Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wrap , pack , bundle ; package
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun TSUTSUMU TSUTSUMI Hangul Korean PHO Tang bau Viet bao
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3198

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition platform ; unit ; term of address
Pinyin TAI2 YI2 TAI1 Jyutping ji4 toi4 On DAI TAI I Kun UTENA YOROKOBU Hangul Korean THAY I Tang *təi Viet thai
Simplified U+53F0 Traditional U+53F0 U+6AAF U+81FA U+98B1
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3198

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surround , encircle , corral
Pinyin WEI2 Jyutping wai4 On I Kun KAKOMU Hangul Korean WI Tang *hiuəi Viet
Simplified U+56F4 Variant U+56F2
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 3198

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to infringe a trade-mark to pledge an article
Pinyin GAI4 Jyutping koi3
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3198

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition obstruct , hinder , block , deter
Pinyin AI4 Jyutping ngoi6 On GAI GE Kun SAMATAGERU Hangul Korean AY Viet ngại
Traditional U+7919
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3198

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition species of antelope
Pinyin LING2 Jyutping ling4 On REI RYOU Kun KAMOSHIKA Hangul Korean LYENG
Variant U+F9AF
Hong Kong proper shape 3198

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition river in Shaanxi ; murky torrent
Pinyin CEN2 QIAN2 ZAN4 Jyutping sam4 On SAN ZAN SHIN Kun HITASU Hangul Korean CAM
PRC Telegraph Code 3198 Taiwan Telegraph 3198

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ai4 Reading On ガイ ; ゲ Reading Kun さまた . げる Reading Korean ae Reading Korean
Meaning obstacle
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3198

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin liang2 ; liang4 Reading On リョウ Reading Kun すず . しい ; すず .む ; すず . やか ; うす .い ; ひや .す ; まことに Nanori りょ Reading Korean ryang Reading Korean
Meaning refreshing ; nice and cool Meaning fr rafraîchissant ; frais Meaning es refrescante ; fresco ; agradable ; refrescarse Meaning pt fresco e agradável ; refrescante
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3198

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ai4 Reading On ガイ ; ゲ Reading Kun さまた . げる Reading Korean ae Reading Korean
Meaning obstruct ; hinder ; block ; deter
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 3198

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hu1 Reading On Reading Korean ho Reading Korean
Meaning tiger spots ; mottled ; tiger or tiger crown radical ( no . 141 )
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 3198

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wrap , pack , bundle ; package
Pinyin bāo Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun TSUTSUMU TSUTSUMI Hangul : 0E Korean PHO Tang bau Viet bao
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3198

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition platform ; unit ; term of address
Pinyin tái Jyutping ji4 toi4 On DAI TAI I Kun UTENA YOROKOBU Hangul : 0N Korean THAY I Tang *təi Viet thai
Simplified U+53F0 Traditional U+53F0 U+6AAF U+81FA U+98B1 ; U+53F0 U+6AAF U+81FA U+98B1 ; U+53F0 U+6AAF U+81FA U+98B1 ; U+53F0 U+6AAF U+81FA U+98B1
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3198

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition surround , encircle , corral
Pinyin wéi Jyutping wai4 On I Kun KAKOMU Hangul : 0E Korean WI Tang *hiuəi Viet
Simplified U+56F4 Variant U+56F2
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 3198

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to infringe a trade-mark to pledge an article
Pinyin gài Jyutping koi3
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3198

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition obstruct , hinder , block , deter
Pinyin ài Jyutping ngoi6 On GAI GE Kun SAMATAGERU Hangul : 0N Korean AY Viet ngại
Traditional U+7919
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3198

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition species of antelope
Pinyin líng Jyutping ling4 On REI RYOU Kun KAMOSHIKA Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LYENG
Variant U+F9AF
Hong Kong proper shape 3198

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition river in Shaanxi ; murky torrent
Pinyin cén Jyutping sam4 On SAN ZAN SHIN Kun HITASU Hangul : 1N Korean CAM
PRC Telegraph Code 3198 Taiwan Telegraph 3198

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin gao1 Reading On コウ Reading Kun さつき Nanori たかし Reading Korean go ; ho Reading Korean ;
Meaning swamp ; shore Meaning es pantano ; orilla
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 3198

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin liang2 ; liang4 Reading On リョウ Reading Kun すず . しい ; すず .む ; すず . やか ; うす .い ; ひや .す ; まことに Nanori りょ Reading Korean ryang Reading Korean
Meaning refreshing ; nice and cool Meaning fr rafraîchissant ; frais Meaning es refrescante ; fresco ; agradable ; refrescarse Meaning pt fresco e agradável ; refrescante
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3198

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ai4 Reading On ガイ ; ゲ Reading Kun さまた . げる Reading Korean ae Reading Korean
Meaning obstruct ; hinder ; block ; deter
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 3198

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin hu1 Reading On Reading Korean ho Reading Korean
Meaning tiger spots ; mottled ; tiger or tiger crown radical ( no . 141 )
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 3198

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ai4 Reading On ガイ ; ゲ Reading Kun さまた . げる Reading Korean ae Reading Korean
Meaning obstacle
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3198

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shake ; to toss , to wave ; to sway , to row
Pinyin LUO3 Jyutping lo2 Viet dủi

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shake ; to toss , to wave ; to sway , to row
Pinyin luǒ Jyutping lo2 Viet dủi

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢸉

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢸉

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spread , disperse ; vent , set forth
Pinyin SHU1 Jyutping syu1 On CHO Kun NOBERU Hangul Korean THE Viet lựa
Simplified U+6445

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spread , disperse ; vent , set forth
Pinyin shū Jyutping syu1 On CHO Kun NOBERU Hangul : 0N Korean THE Viet lựa
Simplified U+6445

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢷿

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢷿
Pinyin jié

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to strike ; to beat ; to knock ; to stone ( to throw stone and hit someone ); sound of hitting something
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping bok6 Viet bẹo

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to strike ; to beat ; to knock ; to stone ( to throw stone and hit someone ); sound of hitting something
Pinyin Jyutping bok6 Viet bẹo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shake , tremble , quake ; flutter
Pinyin SOU3 SOU4 Jyutping sau2 sau3 On SOU SU Kun AGERU SUTERU
Simplified U+64DE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shake , tremble , quake ; flutter
Pinyin sǒu Jyutping sau2 sau3 On SOU SU Kun AGERU SUTERU
Simplified U+64DE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to beat a drum
Pinyin LEI4 LEI2 Jyutping leoi4 Hangul Korean LONG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to beat a drum
Pinyin lèi Jyutping leoi4 Hangul : 1N Korean LONG

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢸃

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢸃

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition put , place ; display ; swing , sway
Pinyin BAI3 Jyutping baai2 On HAI Kun HIRAKU Hangul Korean PHA Tang bɛ̌i Viet bẫy
Simplified U+6446

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition put , place ; display ; swing , sway
Pinyin bǎi Jyutping baai2 On HAI Kun HIRAKU Hangul : 0N Korean PHA Tang bɛ̌i Viet bẫy
Simplified U+6446

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin RU2 Jyutping jyu4 jyu6 On JO NYO

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ru2 Reading On ジョ ; ニョ

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping jyu4 jyu6 On JO NYO

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ru2 Reading On ジョ ; ニョ

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢷷

Unicode 12.1
Character 𢷷

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to squeeze out ; tickle
Pinyin JIE2 Jyutping zit1

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