Unicode 5.2
Character Definition think of , recall , study
Pinyin NIAN4 Jyutping nim6 On NEN Kun OMOU NENJIRU Hangul Korean NYEM Tang *nèm Viet niệm
Variant U+F9A3
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0424

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ten , tenth ; complete ; perfect Value 10
Pinyin SHI2 Jyutping sap6 On JUU JITSU Kun TOU TOTABI Hangul Korean SIP Tang *zhip Viet thập
Variant U+F973
Hong Kong proper shape 0424

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition protrude , bulge out , convex
Pinyin TU1 Jyutping dat6 On TOTSU Kun DERU Hangul Korean CHEL TOL
PRC Telegraph Code 0424 Taiwan Telegraph 0424

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition think of , recall , study
Pinyin niàn Jyutping nim6 On NEN Kun OMOU NENJIRU Hangul : 0E :0 Korean NYEM Tang *nèm Viet niệm
Variant U+F9A3
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0424

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ten , tenth ; complete ; perfect Value 10
Pinyin shí Jyutping sap6 On JUU JITSU Kun TOU TOTABI Hangul : 0E Korean SIP Tang *zhip Viet thập
Variant U+F973
Hong Kong proper shape 0424

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition protrude , bulge out , convex
Pinyin Jyutping dat6 On TOTSU Kun DERU Hangul : 0N Korean CHEL TOL
PRC Telegraph Code 0424 Taiwan Telegraph 0424

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PI1 On HI BI Kun HIRAKU Viet phơ

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin On HI BI Kun HIRAKU Viet phơ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ah , final particle
Pinyin YO5 Jyutping jo1 On YAKU Korean YAK
Simplified U+54DF

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZA1 Viet bẹp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ah , final particle
Pinyin Jyutping jo1 On YAKU Korean YAK
Simplified U+54DF

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin jiā Viet bẹp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition whispering
Pinyin ZHA1 CHA1 Jyutping caa1 caa4 zaa1 On SA Kun SAWAGU Korean SA

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢪶

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition whispering
Pinyin zhā Jyutping caa1 caa4 zaa1 On SA Kun SAWAGU Korean SA

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢪶
Pinyin xiāo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition encampment , barracks ; manage
Variant U+71DF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smear , apply , wipe off , erase
Pinyin MO3 MA1 MO4 Jyutping maat3 mut3 On MATSU Kun SURU Hangul Korean MAL Tang *mɑt

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition encampment , barracks ; manage
Pinyin yíng On EI Kun ITONAMU ITONAMI Korean YENG
Variant U+71DF

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smear , apply , wipe off , erase
Pinyin Jyutping maat3 mut3 On MATSU Kun SURU Hangul : 0N Korean MAL Tang *mɑt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition place name
Korean PHOS

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin MEI4 On BAI ME MAI Kun SAGURU Viet vầy

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition place name
Pinyin Korean PHOS

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin mèi On BAI ME MAI Kun SAGURU Viet vầy

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin CAN1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul Korean SIK
Variant U+9910

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pull
Variant U+4F38

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to eat , drink
Pinyin cān Jyutping caan1 Kun KUU KUI Hangul :1 Korean SIK
Variant U+9910

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pull
Pinyin chēn Jyutping can2 On SHIN Kun NOBU NOBERU NOBASU
Variant U+4F38

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mortgage , pledge ; deposit ; to pawn ; to arrest , detain , guard
Pinyin YA1 XIA2 Jyutping aap3 aat3 On OU Kun OSU OSAERU OSHI Hangul Korean AP KAP Viet áp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mortgage , pledge ; deposit ; to pawn ; to arrest , detain , guard
Pinyin Jyutping aap3 aat3 On OU Kun OSU OSAERU OSHI Hangul : 0E Korean AP KAP Viet áp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition draw out , pull out ; sprout
Pinyin CHOU1 Jyutping cau1 On CHUU Kun NUKU HIKU Hangul Korean CHWU Tang *tjiou Viet trừu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition draw out , pull out ; sprout
Pinyin chōu Jyutping cau1 On CHUU Kun NUKU HIKU Hangul : 0E Korean CHWU Tang *tjiou Viet trừu

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QU1 JIE2 Jyutping gip3 keoi1 On KYO KO KYOU KOU Kun TORU Viet khứa

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping gip3 keoi1 On KYO KO KYOU KOU Kun TORU Viet khứa

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chirping of birds
Pinyin SAO4 Jyutping co3 cou3 On SOU SHOU Kun SAWAGU KASHIMASHII SUKI Korean SO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pucker up lips in smile ; press
Pinyin MIN3 Jyutping man5 On BIN MIN Kun NADERU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition chirping of birds
Pinyin zào Jyutping co3 cou3 On SOU SHOU Kun SAWAGU KASHIMASHII SUKI Korean SO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pucker up lips in smile ; press
Pinyin mǐn Jyutping man5 On BIN MIN Kun NADERU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to disturbe ; to agitate ; to harass , to quarrel ; to wrangle
Pinyin GUAI4 Jyutping gwai3 tim4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to disturbe ; to agitate ; to harass , to quarrel ; to wrangle
Pinyin guài Jyutping gwai3 tim4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHU4

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin chù

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JIA1 Viet giơ

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin jiā Jyutping ke2 Viet giơ

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HUO4 Jyutping hok3 hok6 On KAKU KOKU Kun HAKU HAKUSAMA Korean HAK
Variant U+FA0D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shake off , brush away ; dust
Pinyin FU2 BI4 Jyutping faak1 fat1 On FUTSU HOTSU HITSU Kun HARAU Hangul Korean PWUL PHIL Tang *piət Viet phất
Variant U+6255

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping hok3 hok6 On KAKU KOKU Kun HAKU HAKUSAMA Korean HAK
Variant U+FA0D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shake off , brush away ; dust
Pinyin Jyutping faak1 fat1 On FUTSU HOTSU HITSU Kun HARAU Hangul : 0E Korean PWUL PHIL Tang *piət Viet phất
Variant U+6255

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to feel or touch with hands ; to hold , to lay the hand on , to cover
Pinyin JIU4 LIU3 YU2 Jyutping lau5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to feel or touch with hands ; to hold , to lay the hand on , to cover
Pinyin liǔ Jyutping lau5

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