Unicode 5.2
Character Definition style , system , formula , rule
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sik1 On SHIKI SHOKU Kun NORI NOTTORU Hangul Korean SIK Tang shiək Viet thức
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fill ; full , overflowing ; surplus
Pinyin YING2 Jyutping jing4 On EI Kun MICHIRU Hangul Korean YENG Tang *iɛng Viet dềnh
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stand ; let stand ; establish , set
Pinyin LI4 WEI4 Jyutping laap6 lap6 On RITSU RYUU Kun TATSU TATERU TACHIDOKORO Hangul Korean LIP Tang *lip Viet lập
Variant U+F9F7
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition moss , lichen
Pinyin TAI2 TAI1 Jyutping toi1 toi4 On TAI Kun KOKE Hangul Korean THAY Tang *dhəi Viet đầy
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bribe ; bribes ; riches , wealth
Pinyin HUI4 Jyutping fui2 kui2 On WAI KAI Kun MAKANAU MAINAU MAKANAI Hangul Korean HOY
Simplified U+8D3F
Hong Kong proper shape 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition then ; really , indeed ; as it turned out , after all ; namely
Pinyin NAI3 Jyutping naai5 oi2 On DAI AI NAI Kun SUNAWACHI NO Hangul Korean NAY Tang *nəǐ nəǐ Viet nải
Variant U+5EFC
JIS X 0208-1990 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition another , separate , other
Pinyin LING4 Jyutping ling6 On REI RYAU Kun WAKARERU SAKU BETSUNO BETSUNI Hangul Korean LYENG Viet lánh
KPS 10721-2000 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition moat , trench , pit , cavity
Pinyin QIAN4 Jyutping cim3
Traditional U+5879
GB 2312-80 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition moat , trench , pit , cavity
Pinyin QIAN4 Jyutping cim3 On ZAN SEN Kun HORI Hangul Korean CHAM Tang tsiɛ̀m
Simplified U+5811
GB 12345-90 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition river in Hebei province
Pinyin XIAO2 Jyutping ngaau4 On KOU KYOU
JIS X 0212-1990 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition glazed tiles , bricks
Pinyin PI4 Jyutping pik1 On HEKI Kun KAWARA Hangul Korean PYEK Viet bịch
PRC Telegraph Code 3921 Taiwan Telegraph 3921

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to surprise ; to amaze , afraid ; scared ; fearful ; terrified , grieved ; distressed ; grieved ; distressed
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lai6 Viet sệt
Unicode Code Point 3921

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tai2 ; tai1 Reading On タイ Reading Kun こけ ; こけら Reading Korean tae Reading Korean
Meaning moss ; lichen
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition style , system , formula , rule
Pinyin shì Jyutping sik1 On SHIKI SHOKU Kun NORI NOTTORU Hangul : 0E Korean SIK Tang shiək Viet thức
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fill ; full , overflowing ; surplus
Pinyin yíng Jyutping jing4 On EI Kun MICHIRU Hangul : 0N Korean YENG Tang *iɛng Viet dềnh
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stand ; let stand ; establish , set
Pinyin Jyutping laap6 lap6 On RITSU RYUU Kun TATSU TATERU TACHIDOKORO Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LIP Tang *lip Viet lập
Variant U+F9F7
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition moss , lichen
Pinyin tái Jyutping toi1 toi4 On TAI Kun KOKE Hangul : 0N Korean THAY Tang *dhəi Viet đầy
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bribe ; bribes ; riches , wealth
Pinyin huì Jyutping fui2 kui2 On WAI KAI Kun MAKANAU MAINAU MAKANAI Hangul : 0N Korean HOY
Simplified U+8D3F
Hong Kong proper shape 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition then ; really , indeed ; as it turned out , after all ; namely
Pinyin nǎi Jyutping naai5 oi2 On DAI AI NAI Kun SUNAWACHI NO Hangul : 0E Korean NAY Tang *nəǐ nəǐ Viet nải
Variant U+5EFC
JIS X 0208-1990 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition another , separate , other
Pinyin lìng Jyutping ling6 On REI RYAU Kun WAKARERU SAKU BETSUNO BETSUNI Hangul : 1N Korean LYENG Viet lánh
KPS 10721-2000 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition moat , trench , pit , cavity
Pinyin qiàn Jyutping cim3
Traditional U+5879
GB 2312-80 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition moat , trench , pit , cavity
Pinyin qiàn Jyutping cim3 On ZAN SEN Kun HORI Hangul : 0N Korean CHAM Tang tsiɛ̀m
Simplified U+5811
GB 12345-90 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition river in Hebei province
Pinyin xiáo Jyutping ngaau4 On KOU KYOU Hangul :N
JIS X 0212-1990 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition glazed tiles , bricks
Pinyin Jyutping pik1 On HEKI Kun KAWARA Hangul : 1N Korean PYEK Viet bịch
PRC Telegraph Code 3921 Taiwan Telegraph 3921

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to surprise ; to amaze , afraid ; scared ; fearful ; terrified , grieved ; distressed ; grieved ; distressed
Pinyin Jyutping lai6 Viet sệt
Unicode Code Point 3921

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tai2 ; tai1 Reading On タイ Reading Kun こけ ; こけら Reading Korean tae Reading Korean
Meaning moss ; lichen
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3921

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fu3 Reading On Reading Kun くさ .る ; -くさ .る ; くさ . れる ; くさ .れ ; くさ . らす ; くさ .す Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning rot ; decay ; sour Meaning fr pourrir ; putréfier ; aigre Meaning es putrefacción ; descomposición ; agrio ; pudrirse ; descomponerse ; corromperse ; agriarse Meaning pt prodre ; apodrecer ; azedar
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 3921

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YUAN1 GUN3 Jyutping gwan2 jyun1 On EN ON KEN KON Kun ZUKIN

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yuān Jyutping gwan2 jyun1 On EN ON KEN KON Kun ZUKIN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition edge , margin , side , border
Variant U+908A

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bian1 Reading On ヘン Reading Kun あた .り ; ほと .り ; -べ Nanori なべ Reading Korean byeon Reading Korean
Meaning edge ; margin ; side ; border

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition edge , margin , side , border
Pinyin biān On HEN Kun ATARI BE
Variant U+908A

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bian1 Reading On ヘン Reading Kun あた .り ; ほと .り ; -べ Nanori なべ Reading Korean byeon Reading Korean
Meaning edge ; margin ; side ; border

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition edge , margin , side , border
Pinyin BIAN1 Jyutping bin1 On HEN Kun ATARI BE Hangul Korean PYEN Tang *ben Viet biên
Simplified U+8FB9

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bian1 Reading On ヘン Reading Kun あた .り ; ほと .り ; -べ Nanori なべ Reading Korean byeon Reading Korean
Meaning edge ; margin ; side ; border

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition edge , margin , side , border
Pinyin biān Jyutping bin1 On HEN Kun ATARI BE Hangul : 0E Korean PYEN Tang *ben Viet biên
Simplified U+8FB9

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bian1 Reading On ヘン Reading Kun あた .り ; ほと .り ; -べ Nanori なべ Reading Korean byeon Reading Korean
Meaning edge ; margin ; side ; border

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rags
Pinyin LA2 LA1 LIE4 Jyutping laap6 laat6 On RYOU ROU Kun KUJIKU

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin la2 ; la1 Reading On リョウ ; ロウ Reading Kun くじく
Meaning rags

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rags
Pinyin Jyutping laap6 laat6 On RYOU ROU Kun KUJIKU

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin la2 ; la1 Reading On リョウ ; ロウ Reading Kun くじく
Meaning rags

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to walk slowly ; to parade

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin li2 Reading On レイ ; ライ ; チ ; ジ Reading Kun ね.る ; おもむろ ; おそい Reading Korean ryeo
Meaning parade ; walk slowly

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to walk slowly ; to parade
Pinyin On REI RAI CHI JI Kun OMOMURO OSOI Hangul : 1N Korean LYE

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin li2 Reading On レイ ; ライ ; チ ; ジ Reading Kun ね.る ; おもむろ ; おそい Reading Korean ryeo
Meaning parade ; walk slowly

Records 1 - 47 of 47 retrieved in 442 ms