HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 聖母聖心會 Simplified 圣母圣心会
Pinyin sheng4 mu3 sheng4 xin1 hui4
Deutsch Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (u.E.) ( Org )

HanDeDict 200217

CEDict 100318
Traditional 會眾 Simplified 会众
Pinyin hui4 zhong4
English audience ; participants ; congregation ( of religious sect )

JMdict 200217
Word 教会
Reading きょうかい
Translation dut kerk {bouwk .} ; kerkgebouw ; bedehuis ; godshuis ; huis Gods ; godsgebouw ; kerk {rel .} ; ecclesia ; voor kerken} {maatwoord Translation hun egyház Translation slv cerkev Translation spa iglesia Translation swe kyrka
Translation eng church ; congregation Translation ger Kirche ; Gemeinschaft der Gläubigen ; Kirche ; Gotteshaus ; Kapelle ; Kathedrale ; Dom Translation fre église Translation rus 1) церковь ( как организация ) ; церковный {~の} ; 2) ( см .) きょうかいどう

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 會眾 Simplified 会众
Pinyin hui4 zhong4
English audience ; participants ; congregation ( of religious sect )

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