KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gan3 Reading On カン Reading Korean gam Reading Korean
Meaning emotion ; feeling ; sensation Meaning fr sentiment ; émotion ; sensation Meaning es sentimiento ; sensación ; sentir Meaning pt emoção ; sentimento ; sensação

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nian4 Reading On ネン Reading Korean nyeom Reading Korean
Meaning wish ; sense ; idea ; thought ; feeling ; desire ; attention Meaning fr désir ; souhait ; sens ; idée ; pensée ; sentiment ; attention Meaning es deseo ; pensamiento ; sentimiento Meaning pt desejo ; sentido ; idéia ; pensamento ; sentimento ; atenção

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin nian4 Reading On ネン Reading Korean nyeom Reading Korean
Meaning wish ; sense ; idea ; thought ; feeling ; desire ; attention Meaning fr désir ; souhait ; sens ; idée ; pensée ; sentiment ; attention Meaning es deseo ; pensamiento ; sentimiento Meaning pt desejo ; sentido ; idéia ; pensamento ; sentimento ; atenção

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin gan3 Reading On カン Reading Korean gam Reading Korean
Meaning emotion ; feeling ; sensation Meaning fr sentiment ; émotion ; sensation Meaning es sentimiento ; sensación ; sentir Meaning pt emoção ; sentimento ; sensação

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin huai2 Reading On カイ ; エ Reading Kun ふところ ; なつ . かしい ; なつ . かしむ ; なつ .く ; なつ . ける ; なず . ける ; いだ .く ; おも .う Nanori かね Reading Korean hoe Reading Korean
Meaning pocket ; feelings ; heart ; yearn ; miss someone ; become attached to ; bosom ; breast Meaning fr poche ; bourse ; sentiments ; coeur ; apprivoiser ; nostalgie ; aspirer à ; s'attacher à ; manquer ( personne ) ; seins Meaning es añoranza ; nostalgia ; bolsillo propio ; añorar ; echar de menos ; pensar Meaning pt bolso ; sentimentos ; coração ; saudades ; sentir saudades ; torna-se ligado a ; seio ; peitos

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xiong1 Reading On キョウ Reading Kun むね ; むな- Reading Korean hyung Reading Korean
Meaning bosom ; breast ; chest ; heart ; feelings Meaning fr poitrine ; seins ; coeur ; sentiments Meaning es pecho ; corazón ; sentimientos Meaning pt seio ; peito ; tórax ; coração ; sentimentos

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qing2 Reading On ジョウ ; セイ Reading Kun なさ .け Reading Korean jeong Reading Korean
Meaning feelings ; emotion ; passion ; sympathy ; circumstances ; facts Meaning fr sentiments ; émotion ; passion ; compassion ; circonstances ; faits Meaning es sentimientos ; emoción ; simpatía Meaning pt sentimentos ; emoção ; paixão ; simpatia ; circunstâncias ; fatos

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qing2 Reading On ジョウ ; セイ Reading Kun なさ .け Reading Korean jeong Reading Korean
Meaning feelings ; emotion ; passion ; sympathy ; circumstances ; facts Meaning fr sentiments ; émotion ; passion ; compassion ; circonstances ; faits Meaning es sentimientos ; emoción ; simpatía Meaning pt sentimentos ; emoção ; paixão ; simpatia ; circunstâncias ; fatos

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin huai2 Reading On カイ ; エ Reading Kun ふところ ; なつ . かしい ; なつ . かしむ ; なつ .く ; なつ . ける ; なず . ける ; いだ .く ; おも .う Nanori かね Reading Korean hoe Reading Korean
Meaning pocket ; feelings ; heart ; yearn ; miss someone ; become attached to ; bosom ; breast Meaning fr poche ; bourse ; sentiments ; coeur ; apprivoiser ; nostalgie ; aspirer à ; s'attacher à ; manquer ( personne ) ; seins Meaning es añoranza ; nostalgia ; bolsillo propio ; añorar ; echar de menos ; pensar Meaning pt bolso ; sentimentos ; coração ; saudades ; sentir saudades ; torna-se ligado a ; seio ; peitos

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xiong1 Reading On キョウ Reading Kun むね ; むな- Reading Korean hyung Reading Korean
Meaning bosom ; breast ; chest ; heart ; feelings Meaning fr poitrine ; seins ; coeur ; sentiments Meaning es pecho ; corazón ; sentimientos Meaning pt seio ; peito ; tórax ; coração ; sentimentos

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