Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used to represent sound ; to hum ; to groan
Jyutping si1
Cangjie Input Code RS

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition used to represent sound ; to hum ; to groan
Pinyin Jyutping si1
Cangjie Input Code RS

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition swish , rustle

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition swish , rustle
Pinyin shuā Jyutping caat3 On SETSU SECHI SATSU Kun HANETSUKUROHU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin E4 Hangul Korean AK

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin è Hangul : 1N Korean AK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound ; echo , difficult ; troublesome
Pinyin XIAN2 Jyutping zin4 Viet hờn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sound ; echo , difficult ; troublesome
Pinyin xián Jyutping zin4 Viet hờn

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡁵 Definition ( Cant .) aspect marker for continuous action
Jyutping gan2

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡁵 Definition ( Cant .) aspect marker for continuous action
Jyutping gan2

Unicode 5.2
Character 𤏩

Unicode 12.1
Character 𤏩
Jyutping fan1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition loud ; to roar
Pinyin PAO4 PENG3 Jyutping cit3 pau3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition loud ; to roar
Pinyin pào Jyutping cit3 pau3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition talkative ; quarrelous
Pinyin TAO1 DAO1 Jyutping dou1 tou1 On TOU Kun MIDARINI Hangul Korean TO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition talkative ; quarrelous
Pinyin dāo Jyutping dou1 tou1 On TOU Kun MIDARINI Hangul : 1N Korean TO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition owl
Pinyin XIAO1 Jyutping hiu1 On YOU KYOU Kun FUKUROU
Simplified U+9E2E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition osprey , fishhawk ; Pandion haliaetus
Pinyin E4 Jyutping ngok6 On GAKU Kun MISAGO Hangul Korean AK Tang ngɑk
Simplified U+9E57

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition owl
Pinyin xiāo Jyutping hiu1 On YOU KYOU Kun FUKUROU
Simplified U+9E2E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition osprey , fishhawk ; Pandion haliaetus
Pinyin è Jyutping ngok6 On GAKU Kun MISAGO Hangul : 1N Korean AK Tang ngɑk
Simplified U+9E57

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition order , tell , instruct , leave word
Pinyin ZHU3 Jyutping zuk1 On SHOKU Kun TANOMU Korean CHOK
Traditional U+56D1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition order , tell , instruct , leave word
Pinyin zhǔ Jyutping zuk1 On SHOKU Kun TANOMU Korean CHOK
Traditional U+56D1

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠳿
Viet vãi

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠳿
Pinyin wēi Jyutping mei5 Viet vãi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to separate ; to part , to split ; to crack , to rend ; to rip open
Pinyin BAI3 Jyutping bai2 bei1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to separate ; to part , to split ; to crack , to rend ; to rip open
Pinyin bēi Jyutping bai2 bei1

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LAN4 HAN3 LAN2 Jyutping laam4 laam6 On RAN KAN Kun MUSABORU TASHINAMU SHIKARU KOE Korean LAM Viet giạm

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin làn Jyutping laam4 laam6 On RAN KAN Kun MUSABORU TASHINAMU SHIKARU KOE Korean LAM Viet giạm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to whisper . to blame to slander
Pinyin QI4 Jyutping cap1 On SHUU YUU Kun SASAYAKU SOSHIRU Hangul Korean CIP Viet nghiện

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition side of mouth
Pinyin ER4 Jyutping ji6 mai1 mai4 On JI NI Kun KUCHIMOTO KUCHI Korean I

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to whisper . to blame to slander
Pinyin Jyutping cap1 On SHUU YUU Kun SASAYAKU SOSHIRU Hangul : 1N Korean CIP Viet nghiện

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition side of mouth
Pinyin èr Jyutping ji6 mai1 mai4 On JI NI Kun KUCHIMOTO KUCHI Korean I

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