JMdict 100319
Word 製法
Reading せいほう
Translation eng manufacturing method ; recipe ; formula Translation ger Herstellungsverfahren ; Rezept ; Kochrezept

JMdict 100319
Word 料理法
Reading りょうりほう
Translation eng recipe Translation ger Kochkunst ; kulinarische Kunst

JMdict 100319
Reading レシピ
Translation eng recipe Translation ger Rezept

CEDict 100318
Traditional 做法 Simplified 做法
Pinyin zuo4 fa3
English way of handling sth ; method for making ; work method ; recipe ; practice

CEDict 100318
Traditional 方劑 Simplified 方剂
Pinyin fang1 ji4
English prescription ; recipe ( Chinese medicine )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 烹飪法 Simplified 烹饪法
Pinyin peng1 ren4 fa3
English cuisine ; culinary art ; cookery ; recipe

CEDict 100318
Traditional 菜譜 Simplified 菜谱
Pinyin cai4 pu3
English menu ( in restaurant ) ; recipe ; cookbook

CEDict 100318
Traditional 處方 Simplified 处方
Pinyin chu3 fang1
English medical prescription ; recipe ; formula

CEDict 100318
Traditional 食譜 Simplified 食谱
Pinyin shi2 pu3
English cookbook ; recipe ; diet

JMdict 200217
Word 秘訣 ; 秘けつ ; 秘決
Reading ひけつ
Translation hun titokzatos ; billentyű ; hangnem ; jelmagyarázat ; korallsziget ; megoldások Translation slv skrivnost Translation spa truco ; secreto ( para hacer algo )
Translation eng secret ( method , trick , etc .) ; key (e.g. to success ) ; mysteries ( of an art , trade , etc .) ; recipe ; trick Translation ger Geheimnis ; geheimes Verfahren Translation fre clé ; mystère ; recette ; secret Translation rus секрет ( чего-л .); ключ решению чего-л .)

JMdict 200217
Word 料理法
Reading りょうりほう
Translation hun recept Translation swe matrecept
Translation eng recipe Translation ger Kochkunst ; kulinarische Kunst

JMdict 200217
Reading レシピ ; レシピー
Translation dut recept {cul .} ; keukenrecept ; recept ; doktersrecept ; voorschrift ; doktersvoorschrift ; recipé {veroud .} Translation hun recept Translation swe matrecept
Translation eng recipe ; prescription ( medical ) ; how-to guide (e.g. crafts ) Translation ger Rezept

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 做法 Simplified 做法
Pinyin zuo4 fa3
English way of handling sth ; method for making ; work method ; recipe ; practice

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 方劑 Simplified 方剂
Pinyin fang1 ji4
English prescription ; recipe ( Chinese medicine )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 烹飪法 Simplified 烹饪法
Pinyin peng1 ren4 fa3
English cuisine ; culinary art ; cookery ; recipe

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 秘訣 Simplified 秘诀
Pinyin mi4 jue2
English secret know-how ; key ( to longevity ) ; secret ( of happiness ) ; recipe ( for success )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 菜譜 Simplified 菜谱
Pinyin cai4 pu3
English menu ( in restaurant ) ; recipe ; cookbook

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 處方 Simplified 处方
Pinyin chu3 fang1
English medical prescription ; recipe ; formula

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 食譜 Simplified 食谱
Pinyin shi2 pu3
English cookbook ; recipe ; diet

JMdict 200217
Word 料理レシピ
Reading りょうりレシピ
Translation eng recipe ( cooking ) Translation ger Kochrezept

Records 1 - 25 of 25 retrieved in 555 ms