JMdict 100319
Word 合わせて ; 合せて ; 併せて
Reading あわせて
Translation eng in all ; in total ; collectively ; in addition ; besides ; at the same time Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; insgesamt ; zusammen ; im ganzen

CEDict 100318
Traditional 統稱 Simplified 统称
Pinyin tong3 cheng1
English collectively called ; common name

CEDict 100318
Traditional 統稱為 Simplified 统称为
Pinyin tong3 cheng1 wei2
English collectively known as ; to call sth as a group

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 統稱為 Simplified 统称为
Pinyin tong3 cheng1 wei2
English collectively known as ; to call sth as a group

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