Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hear ; understand ; obey , comply
Pinyin TING1 TING4 YIN2 Jyutping jan5 teng1 ting1 ting3 On KIN GIN Kun WARAU PONDO Hangul Korean UN Viet thính
Traditional U+807D
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beam
Pinyin MANG2 Jyutping mong4
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to brag ; exaggerated ; to wonder at
Pinyin CHA4 DU4 Jyutping caa3 On TA Kun KAKOTSU WABIRU WABI Hangul Korean THA
Simplified U+8BE7
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wife of father's younger brother
Pinyin SHEN3 Jyutping sam2
Traditional U+5B38
Four-Corner Code 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition small side door ; chamber
Pinyin GE2 HE2 Jyutping gap3 gok3 hap6 On KOU Kun KUGURIDO Hangul Korean HAP
Variant U+5408
Hong Kong proper shape 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slave , servant , I
Pinyin PU2 Jyutping buk6 On BOKU Kun SHIMOBE YATSUGARE Hangul Korean POK Tang *bhuk bhuk Viet bộc
Simplified U+4EC6
JIS X 0208-1990 4345

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LUN2 LUN3 Jyutping leon4 Viet luẩn
KPS 10721-2000 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to skim off , cast away
Pinyin PIE1 PIE3 Jyutping pit3
GB 7590-87 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pig ; lolo aborginal tribe
Pinyin LUO2 E3 Jyutping lo4 On RA
Simplified U+7321
JIS X 0212-1990 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition alum
Pinyin FAN2 Jyutping faan4
Traditional U+792C
PRC Telegraph Code 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition alum
Pinyin FAN2 Jyutping faan4 On BAN HAN Hangul Korean PAN Viet trối phèn
Simplified U+77FE
Taiwan Telegraph 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition numerary adjunct , piece ; single
Pinyin GE4 GE3 Jyutping go3 On KA KO Kun KO KA Hangul Korean KAY Tang gɑ̀ Viet
Variant U+500B
KS X 1001:1992 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition see off , send off ; dispatch , give
Pinyin SONG4 Jyutping sung3 On SOU Kun OKURU OKURI Hangul Korean SONG Tang *sùng Viet tống
GB 12345-90 4345 GB 2312-80 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition containers for water or wine used in ancient times
Pinyin LING2 Jyutping ling4
Unicode Code Point 4345

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pen1 ; pen4 Reading On フン Reading Kun ふ.く Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning erupt ; spout ; emit ; flush out Meaning fr éruption ; jaillir ; émettre ; gicler Meaning es emisión ; erupción ; chorro ; emitir ; hacer erupción ; expeler Meaning pt irromper ; repuxo ; emitir ; excitar
Dictionary dr_moro 4345

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cha4 Reading On Reading Kun わび ; わび . しい ; かこつ ; わ. びる ; わび .る Nanori たく Reading Korean ta Reading Korean
Meaning apologize
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4345

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cuan4 Reading On サン ; セン Reading Kun うば .う Reading Korean chan Reading Korean
Meaning rob
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition hear ; understand ; obey , comply
Pinyin tīng Jyutping jan5 teng1 ting1 ting3 On KIN GIN Kun WARAU PONDO Hangul : 1N Korean UN Viet thính
Traditional U+807D
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition beam
Pinyin máng Jyutping mong4
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to brag ; exaggerated ; to wonder at
Pinyin chà Jyutping caa3 On TA Kun KAKOTSU WABIRU WABI Hangul : 1N Korean THA
Simplified U+8BE7
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wife of father's younger brother
Pinyin shěn Jyutping sam2
Traditional U+5B38
Four-Corner Code 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition small side door ; chamber
Pinyin Jyutping gap3 gok3 hap6 On KOU Kun KUGURIDO Hangul : 0N Korean HAP
Variant U+5408
Hong Kong proper shape 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition slave , servant , I
Pinyin Jyutping buk6 On BOKU Kun SHIMOBE YATSUGARE Hangul : 0N Korean POK Tang *bhuk bhuk Viet bộc
Simplified U+4EC6
JIS X 0208-1990 4345

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin lún Jyutping leon4 Viet luẩn
KPS 10721-2000 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to skim off , cast away
Pinyin piē Jyutping pit3
GB 7590-87 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pig ; lolo aborginal tribe
Pinyin luó Jyutping lo4 On RA
Simplified U+7321
JIS X 0212-1990 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition alum
Pinyin fán Jyutping faan4
Traditional U+792C
PRC Telegraph Code 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition alum
Pinyin fán Jyutping faan4 On BAN HAN Hangul : 0N Korean PAN Viet trối phèn
Simplified U+77FE
Taiwan Telegraph 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition numerary adjunct , piece ; single
Pinyin Jyutping go3 On KA KO Kun KO KA Hangul : 0N Korean KAY Tang gɑ̀ Viet
Variant U+500B
KS X 1001:1992 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition see off , send off ; dispatch , give
Pinyin sòng Jyutping sung3 On SOU Kun OKURU OKURI Hangul : 0E Korean SONG Tang *sùng Viet tống
GB 12345-90 4345 GB 2312-80 4345

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition containers for water or wine used in ancient times
Pinyin líng Jyutping ling4
Unicode Code Point 4345

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin pen1 ; pen4 Reading On フン Reading Kun ふ.く Reading Korean bun Reading Korean
Meaning erupt ; spout ; emit ; flush out Meaning fr éruption ; jaillir ; émettre ; gicler Meaning es emisión ; erupción ; chorro ; emitir ; hacer erupción ; expeler Meaning pt irromper ; repuxo ; emitir ; excitar
Dictionary dr_moro 4345

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cha4 Reading On Reading Kun わび ; わび . しい ; かこつ ; わ. びる ; わび .る Nanori たく Reading Korean ta Reading Korean
Meaning apologize
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4345

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cuan4 Reading On サン ; セン Reading Kun うば .う Reading Korean chan Reading Korean
Meaning rob
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4345

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin lei3 Reading On ライ ; ルイ Reading Kun き ; く ; すき Reading Korean roe Reading Korean
Meaning come ; plough ; three-branch tree radical ( no . 127 )
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 4345

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a concubine of Di Ku , father of the mythical Yao
Pinyin SONG1 Jyutping sung1 On SHUU SHU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be beautiful ; good ; surname
Pinyin E2 Jyutping ngo4 On GA Kun MIMEYOI Hangul Korean A Tang *ngɑ Viet nga

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slender , thin ; sharp-pointed
Pinyin XIAN1 QIAN1 Jyutping cim1 On SEN Kun KAYOWAI Hangul Korean SEM

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition halberd with crescent blade
Pinyin JI3 Jyutping gik1 On GEKI Kun HOKO Hangul Korean KUK Tang giæk Viet kích

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of a concubine of Di Ku , father of the mythical Yao
Pinyin sōng Jyutping sung1 On SHUU SHU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition be beautiful ; good ; surname
Pinyin é Jyutping ngo4 On GA Kun MIMEYOI Hangul : 0N Korean A Tang *ngɑ Viet nga

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin zhí On SHOKU SHIKI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition slender , thin ; sharp-pointed
Pinyin qiān Jyutping cim1 On SEN Kun KAYOWAI Hangul : 1N Korean SEM

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition halberd with crescent blade
Pinyin Jyutping gik1 On GEKI Kun HOKO Hangul : 0N Korean KUK Tang giæk Viet kích

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition quiet
Pinyin WEI3 Jyutping ngai5 On GAI GI Kun SHITOYAKA

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wei3 Reading On ガイ ; ギ Reading Kun しとやか
Meaning quiet

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition quiet
Pinyin wěi Jyutping ngai5 On GAI GI Kun SHITOYAKA

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