Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical of ) to meet ; to assemble , to co-operate , a society ; a guild ; an association
Pinyin HUI4 Jyutping gwat3 mok6 wui6
Cangjie Input Code OMWA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to assemble , meet together ; a meeting ; an organization
Pinyin HUI4 KUAI4 GUI4 Jyutping kui2 wui2 wui4 wui5 wui6 On KAI E Kun AU Hangul Korean HOY KOY Tang *huɑ̀i Viet hội
Simplified U+4F1A
Cangjie Input Code OMWA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( non-classical of ) to meet ; to assemble , to co-operate , a society ; a guild ; an association
Pinyin huì Jyutping gwat3 mok6 wui6
Cangjie Input Code OMWA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to assemble , meet together ; a meeting ; an organization
Pinyin huì Jyutping kui2 wui2 wui4 wui5 wui6 On KAI E Kun AU Hangul : 0E Korean HOY KOY Tang *huɑ̀i Viet hội
Simplified U+4F1A
Cangjie Input Code OMWA

JMdict 200217
Word 城郭 ; 城廓
Reading じょうかく
Translation dut kasteel ; slot ; burcht ; citadel ; vesting ; fort ; sterkte ; kasteelmuur ; burchtwal ; vestingwal ; vestwal ; wallen ; omwalling Translation hun kerítés
Translation eng fortress ; castle ; citadel ; enclosure ; castle walls Translation ger Burg ; Schloss ; Burgmauer ; Stadtmauer Translation fre château fort ; citadelle ; forteresse Translation rus крепость , цитадель ; твердыня

JMdict 200217
Word 歩き回る ; 歩きまわる ; 歩き廻る
Reading あるきまわる
Translation dut rondlopen ; rondgaan ; rondwandelen ; rondstappen ; omwandelen ; omlopen ; wat heen en weer wandelen ; heen en weer lopen ; op en neer lopen ; over en weer lopen ; her- en derwaarts kuieren {i .h.b.} ; rondkuieren {i .h.b.} ; rondstruinen {i .h.b.} ; rondslenteren {i .h.b.} ; omdolen {i .h.b.} ; ronddolen {i .h.b.} ; rondzwerven {i .h.b.} ; omdwalen {i .h.b.} ; ronddwalen {i .h.b.} ; omzwalken {i .h.b.} ; rondwaren {i .h.b.} ; {i .h.b. ; inform .} rondbanjeren ; ronddarren {i .h.b.} ; ronddalven {i .h.b.} Translation spa ir de aquí para allá ; ir y venir
Translation eng to walk about ; to walk to and fro ; to pace around Translation ger herumgehen Translation rus ходить кругом ( взад и вперёд ), бродить

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