Unicode 5.2
Character Definition make ; seek , get ; barley ; low
Pinyin MOU2 MU4 MAO4 Jyutping mau4 On BOU MU Kun MUSABORU Hangul Korean MO Viet rậm màu
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0849

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition run fast , flee ; rush about ; run
Pinyin BEN1 BEN4 Jyutping ban1 On HON Kun HASHIRU Hangul Korean PWUN Tang *bən
Variant U+7287
Hong Kong proper shape 0849

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition condole with ; coarse
Pinyin YAN4 Jyutping jin5 jin6 ngon6 On GEN GAN Kun TOMURAU TORIMIDASU Korean AN EN Viet ngán
Taiwan Telegraph 0849

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of flying bees , airplanes
Pinyin WENG1 Jyutping jung1 On ROU RA Korean ONG Viet óng
PRC Telegraph Code 0849

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition make ; seek , get ; barley ; low
Pinyin móu Jyutping mau4 On BOU MU Kun MUSABORU Hangul : 0N Korean MO Viet rậm màu
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0849

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition run fast , flee ; rush about ; run
Pinyin bēn Jyutping ban1 On HON Kun HASHIRU Hangul : 0E Korean PWUN Tang *bən
Variant U+7287
Hong Kong proper shape 0849

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition condole with ; coarse
Pinyin yàn Jyutping jin5 jin6 ngon6 On GEN GAN Kun TOMURAU TORIMIDASU Korean AN EN Viet ngán
Taiwan Telegraph 0849

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sound of flying bees , airplanes
Pinyin wēng Jyutping jung1 On ROU RA Korean ONG Viet óng
PRC Telegraph Code 0849

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝍

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝍

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝎
Viet gặt

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝏

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝎
Viet gặt

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝏

Unicode 5.2
Character 禿 Definition bald , bare , stripped
Pinyin TU1 Jyutping tuk1 On TOKU Kun HAGE HAGERU KAMURO Hangul Korean TOK Viet thóc
Simplified U+79C3

Unicode 12.1
Character 禿 Definition bald , bare , stripped
Pinyin Jyutping tuk1 On TOKU Kun HAGE HAGERU KAMURO Hangul : 0N Korean TOK Viet thóc
Simplified U+79C3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ear of grain ; flowering , luxuriant ; refined , elegant , graceful
Pinyin XIU4 Jyutping sau3 On SHUU Kun HIIDERU Hangul Korean SWU Tang *siòu Viet

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ear of grain ; flowering , luxuriant ; refined , elegant , graceful
Pinyin xiù Jyutping sau3 On SHUU Kun HIIDERU Hangul : 0E Korean SWU Tang *siòu Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝐

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝐

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition private , personal ; secret
Pinyin SI1 Jyutping si1 On SHI Kun WATASHI WATAKUSHI HISOKA Hangul Korean SA Tang *si Viet
Variant U+53B6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition private , personal ; secret
Pinyin Jyutping si1 On SHI Kun WATASHI WATAKUSHI HISOKA Hangul : 0E Korean SA Tang *si Viet
Variant U+53B6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin REN2 On JIN NIN

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin rén On JIN NIN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to put forth ears and to blossom of the grains ( corns and cereals )
Pinyin LIAO3 Jyutping liu5

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to put forth ears and to blossom of the grains ( corns and cereals )
Pinyin liǎo Jyutping liu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of grain
Pinyin RENG2 RONG3 Jyutping zing4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of grain
Pinyin réng Jyutping zing4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bald
Pinyin TU1 Jyutping tuk1 On TOKU Kun HAGE HAGERU KAMURO Korean TOK Tang tuk
Traditional U+79BF

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝑

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝒

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝓

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bald
Pinyin Jyutping tuk1 On TOKU Kun HAGE HAGERU KAMURO Korean TOK Tang tuk
Traditional U+79BF

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝑
Pinyin zhī

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝒
Pinyin guà

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝓

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to hoe
Pinyin ZI3 Jyutping zi2 On SHI Kun TSUCHIKAU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to hoe
Pinyin Jyutping zi2 On SHI Kun TSUCHIKAU Hangul :N

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝔

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝔
Pinyin jié

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHA2 Jyutping caa3 caa4

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin chá Jyutping caa3 caa4

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥝕

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥝕
Pinyin máng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition grains producing neither flower nor fruit
Pinyin YU2 YU3 Jyutping zaau4 zeoi4 zyu1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition grains producing neither flower nor fruit
Pinyin Jyutping zaau4 zeoi4 zyu1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition straw ; stalk of grain
Pinyin GAN3 Jyutping gon2 Hangul Korean KAN
Traditional U+7A08

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition straw ; stalk of grain
Pinyin gǎn Jyutping gon2 Hangul : 1N Korean KAN
Traditional U+7A08

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition skill , ability in handicraft a craft , an art , a calling ; a trade ; an accomplishment
Pinyin YI4 ZHI2 On GEI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition skill , ability in handicraft a craft , an art , a calling ; a trade ; an accomplishment
Pinyin On GEI

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