Unicode 5.2
Character Definition humble , low , inferior ; despise
Pinyin BEI1 Jyutping bei1 On HI Kun HIKUI IYASHII IYASHIMERU Hangul Korean PI Tang biɛ

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BI4 BEI1 PAI2 Jyutping bei6 paai4 On HAI BAI HI HEKI HEI BYAKU Kun KAGO Tang biɛ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arm
Pinyin BI4 BEI5 BEI4 Jyutping bei3 On HI Kun HIJI Hangul Korean PI Tang biɛ̀

JMdict 200217
Word 素晴らしい ; 素晴しい ; 素薔薇しい
Reading すばらしい ; すんばらしい
Translation dut prachtig ; schitterend ; geweldig ; fantastisch ; formidabel ; machtig ; heerlijk ; verrukkelijk ; zalig ; grandioos ; subliem ; prima ; uitstekend ; meesterlijk ; tiptop ; voortreffelijk ; enig ; superbe ; uitmuntend ; excellent ; magnifiek ; reuze ; super ; kostelijk ; denderend ; mieters {inform .} ; swell ; fenomenaal ; uniek ; eersterangs ; eersteklas ; uitgezocht ; uitnemend ; bijzonder ; bie {inform .} ; tof ; eindeloos ; te gek ; het einde {pred .} ; enorm {pred .} ; briljant ; klasse ; opperbest ; patent ; allemachtig goed ; beregoed ; steengoed ; glansrijk ; mooi ; pico bello ; puik ( best ) ; puntgaaf {inform .} ; piekfijn ; studentent .} luisterrijk {ook ; reusachtig {inform .} ; groots ; kapitaal ; loeigoed {w .g.} ; gaaf {jeugdt .} ; dolletjes {meisjest .} ; fabuleus ; ruig {jeugdt .} ; wijs {jeugdt .} ; cool {slang} ; jofel {volkst .} ; knal {pred .} ; knots {w .g.} ; zo'n {meid ; kerel enz .} Translation hun bámulatos Translation spa maravilloso ; espléndido ; magnífico ; maravilloso ; estupendo ; espléndido ; magnífico ; excelente ; sobresaliente ; fabuloso ; grandioso ; formidable ; desconcertante ; asombroso ; tremendo ; terrible
Translation eng wonderful ; splendid ; magnificent Translation ger wunderbar ; ausgezeichnet ; prächtig ; hervorragend ; herrlich ; fabelhaft ; großartig ; prima ; verblüffend ; furchtbar ; fürchterlich Translation fre magnifique ; splendide ; superbe Translation rus замечательный , великолепный , изумительный

JMnedict 100319
Word 尾江
Reading びえ Romaji Bie

JMnedict 200217
Word 尾江
Reading びえ Romaji Bie

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shrivelled up , dried up ; vexed
Pinyin biě Jyutping bit6
Traditional U+765F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shrivelled up , dried up ; vexed
Pinyin biě Jyutping bit6 On HETSU BECHI Kun TOBENAI
Simplified U+762A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to suppress inner feelings ; hasty
Pinyin biē Jyutping bit3 On HETSU HECHI Kun SETSUKACHI Korean PYEL

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition separate , other ; do not
Pinyin bié Jyutping bit6 On BETSU BECHI Kun WAKARERU WAKERU WAKARE Hangul : 0E Korean PYEL Tang *bhyɛt Viet biết
Simplified U+522B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition separate , other ; do not
Pinyin bié Jyutping bit6 On BETSU BECHI Kun WAKARERU WAKERU WAKARE Korean PYEL
Traditional U+5225

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to suppress inner feelings ; hasty
Pinyin BIE1 Jyutping bit3 On HETSU HECHI Kun SETSUKACHI Korean PYEL

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BIE1 Jyutping bit3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition turtle
Pinyin BIE1 Jyutping bit3 On BETSU Kun SUPPON Hangul Korean PYEL
Simplified U+9CD6 Variant U+9F9E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition turtle
Pinyin BIE1 Jyutping bit3
Traditional U+9C49

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fresh-water turtle , Trionyx sinensis
Pinyin BIE1 Jyutping bit3 On BETSU HETSU Kun SUPPON Hangul Korean PYEL Tang biɛt
Variant U+9C49

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition turtle

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢠳 Definition irritable , surly ; sad
Pinyin BIE1 Jyutping pit3

Unicode 5.2
Character 𤺓 Definition suppurating ulcer ; to restrain
Pinyin BIE1

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bie1
English to choke ; to stifle ; to restrain ; to hold back ; to hold in ( urine ) ; to hold ( one's breath )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 憋悶 Simplified 憋闷
Pinyin bie1 men5
English to feel oppressed ; to be depressed ; to feel dejected

CEDict 100318
Traditional 憋氣 Simplified 憋气
Pinyin bie1 qi4
English to feel suffocated or oppressed ; to choke with resentment ; to feel injured or resentful

CEDict 100318
Traditional 癟三 Simplified 瘪三
Pinyin bie1 san1
English a wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bie1
English turtle

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鱉甲 Simplified 鳖甲
Pinyin bie1 jia3
English turtle shell

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鱉裙 Simplified 鳖裙
Pinyin bie1 qun2
English calipash

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bie1
English soft-shell turtles ( Trionychidae )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 憋死 Simplified 憋死
Pinyin bie1 si3
Deutsch ersticken (u.E.) (V)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 憋一口氣 Simplified 憋一口气
Pinyin bie1 yi1 kou3 qi4
Deutsch die Luft anhalten (u.E.) (V)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 憋在心里 Simplified 憋在心里
Pinyin bie1 zai4 xin1 li3
Deutsch unterdrückte Gefühle , zurückgehaltene Gefühle (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bie1
Deutsch Weichschildkröten (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ベツ ; ヘツ Reading Kun すっぽん Reading Korean byeol Reading Korean
Meaning snapping turtle

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ヘツ ; ヘチ Reading Kun せっかち Reading Korean byeol
Meaning to suppress inner feeling ; hasty

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bie1 ; bie3 Reading On ハツ ; ヘツ ; ベチ Reading Kun とべない
Meaning shrivelled up ; dried up ; vexed

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ヘツ Reading Kun すっぽん Reading Korean byeol
Meaning turtle

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ベツ ; ヘツ Reading Kun すっぽん Reading Korean byeol
Meaning turtle

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ベツ ; ヘツ Reading Kun すっぽん Reading Korean byeol Reading Korean
Meaning snapping turtle ; fresh-water turtle

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ヘツ ; ヘチ Reading Kun せっかち Reading Korean byeol
Meaning to suppress inner feeling ; hasty

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bie1 ; bie3 Reading On ハツ ; ヘツ ; ベチ Reading Kun とべない
Meaning shrivelled up ; dried up ; vexed

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ヘツ Reading Kun すっぽん Reading Korean byeol
Meaning turtle

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bie1 Reading On ベツ ; ヘツ Reading Kun すっぽん Reading Korean byeol
Meaning turtle

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bie1
English to choke ; to stifle ; to restrain ; to hold back ; to hold in ( urine ) ; to hold ( one's breath )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 憋不住 Simplified 憋不住
Pinyin bie1 bu5 zhu4
English to be unable to repress sth ; to be unable to contain oneself

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 憋屈 Simplified 憋屈
Pinyin bie1 qu1
English sullen

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 憋悶 Simplified 憋闷
Pinyin bie1 men5
English to feel oppressed ; to be depressed ; to feel dejected

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 憋氣 Simplified 憋气
Pinyin bie1 qi4
English to feel suffocated or oppressed ; to choke with resentment ; to feel injured or resentful

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 癟三 Simplified 瘪三
Pinyin bie1 san1
English ( Wu dialect ) bum ; wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bie1
English freshwater soft-shelled turtle

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 鱉甲 Simplified 鳖甲
Pinyin bie1 jia3
English turtle shell

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 鱉裙 Simplified 鳖裙
Pinyin bie1 qun2
English calipash

Records 1 - 50 of 99 retrieved in 569 ms