Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to move
Pinyin PAN2 Jyutping po4 pun4 On HAN BAN HA BA Kun OGORU MEKAKE YOROMEKU Hangul Korean PAN
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition residence ; lodge ; dwell
Pinyin YU4 Jyutping jyu6 On GUU GYO Kun YORU YOSERU KAKOTSUKERU Hangul Korean WU Tang ngiǒ Viet ngụ
Variant U+5EBD
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lock , padlock ; shackles , chains
Pinyin SUO3 Jyutping so2 On SA Kun KUSARI TOZASU Hangul Korean SWAY Tang *suɑ̌ Viet toả
Simplified U+9501
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition all , together , unanimous
Pinyin QIAN1 Jyutping cim1 On SEN Kun MINA KOTOGOTOKU TOMONI Hangul Korean CHEM
Simplified U+4F65
JIS X 0208-1990 4901

Unicode 5.2
GB 7589-87 4901

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HANG2
GB 7590-87 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition full year , anniversary
Pinyin JI1 QI2 Jyutping gei1 On KI Kun TOKI Hangul Korean KI
Variant U+671F
KS X 1001:1992 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition millet
Pinyin PI1 Jyutping pei1 On HI HUU HU HYUU HYU Kun KUROKIBI
JIS X 0212-1990 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sackcloth worn on breast during
Pinyin CUI1 SUI1 SHUAI1 Jyutping ceoi1 On SAI SUI SA Hangul Korean CHOY
Simplified U+7F1E
Taiwan Telegraph 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sackcloth worn on breast during
Pinyin SHUAI1 CUI1 Jyutping ceoi1
Traditional U+7E17
PRC Telegraph Code 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition choose , select ; elect ; election
Pinyin XUAN3 SUAN4 Jyutping syun2
Traditional U+9078
GB 2312-80 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition choose , select ; elect ; election
Pinyin XUAN3 SUAN4 XUAN4 Jyutping syun2 On SEN SAN Kun ERABU Hangul Korean SEN Tang *siuɛ̌n Viet tuyển
Simplified U+9009
GB 12345-90 4901

Unicode 5.2
Character 𣅇
KPS 10721-2000 4901

Unicode 5.2

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 四千九百零一 Simplified 四千九百零一
Pinyin si4 qian1 jiu3 bai3 ling2 yi1
Deutsch 4901 ( viertausendneunhunderteins ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin suo3 Reading On Reading Kun くさり ; とざ .す Reading Korean swae Reading Korean
Meaning chain ; irons ; connection Meaning fr chaîne ; fers ; liens Meaning es conexión ; cerrar ; cadena Meaning pt cadeias ; ferros ; conexão
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4901

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chou4 ; xiu4 Reading On シュウ Reading Kun くさ .い ; -くさ .い ; にお .う ; にお .い Reading Korean chwi Reading Korean
Meaning stinking ; ill-smelling ; suspicious looking ; odor ; savor ; fragrance ; be fragrant ; stink ; glow ; be bright Meaning fr sentir mauvais ; malodorant ; odeur ; saveur ; parfum ; puer ; aspect louche ; brillant Meaning es peste ; hedor ; mal olor ; apestar ; oler mal Meaning pt fedendo ; cheiro de doença ; parecer suspeito ; odor ; cheiro ; fragrância ; cheirar ; feder ; brilhar ; brilhante
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to move
Pinyin pán Jyutping po4 pun4 On HAN BAN HA BA Kun OGORU MEKAKE YOROMEKU Hangul : 1N Korean PAN
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition residence ; lodge ; dwell
Pinyin Jyutping jyu6 On GUU GYO Kun YORU YOSERU KAKOTSUKERU Hangul : 0N Korean WU Tang ngiǒ Viet ngụ
Variant U+5EBD
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lock , padlock ; shackles , chains
Pinyin suǒ Jyutping so2 On SA Kun KUSARI TOZASU Hangul : 0E Korean SWAY Tang *suɑ̌ Viet toả
Simplified U+9501
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition all , together , unanimous
Pinyin qiān Jyutping cim1 On SEN Kun MINA KOTOGOTOKU TOMONI Hangul : 0N Korean CHEM
Simplified U+4F65
JIS X 0208-1990 4901

Unicode 12.1
GB 7589-87 4901

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin háng
GB 7590-87 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition full year , anniversary
Pinyin Jyutping gei1 On KI Kun TOKI Hangul : 0N Korean KI
Variant U+671F
KS X 1001:1992 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sackcloth worn on breast during
Pinyin cuī Jyutping ceoi1 On SAI SUI SA Hangul : 1N Korean CHOY
Simplified U+7F1E
Taiwan Telegraph 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character 𣅇
KPS 10721-2000 4901

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin chou4 ; xiu4 Reading On シュウ Reading Kun くさ .い ; -くさ .い ; にお .う ; にお .い Reading Korean chwi Reading Korean
Meaning stinking ; ill-smelling ; suspicious looking ; odor ; savor ; fragrance ; be fragrant ; stink ; glow ; be bright Meaning fr sentir mauvais ; malodorant ; odeur ; saveur ; parfum ; puer ; aspect louche ; brillant Meaning es peste ; hedor ; mal olor ; apestar ; oler mal Meaning pt fedendo ; cheiro de doença ; parecer suspeito ; odor ; cheiro ; fragrância ; cheirar ; feder ; brilhar ; brilhante
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4901

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin suo3 Reading On Reading Kun くさり ; とざ .す Reading Korean swae Reading Korean
Meaning chain ; irons ; connection Meaning fr chaîne ; fers ; liens Meaning es conexión ; cerrar ; cadena Meaning pt cadeias ; ferros ; conexão
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition choose , select ; elect ; election
Pinyin xuǎn Jyutping syun2 On SEN SAN Kun ERABU Hangul : 0E Korean SEN Tang *siuɛ̌n Viet tuyển
Simplified U+9009
GB 12345-90 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition choose , select ; elect ; election
Pinyin xuǎn Jyutping syun2
Traditional U+9078
GB 2312-80 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sackcloth worn on breast during
Pinyin cuī Jyutping ceoi1
Traditional U+7E17
PRC Telegraph Code 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition millet
Pinyin Jyutping pei1 On HI FUU FU HYUU HYU Kun KUROKIBI
JIS X 0212-1990 4901

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cooked or well-done ; prepared or processed , to brew wine and store up for a long time , ( interchangeable ) addicted to alcoholic drinks ; to imbibe or to indulge in ( vices , etc .), to be infatuated with , to be a slave of
Pinyin cén Jyutping dam1
Unicode Code Point 4901

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