Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a case ; a wrapper ; a covering ; a snare , to encase ; to slip over
Pinyin TAO4 Jyutping tou3 zou6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition of look of the sun , the look of the weather
Jyutping tou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cattle and sheep have no children
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with heavy eyelids
Jyutping tou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a second time growing of rice plant , rice plant , ( dialect ) sorghum ; kaoliang
Pinyin CHAO2 TAO2 ZHAO4 Jyutping zau6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an open bamboo basket used to feed domestic animals ( cow , hog , etc .)
Jyutping tou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to induce ; to lure ; to allure ; to attract ; to entice ; to tempt ; to seduce ( with speech ; words ; through talking )
Pinyin TAO3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition baby talk , to pray , to felicitate
Pinyin CHOU2 TAO2 Jyutping tou4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to contain ; to envelop , a case a box
Jyutping tou4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wind ; strom , sound of the wind
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( dialect ) kaoliang ; sorghum
Pinyin TAO3 Jyutping ceoi4 dou3 saam2 tou2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pottery
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TOU YOU Kun YAKIMONO Korean TO YO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition howl , cry loudly
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TAU DOU TEU TEKI JIAKU Kun NAKU Korean TO Tang dhɑu Viet trệu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wail
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TOU DOU Kun OSHABERI Korean TO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition noisy
Pinyin CAO2 Jyutping cou4 On SAU SOU SEU ZEU Kun KAMABISUSHII Hangul Korean CO Tang dzhɑu Viet tào

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition case , cover , wrapper , envelope
Pinyin TAO4 Jyutping tou3 On TOU Kun KASANERU OOI Hangul Korean THWU THO

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin DAO1 On TOU KOU Viet thao

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bow case ; scabbard ; sheathe
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou1 On TOU Kun YUMIBUKURO Hangul Korean TO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition excessive , dissolute ; delighted
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou1 On TOU Kun YOROKOBU Hangul Korean TO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sweep , clear away ; exterminate
Pinyin SAO3 SAO4 Jyutping sou2 sou3 On SOU Kun HAKU HARAU Hangul Korean SO Tang *sɑ̌u sɑ̀u Viet tảo
Simplified U+626B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition take out ; pull out ; clean out
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun ERABU SURU Hangul Korean TO Viet đào
Variant U+642F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition take out , pull out
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun TORIDASU Hangul Korean TO
Variant U+638F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition early ; soon ; morning
Pinyin ZAO3 Jyutping zou2 On SOU SATSU Kun HAYAI HAYA SA Hangul Korean CO Tang *tzɑ̌u Viet tảo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ministry officials ; surname
Pinyin CAO2 Jyutping cou4 On SOU Kun TSUKASA TOMOGARA HEYA Hangul Korean CO Tang *dzhɑu Viet tào
Variant U+66FA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition peach ; marriage ; surname
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun MOMO Hangul Korean TO Tang *dhɑu Viet đào

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition block of wood ; blockhead ; stupid
Traditional U+6AAE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition date tree ; dates , jujubes ; surname
Pinyin ZAO3 Jyutping zou2 On SOU Kun NATSUME Hangul Korean CO Tang tzɑ̌u Viet táo
Simplified U+67A3

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition block of wood ; blockhead ; stupid
Pinyin TAO2 DAO3 Jyutping to4 tou4 On TOU Kun KIRIKABU OROKA TSUKU Hangul Korean TO
Simplified U+68BC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cleanse ; river in Gansu province
Pinyin TAO2 YAO2 DAO4 TAO1 Jyutping jiu4 tou4 On TOU YOU DOU Kun ARAU Hangul Korean TO Tang tɑu Viet rệu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition large waves
Pinyin TAO1 TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun NAMI
Traditional U+6FE4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wash in sieve ; weed out
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun YONAGERU Hangul Korean TO Viet đào

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition overflow ; rushing water , a torrent
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou1 On TOU Kun HABIKORU Hangul Korean TO Tang tɑu Viet thao

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition large waves
Pinyin TAO1 TAO2 CHAO2 SHOU4 DAO4 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun NAMI Hangul Korean TO Tang *dhɑu Viet đào
Simplified U+6D9B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kitchen stove , cooking stove
Pinyin ZAO4 Jyutping zou3 On SOU Kun KAMA KAMADO HETSUTSUI Viet táo
Traditional U+7AC8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dry , parched , arid ; quick-tempered
Pinyin ZAO4 SAO4 Jyutping cou3 On SOU Kun KAWAKU Hangul Korean CO Tang sɑ̌u Viet táo

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TAO1 On TOU

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition silk braid , sash
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou1 tou3 On JOU TOU Kun SANADA Hangul Korean CO Tang tɑu
Simplified U+7EE6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to braid , twist ; twisted or braided
Pinyin TAO2 KU4 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun NAU YORU NAWA
Simplified U+7EF9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition band
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition silk cord , ribbon
Simplified U+7EE6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition silk cord , ribbon
Pinyin TAO1 Jyutping tou3
Traditional U+7D5B U+7E27

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to braid , twist ; twisted or braided
Pinyin TAO2 KU4 Jyutping tou4 On TOU Kun NAU YORU NAWA
Traditional U+7DAF

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TAO1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition grapes
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou4 On TOU DOU Kun BUDOU Hangul Korean TO Tang dhɑu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flea ; louse
Pinyin ZAO3 ZHAO3 Jyutping zou2 On SOU Kun NOMI HAYAI Hangul Korean CO Tang tzɑ̌u Viet tao

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin TAO1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sleeve
Pinyin TAO2 On TAU DOU

Records 1 - 50 of 495 retrieved in 1030 ms