Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dropsy ; hydrophillic swelling
Pinyin SHUI4 Jyutping seoi3
Cangjie Input Code KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition friend , companion ; fraternity
Pinyin YOU3 Jyutping jau5 On YUU Kun TOMO Hangul Korean WU Tang hiǒu Viet hữu
Cangjie Input Code KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname of the mother of Mencius
Pinyin ZHANG3 Jyutping zoeng2 On SHOU Viet kẻ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rickshaw , cart , vehicle ; name of piece in Chinese chess
Pinyin CHE1 Kun KURUMA Korean KE
Variant U+4F21

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arrogant , haughty , rude
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi3 On KYO KO Kun OGORU Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition brave ; martial ; hasty ; scudding
Pinyin JIE2 QI4 JI4 Jyutping gai2 gai6 git6 On KETSU KEI GE Kun IKOU Hangul Korean KEY KEL Viet kệ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to dwell
Pinyin JU1 On KYO KO Kun ORU Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JU4 Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to go ; depart
Pinyin QU4 On KYO KO Kun SARU Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition go away , leave , depart
Pinyin QU4 Jyutping heoi2 heoi3 On KYO KO Kun SARU Hangul Korean KE Tang *kiù Viet khứ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to yawn
Pinyin QU1 Jyutping keoi1 On KA KYO KO KYOU KOU Kun HIRAKU AKUBISURU Hangul Korean KE Viet khứa

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition live , dwell , reside , sit
Pinyin JU1 JI1 Jyutping geoi1 On KYO KI Kun IRU ORU OKU Hangul Korean KE KI Tang giu Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition large , great , enormous ; chief
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6 On KYO Kun OOKII Hangul Korean KE Tang ghiǔ
Variant U+9245

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition snout ; KangXi radical 58
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gai3 On KEI Kun KEIGASHIRA Viet kệ
Variant U+5F51

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ward off with hand , defend
Pinyin JU4 JU3 Jyutping keoi5 On KYO KU Kun KOBAMU FUSEGU Hangul Korean KE KWU Tang ghiǔ Viet cự

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to occupy , take possession of ; a base , position
Pinyin JU4 On KYO KO Kun YORU Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to occupy , take possession of ; a base , position
Pinyin JU4 JU1 Jyutping geoi1 On KYO Kun SUERU SUE Hangul Korean KE Viet cứ
Traditional U+64DA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to occupy , take possession of ; a base
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi3 On KYO KO KEKI Kun YORU AKASHI HIKU Hangul Korean KE Tang *giù Viet cớ
Simplified U+636E Variant U+62E0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raise , lift up ; recommend
Pinyin JU3 On KYO Kun AGERU Hangul Korean KE
Variant U+8209

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JU4 Hangul Korean KE Viet cữ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hair , fur , feathers ; coarse
Pinyin MAO2 MAO4 Jyutping mou4 On MOU BOU Kun KE Hangul Korean MO Tang *mɑu Viet mao

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition restless , melancholy
Pinyin SAO4 Jyutping cou3 so3 On SOU Kun KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ditch , canal , channel , gutter
Pinyin QU2 JU4 Jyutping keoi4 On KYO Kun MIZO KARE NANZO Hangul Korean KE Tang ghio Viet cừ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition torch
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6 On KO KYO Kun TAIMATSU TOMOSHIBI YAKU Hangul Korean KE Tang *ghiǔ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the pupil of the eye ; to see
Pinyin LU2 On RO RU Kun MIRU Viet kẻ lờ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition expel , disperse , exorcise
Pinyin QU1 Jyutping keoi1 On KYO KO Kun HARAU Hangul Korean KE Tang kiu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition black millet
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6 On KYO Kun KUROKIBI Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a hairpin on which the hair is bound at the back of the head . 15 of age
Pinyin JI1 Hangul Korean KYEY Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition round-shaped bamboo basket for
Pinyin JU3 Jyutping geoi2 On KYO Kun HAKO Hangul Korean KE Viet

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin GUO2 Jyutping gwok3 On KE KAKU Kun KATAMINOMONO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crude bamboo mat
Pinyin QU2 JU3 Jyutping keoi4 On KYO GO Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition continue , maintain , carry on
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gai3 On KEI Kun TSUGU Hangul Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet kế
Simplified U+7EE7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition open ; throw away
Pinyin QU1 Jyutping keoi1 koe1 On KYO KO KYOU KOU Kun WAKINOSHITA Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition game
Pinyin JU1 Jyutping geoi1 keoi4 On KYO KO Kun HOJISHI Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JU1 Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kind of lettuce
Pinyin JU4 QU3 Jyutping geoi6 On KYO GO Kun TAIMATSU CHISA CHISHA Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hemp-like plant ; taro ; herb
Pinyin JU3 Jyutping geoi2 On KYO KO Kun IMO Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin QU2 Jyutping keoi4 On KYO GO Kun OYAIMO Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a plant which resembles wheat but has no edible grain
Pinyin QU2 QU4 Jyutping keoi4 On KU GU KYO Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sleeves ; cuff
Pinyin QU1 Jyutping keoi1 On KYO KO Kun SODE Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lapel , border of garment ; skirt
Pinyin JU1 JU4 Jyutping geoi1 On KYO Kun SUSO Hangul Korean KE Tang giu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plan , plot ; strategem ; scheme
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gai3 gei3 On KEI KAI Kun HAKARU KAZOERU HAKARIGOTO Hangul Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet kể
Simplified U+8BA1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interjection used to express surprise
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6 On KYO GO Kun NANZO Korean KE Tang *ghiǔ
Simplified U+8BB5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition distance ; bird's spur
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6 keoi5 On KYO Kun KEZUME TAGAU HEDATERU Hangul Korean KE Viet cựa

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crouch , squat ; sit , occupy
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi3 On KYO KO Kun UZUKUMARU Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition suddenly , unexpectedly ; at once
Pinyin JU4 QU2 Jyutping geoi6 On KYO Kun NIWAKA SUMIYAKA AWATADASHI Hangul Korean KE Tang ghiù

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition steel , iron ; great
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6 On KYO Kun HAGANE Hangul Korean KE Tang ghiǔ
Simplified U+949C Variant U+5DE8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a saw ; to saw ; amputate
Pinyin JU4 JU1 Jyutping geoi3 goe3 On KYO KO Kun NOKOGIRI Hangul Korean KE Viet cưa
Simplified U+952F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition offspring of a stallion and a she-mule
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6 Hangul Korean KE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cart , vehicle ; carry in cart
Hangul Korean KE
Variant U+8ECA Variant U+8ECA

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