JMdict 100319
Word 極限
Reading きょくげん
Translation eng utmost limits ; limit Translation ger Begrenzung ; äußerste Grenze ; Grenzwert ; Limes Translation fre extrême limite ; limite

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 低限 Simplified 低限
Pinyin di1 xian4
Deutsch Limes inferior (u.E.) (S, Math )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 極限 Simplified 极限
Pinyin ji2 xian4
Deutsch äußerste Grenze , Begrenzung , Limit (u.E.) (S) ; Limes (u.E.) (S, Math )

JMdict 200217
Reading リミット
Translation hun határérték ; határpillér ; limes Translation swe limit
Translation eng limit Translation ger Grenze ; Limit Translation rus лимит ; предел ; граница

JMdict 200217
Word 限り
Reading かぎり
Translation dut limiet ; grens ; ( zoveel {…~} ; zolang ; zo goed ; zo hoog ; etc .) als Translation hun határérték ; határpillér ; limes ; amennyire csak lehet ; amennyire csak lehetséges ; amennyire lehetséges ; lehetőség határáig ; lehetőség szerint Translation slv meja ; konec ; kakor daleč je mogoče , kar najbolj , kolikor se da {Vる限り {adv}} Translation spa tan lejos como sea posible ; lo mejor de la capacidad de uno
Translation eng limit ; limits ; bounds ; degree ; extent ; scope ; the end ; the last ; as long as ... ; as far as ... ; as much as ... ; to the limits of ... ; all of ... ; unless ... ; ( not ) included in ... ; ( not ) part of ... ; ... only (e.g. "one time only" , "today only" ) ; end of one's life ; final moments ; death ; funeral ; burial Translation ger Grenze ; Einschränkung ; Beschränkung Translation fre limite ; limites ; bornes ; degré ; étendue ; ampleur ; portée ; le plus loin possible ; autant que possible ; au mieux de ses capacités ; beaucoup ; à moins que ( après une forme verbale négative ) ; sauf si ; fin ; terme ; aussi longtemps que ; tant que ; seulement Translation rus 1 ; предел , границы ; ограниченный , имеющий предел {~のある} ; безграничный , неограниченный , беспредельный {~のない} ; ( ср .) かぎりない ; 2 ; пока ; насколько , поскольку ; 3 ; ограничивая ( чем-л .), только ; не позже , не дольше

JMdict 200217
Word 限度
Reading げんど
Translation dut grens ; limiet ; beperking ; begrenzing ; plafond ; bovengrens Translation hun határ ; határérték ; határpillér ; limes Translation slv meja Translation spa límite ; límites
Translation eng limit ; bounds Translation ger Grenze ; Begrenzung ; Schranke ; Limit Translation fre limite ; bornes Translation rus предел{ы} ; предельный размер ; ограничивать{ся} ( чем-л .) {…を~とする}

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 極限 Simplified 极限
Pinyin ji2 xian4
Deutsch äußerste Grenze , Begrenzung , Limit (S) ; Limes (S, Math )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 低限 Simplified 低限
Pinyin di1 xian4
Deutsch Limes inferior (S, Math )

JMdict 200217
Word 極限
Reading きょくげん
Translation dut uiterste grens ; limiet ; limiet {wisk .} ; grenswaarde Translation hun határpillér ; limes Translation spa extremo ; borde ; límite
Translation eng utmost limits ; extremity ; limit Translation ger Begrenzung ; äußerste Grenze ; Grenzwert ; Limes Translation fre extrême limite ; limite Translation rus предел ; ограничивать , устанавливать предел {~する}

CEDict 100318
Traditional 水垢 Simplified 水垢
Pinyin shui3 gou4
English limescale

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 水垢 Simplified 水垢
Pinyin shui3 gou4
English limescale

JMdict 100319
Word 鍾乳洞 ; 鐘乳洞
Reading しょうにゅうどう
Translation eng limestone cave ( cavern , grotto ) Translation ger {Geol .} Tropfsteinhöhle Translation fre grotte calcaire

JMdict 100319
Word 石灰石
Reading せっかいせき
Translation eng limestone Translation ger {Mineral .} Kalkstein

JMdict 100319
Word 石灰岩
Reading せっかいがん
Translation eng limestone Translation ger Kalkstein

JMdict 100319
Word 石灰洞
Reading せっかいどう
Translation eng limestone cave Translation ger Kalksteinhöhle

CEDict 100318
Traditional 灰岩 Simplified 灰岩
Pinyin hui1 yan2
English limestone

CEDict 100318
Traditional 石灰岩 Simplified 石灰岩
Pinyin shi2 hui1 yan2
English limestone

CEDict 100318
Traditional 石灰石 Simplified 石灰石
Pinyin shi2 hui1 shi2
English limestone

CEDict 100318
Traditional 青石 Simplified 青石
Pinyin qing1 shi2
English bluestone ; limestone ( colloquial )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 萊姆斯通郡 Simplified 莱姆斯通郡
Pinyin lai2 mu3 si1 tong1 jun4
Deutsch Limestone County ( Alabama , USA ) (u.E.) ( Eig , Geo )

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 石灰石
Reading せっかいせき
Translation dut kalksteen Translation hun mészkő Translation swe kalksten
Translation eng limestone Translation ger Kalkstein Translation rus ( см .) せっかいがん

JMdict 200217
Word 石灰岩
Reading せっかいがん
Translation dut kalksteen Translation hun mészkő Translation spa limolita Translation swe kalksten
Translation eng limestone Translation ger Kalkstein Translation rus известняк

JMdict 200217
Word 石灰洞
Reading せっかいどう
Translation eng limestone cave Translation ger Kalksteinhöhle

JMdict 200217
Word 石粉
Reading いしこ
Translation eng stone dust ; feldspar dust ; limestone powder Translation ger Steinstaub ; Feldspat

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 灰岩 Simplified 灰岩
Pinyin hui1 yan2
English limestone

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 石灰岩 Simplified 石灰岩
Pinyin shi2 hui1 yan2
English limestone

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 石灰石 Simplified 石灰石
Pinyin shi2 hui1 shi2
English limestone

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 青石 Simplified 青石
Pinyin qing1 shi2
English bluestone ; limestone ( colloquial )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 萊姆斯通郡 Simplified 莱姆斯通郡
Pinyin lai2 mu3 si1 tong1 jun4
Deutsch Limestone County ( Alabama , USA ) ( Eig , Geo )

Records 1 - 34 of 34 retrieved in 744 ms