
JMdict 200217
Word 清濁
Reading せいだく
Translation dut zuiverheid en onzuiverheid ; goed en kwaad {fig .} ; goedheid en slechtheid Translation slv prijazen ; dobrosrčen Translation spa limpieza y suciedad ; bueno y el corrupto ; tolerancia
Translation eng good and evil ; purity and impurity ; voiced and unvoiced consonants Translation ger Reines und Unreines ; stimmlose und stimmhafte Konsonanten Translation fre tolérant Translation rus ( кн .) ; 1) чистота ( относительная ) ; 2) ( перен .) добро и зло

JMdict 100319
Word 清濁
Reading せいだく
Translation eng good and evil ; purity and impurity ; voiced and unvoiced consonants Translation ger Reines und Unreines ; {Phon .} stimmlose und stimmhafte Konsonanten Translation fre tolérant

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