
JMdict 100319
Word 一躍
Reading いちやく
Translation eng ( at ) one bound Translation ger mit einem Sprung ; mit einem Satz

JMdict 200217
Word 一躍
Reading いちやく
Translation dut een sprong maken ; sprong ; met één sprong ; plotseling ; plots ; ineens ; opeens Translation spa ( en ) un salto ; un brinco
Translation eng suddenly ( rising to fame , etc .) ; instantly ; immediately ; overnight ; one bound ; one leap Translation ger ein Sprung ; ein Satz ; auf einmal ; plötzlich Translation rus ( прям . и перен .) одним скачком

CEDict 100318
Traditional 一躍而起 Simplified 一跃而起
Pinyin yi1 yue4 er2 qi3
English to jump up suddenly ; to bound up ; to rise up in one bound

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 一躍而起 Simplified 一跃而起
Pinyin yi1 yue4 er2 qi3
Deutsch schwingen (u.E.) (V)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 一躍而起 Simplified 一跃而起
Pinyin yi1 yue4 er2 qi3
English to jump up suddenly ; to bound up ; to rise up in one bound

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 一躍而起 Simplified 一跃而起
Pinyin yi1 yue4 er2 qi3
Deutsch schwingen (V)

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