Unicode 5.2
Character Definition profound , brilliant , lofty
Pinyin ZHUO1 Jyutping coek3 zoek3 On TAKU Kun SUGURERU Hangul Korean THAK Tang djak Viet trác
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0802

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition porch ; courtyard ; steps leading
Pinyin CHI2 Jyutping ci4 On CHI JI Kun KIZAHASHI SU Hangul Korean CI Tang *djhi
Hong Kong proper shape 0802

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition speaking evil . gobbling sound made by ducks
Pinyin SHA4 ZA1 QIE4 Jyutping cip3 saap3 zaap3 On SAHU SEHU Kun KURAHU SUSURU TSUIBAMU HUMU Hangul Korean SAP Viet thép
Taiwan Telegraph 0802

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beer
Pinyin PI2 Jyutping be1 On HI
PRC Telegraph Code 0802

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition porch ; courtyard ; steps leading
Pinyin chí Jyutping ci4 On CHI JI Kun KIZAHASHI SU Hangul : 1N Korean CI Tang *djhi
Hong Kong proper shape 0802

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition speaking evil . gobbling sound made by ducks
Pinyin shà Jyutping cip3 saap3 zaap3 On SAHU SEHU Kun KURAHU SUSURU TSUIBAMU HUMU Hangul : 1N Korean SAP Viet thép
Taiwan Telegraph 0802

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition beer
Pinyin Jyutping be1 On HI
PRC Telegraph Code 0802

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition profound , brilliant , lofty
Pinyin zhuō Jyutping coek3 zoek3 On TAKU Kun SUGURERU Hangul : 0E Korean THAK Tang djak Viet trác
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 0802

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raze
Pinyin SHAN4 ZHAN4 Jyutping saam3

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥄐

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition raze
Pinyin chàn Jyutping saam3

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥄐

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to climb , hold on to , cling to ; to pull the trigger on a gun
Pinyin MAN2 Jyutping maan1 Viet mần

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥄑

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) to climb , hold on to , cling to ; to pull the trigger on a gun
Pinyin màn Jyutping maan1 Viet mần

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥄑

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fodder , horse feed ; feed horse
Pinyin MO4 Jyutping mut3 On MATSU BATSU Kun MAGUSA MAGUSAKAU Hangul Korean MAL Tang mɑt

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fodder , horse feed ; feed horse
Pinyin Jyutping mut3 On MATSU BATSU Kun MAGUSA MAGUSAKAU Hangul : 1N Korean MAL Tang mɑt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raise , lift up ; tight-fisted
Pinyin KOU1 Jyutping kau1 On KOU KU OU U Kun HIROU Hangul Korean KWU Viet khua
Simplified U+62A0

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥄒

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition raise , lift up ; tight-fisted
Pinyin kōu Jyutping kau1 On KOU KU OU U Kun HIROU Hangul : 1N Korean KWU Viet khua
Simplified U+62A0

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥄒
Pinyin xuē

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wife of the last ruler of the Xia dynasty
Pinyin MO4 Jyutping mut6 On BATSU MACHI MATSU Kun AZANA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wife of the last ruler of the Xia dynasty
Pinyin Jyutping mut6 On BATSU MACHI MATSU Kun AZANA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to stretch out , to unroll ; comfortable , easy ( used for U+8212 ); 摴蒲 is the name of a traditional play
Pinyin SHU1 Jyutping syu1 On CHO CHI Kun NOBERU

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to stretch out , to unroll ; comfortable , easy ( used for U+8212 ); 摴蒲 is the name of a traditional play
Pinyin chū Jyutping syu1 On CHO CHI Kun NOBERU

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin míng On BEI MYOU Kun MIRU Hangul :N

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition do not , is not , can not ; negative
Pinyin MO4 MU4 Jyutping mok6 mou6 On BO BAKU MAKU Kun KURE NAI NAKARE Hangul Korean MAK MO Tang *mɑk Viet mạc

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition do not , is not , can not ; negative
Pinyin Jyutping mok6 mou6 On BO BAKU MAKU Kun KURE NAI NAKARE Hangul : 0E Korean MAK MO Tang *mɑk Viet mạc

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to pull , lift up
Pinyin SUO3 SHE4 Jyutping cik1 saak3 Tang shrɛk

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition province ; save , economize
Pinyin SHENG3 XIAN3 XING3 Jyutping saang2 sing2 On SEI SHOU Kun KAERIMIRU HABUKU MIRU Hangul Korean SENG SAYNG Tang *shræ̌ng siɛ̌ng Viet tỉnh
Variant U+F96D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) to pull , lift up
Pinyin shè Jyutping cik1 saak3 Tang shrɛk

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition province ; save , economize
Pinyin shěng Jyutping saang2 sing2 On SEI SHOU Kun KAERIMIRU HABUKU MIRU Hangul : 0N : 0E Korean SENG SAYNG Tang *shræ̌ng siɛ̌ng Viet tỉnh
Variant U+F96D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition desert ; aloof , indifferent , cool
Pinyin MO4 Jyutping mok6 On BAKU Kun SUNAHARA HIROI Hangul Korean MAK Tang *mɑk Viet mạc

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition desert ; aloof , indifferent , cool
Pinyin Jyutping mok6 On BAKU Kun SUNAHARA HIROI Hangul : 0E Korean MAK Tang *mɑk Viet mạc

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition silent , still , lonely , solitary
Pinyin MO4 Jyutping mok6 On BAKU MAKU Kun SABISHII Hangul Korean MAK Tang *mɑk Viet mịch

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition silent , still , lonely , solitary
Pinyin Jyutping mok6 On BAKU MAKU Kun SABISHII Hangul : 0N Korean MAK Tang *mɑk Viet mịch

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roll around with hand ; model
Pinyin TUAN2 ZHUAN1 Jyutping tyun4 On TAN SEN Kun MARUI Tang dhuɑn
Simplified U+629F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition roll around with hand ; model
Pinyin tuán Jyutping tyun4 On TAN SEN Kun MARUI Tang dhuɑn
Simplified U+629F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sickness ; distress
Pinyin MO4 Jyutping mok6 On BAKU MAKU Kun YAMU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sickness ; distress
Pinyin Jyutping mok6 On BAKU MAKU Kun YAMU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to search for , look for ; to beat up
Pinyin JIAO3 Jyutping caau3 ziu6

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥄓

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) to search for , look for ; to beat up
Pinyin jiǎo Jyutping caau3 ziu6

Unicode 12.1
Character 𥄓

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the panther ; the tapir
Pinyin MO4 Jyutping mak6 mok6 On BAKU MYAKU Kun BAKU Hangul Korean MAYK
Variant U+8C8A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the panther ; the tapir
Pinyin Jyutping mak6 mok6 On BAKU MYAKU Kun BAKU Hangul : 1N Korean MAYK
Variant U+8C8A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the panther ; the tapir

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the panther ; the tapir
Pinyin Jyutping mok6 On BAKU MYAKU Kun BAKU

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