SEI SAI SHI Kun KIYOI Hangul Korean CA
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 6974

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin CAN1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul Korean SIK
Variant U+9910
KS X 1002:1991 6974

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition end of spine ; buttocks , sacrum
Pinyin KAO1 Jyutping haau1 On KOU Kun SHIRI Hangul Korean KO
GB 12345-90 6974 GB 2312-80 6974

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thereupon , then ; how? why? where?
Pinyin YAN1 YI2 Jyutping jin1 jin4 On EN I Kun IZUKUNSO SUNAWACHI KORE Hangul Korean EN Tang *qyɛn hyɛn Viet vờn
KS X 1001:1992 6974

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rope , string , cord ; measure , restrain
Pinyin SHENG2 MIN3 YING4 SHENG4 Jyutping sing4 On JOU BIN YOU Kun NAWA TADASU Hangul Korean SUNG Tang jhiəng Viet thằng
Simplified U+7EF3 Variant U+7E04
JIS X 0208-1990 6974

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sleeve
Pinyin TAO2 On TAU DOU
GB 7590-87 6974

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boring tool
Pinyin TANG1 TANG2 Jyutping tong1 On TOU Hangul Korean TANG
Simplified U+9557
Taiwan Telegraph 6974

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HENG2 On KOU Viet lỏng vành
JIS X 0212-1990 6974

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boring tool
Pinyin TANG1 Jyutping tong1
Traditional U+93DC
PRC Telegraph Code 6974

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin DI4 On TEI CHI SHI Kun KANZASHI NE Viet ghế
Unicode Code Point 6974

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xue2 Reading On ガク Reading Kun まな .ぶ Nanori たか ; のり Reading Korean hag Reading Korean
Meaning study ; learning ; science Meaning fr étudier ; apprendre ; science Meaning es estudio ; aprendizaje ; ciencia ; estudiar Meaning pt estudo ; aprendizagem ; ciência
Dictionary dr_moro 6974

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning cockatoo
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition clear ; bright and brilliant ; sweat
Pinyin Jyutping ci2 On SEI SAI SHI Kun KIYOI Hangul : 1N Korean CA
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin cān Jyutping caan1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul :1 Korean SIK
Variant U+9910
KS X 1002:1991 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition end of spine ; buttocks , sacrum
Pinyin kāo Jyutping haau1 On KOU Kun SHIRI Hangul : 0N Korean KO
GB 12345-90 6974 GB 2312-80 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thereupon , then ; how? why? where?
Pinyin yān Jyutping jin1 jin4 On EN I Kun IZUKUNSO SUNAWACHI KORE Hangul : 0E Korean EN Tang *qyɛn hyɛn Viet vờn
KS X 1001:1992 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rope , string , cord ; measure , restrain
Pinyin shéng Jyutping sing4 On JOU BIN YOU Kun NAWA TADASU Hangul : 0N Korean SUNG Tang jhiəng Viet thằng
Simplified U+7EF3 Variant U+7E04
JIS X 0208-1990 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the sleeve
Pinyin táo On TAU DOU
GB 7590-87 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition boring tool
Pinyin tāng Jyutping tong1 On TOU Hangul : 1N Korean TANG
Simplified U+9557
Taiwan Telegraph 6974

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin héng On KOU Viet lỏng vành
JIS X 0212-1990 6974

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition boring tool
Pinyin tāng Jyutping tong1
Traditional U+93DC
PRC Telegraph Code 6974

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin On TEI CHI SHI Kun KANZASHI NE Viet ghế
Unicode Code Point 6974

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin wu3 Reading On ブ ; ム Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning cockatoo
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 6974

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xue2 Reading On ガク Reading Kun まな .ぶ Nanori たか ; のり Reading Korean hag Reading Korean
Meaning study ; learning ; science Meaning fr étudier ; apprendre ; science Meaning es estudio ; aprendizaje ; ciencia ; estudiar Meaning pt estudo ; aprendizagem ; ciência
Dictionary dr_moro 6974

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