JMdict 100319
Reading プレース ; プレイス
Translation eng place Translation ger Platz ; Stelle ; Ort ; Lage ; Position ; Platzierung ; ( beim Pferderennen ) ; .

JMdict 100319
Reading ポジション
Translation eng position Translation ger {Sport} Position ; Posten ; Stellung ; Rang ; Position

JMdict 100319
Reading ポスト
Translation eng post ; position ; postbox ; mail box ; pillar box ; post- Translation ger Briefkasten Translation fre boîte aux lettres ; post- ; poste ; poste ( de travail ) Translation rus почтовый ящик

JMdict 100319
Reading ラーゲ
Translation eng sex position Translation ger Position beim Geschlechtsverkehr Source Language ger Lage

JMdict 100319
Word 位取り
Reading くらいどり
Translation eng grade ; class ; quality ; unit ; digit ; positioning of decimal point Translation ger Einheit ; Stelle ; ( vor bzw . hinter dem Komma ) Translation fre position des unités dans un nombre Translation rus (1) разря́д ; ка́чество ; (2) едини́ца измере́ния

JMdict 100319
Word 椅子 ; 倚子
Reading いす
Translation eng chair ; post ; office ; position Translation ger Stuhl ; Sessel ; Stelle ; Stellung ; Sitz ; Position ; Amt Translation fre chaise Translation rus стул

JMdict 100319
Word 旗幟
Reading きし
Translation eng flag ; banner ; ensign ; emblem Translation ger ( schriftspr .) Fahne ; Banner ; Flagge ; Haltung ; Standpunkt ; Position

JMdict 100319
Word 拠点
Reading きょてん
Translation eng position ; location ; base ; point Translation ger Stützpunkt ; Basis ; Position ; ( auch militärisch ) Translation fre ( mil ) position ; base ; point

JMdict 100319
Word 勤め口
Reading つとめぐち
Translation eng position ; place of employment Translation ger Arbeitsstelle ; Arbeit

JMdict 100319
Translation eng seat ; one's place ; position ; attaches to the names of theatres and constellations Translation ger Platz ; Sitz ; Stuhl ; Status

JMdict 100319
Word 事項
Reading じこう
Translation eng matter ; item ; facts Translation ger Sache ; Gegenstand ; Angelegenheit ; Punkt ; Artikel ; Rechnungsposten ; Position Translation fre article ; matière ; sujet

JMdict 100319
Word 持ち場
Reading もちば
Translation eng job ; station ; position ; post ; route Translation ger jmds . Posten ; jmds . Stelle ; jmds . Revier

JMdict 100319
Word 就職口
Reading しゅうしょくぐち
Translation eng position ; opening ; employment Translation ger Stellung

JMdict 100319
Word 場所
Reading ばしょ
Translation eng place ; location ; spot ; position ; room ; space ; basho ( sumo wrestling tournament ) Translation ger Platz ; Stelle ; Ort ; Position ; Sitzplatz ; Platz ; Raum ; Platz ; {Sumô} Turnier Translation fre emplacement ; endroit ; espace ; lieu ; place Translation rus место

JMdict 100319
Word 身分
Reading みぶん
Translation eng social position ; social status Translation ger soziale Stellung ; Stand ; Rang ; Herkunft ; Identität Translation fre position sociale ; rang

JMdict 100319
Word 陣地
Reading じんち
Translation eng ( military ) encampment ; position Translation ger Stellung ; ( militärische ) ; Position Translation fre campement ; position ( militaire )

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Translation eng shallows ; shoal ; rapids ; current ; torrent ; position ; place ; chance ; opportunity Translation ger Untiefe ; Stromschnelle Translation fre courant ; rapides ; torrent
Crossref 立つ瀬

JMdict 100319
Reading せき
Translation eng seat ; location ( of a gathering , etc .) ; place ; position ; post Translation ger Sitz ; Sitzplatz ; Stuhl ; Platz ; Raum ; Platz ; Stelle ; Position ; Rang ; Posten ; Kabarett ; Varieté ; Tingeltangel Translation fre place ; siège Translation rus место ( сидения )

JMdict 100319
Word 地位
Reading ちい
Translation eng ( social ) position ; status Translation ger Stellung ; Rang ; Position ; Posten ; Stand ; Stelle Translation fre place ; position ( sociale ) ; rang ; situation ; poste Translation rus положе́ние ; пост

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 定位置
Reading ていいち
Translation eng home position ; origin Translation ger Position ; Platz

JMdict 100319
Word 働き口
Reading はたらきぐち
Translation eng position ; situation ; employment ; opening Translation ger Stellung ; Arbeit ; Position Translation fre poste ; travail

JMdict 100319
Word 部位
Reading ぶい
Translation eng part ; position ( in a whole , i.e. body ) Translation ger {Med .} ( schriftspr .) ; Gegend ; Körperteil ; Teil

JMdict 100319
Reading えき
Translation eng war ; campaign ; battle ; unpaid work Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Dienst ; Nutzen ; Position Translation fre combat ; guerre

JMdict 100319
Reading やく
Translation eng use ; service ; role ; post ; position ; scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong , card games , etc .) ; hand Translation ger Dienst ; Position ; Amt ; Rolle ; Führer ; Aufgabe ; Bühnenrolle ; Wirkung ; Nutzen ; Hand Translation fre fonction ; rôle ; usage

JMdict 100319
Word 役柄
Reading やくがら
Translation eng role Translation ger Rolle ; Position ; Pflicht ; Verantwortung

JMdict 100319
Word 立場
Reading たちば
Translation eng standpoint ; position ; situation Translation ger Standpunkt ; Gesichtspunkt ; Lage Translation fre point de vue ; position ; situation Translation rus позиция ; положение ; ситуация

JMdict 100319
Word 位置 ; 位地
Reading いち
Translation eng place ; situation ; position ; location Translation ger Standort ; Lage ; Position Translation fre place ; position ; situation Translation rus (1) расположе́ние ; ме́сто ; (2) положе́ние ; пост

JMdict 100319
Word 地歩
Reading ちほ
Translation eng one's stand ; foothold ; position Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Position ; Standpunkt ; Stellung ; fester Boden

JMdict 100319
Word 定位
Reading ていい
Translation eng position ; orientation Translation ger {Psych ., Zool .} ( schriftspr .) ; Orientierung

JMdict 100319
Word 日足 ; 日脚
Reading ひあし
Translation eng daytime ; position of the sun Translation ger ( helle ) ; Tageszeit ; Tag ; Sonnenlicht ; Position der Sonne

JMdict 100319
Word 役向き
Reading やくむき
Translation eng nature of one's position Translation ger Aufgabengebiet ; Position

JMdict 100319
Word 位置を変える
Reading いちをかえる
Translation eng to change the position of Translation ger Position wechseln

JMdict 100319
Word 機位
Reading きい
Translation eng position of aircraft

JMdict 100319
Word 権力の座
Reading けんりょくのざ
Translation eng position of power

JMdict 100319
Reading じん
Translation eng battle formation ; camp ; encampment Translation ger Feldlager ; Stellung ; Position ; Formation

JMdict 100319
Word 位置ベクトル
Reading いちベクトル
Translation eng position vector

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 実空間
Reading じつくうかん
Translation eng position space ( quantum mechanics ) ; real space
Crossref 運動量空間

JMdict 100319
Reading ポジショントーク
Source Language eng position talk Translation eng opinion expressed from someone's point of view

CEDict 100318
Traditional 主張 Simplified 主张
Pinyin zhu3 zhang1
English to advocate ; to stand for ; view ; position ; stand ; proposition ; viewpoint ; assertion

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wei4
English position ; location ; place ; seat ; classifier for people ( honorific ) ; classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 位置 Simplified 位置
Pinyin wei4 zhi5
English position ; place ; seat

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