0 1 2 3

Character Definition words , speech ; speak , say
Pinyin YAN2 YAN4 YIN2 Jyutping jin4 On GEN GON GIN Kun KOTO IU KOTOBA Hangul Korean EN UN Tang *ngiæn Viet ngôn
Variant U+8A01

Character Definition KangXi radical 149
Simplified U+8BA0

Character Definition simplified KangXi radical 149
Pinyin YAN2
Traditional U+8A01 Variant U+8A00

Character 𧥛

Character 𧥜

Character 𧥝

Character 𧥞

Character 𧥟

Character Definition thicker , heavy , still ; yet
Pinyin RENG2 Jyutping zing4

Character Definition ( ancient form of ) to quell ( uprising , rebellion , etc .) to punish ( another nation , etc .) by force fo arms , sound ; voice ; tone
Pinyin TAO3 ZHEN4 Jyutping tou2

Character Definition to prepare , all complete ; all ready , ( corrupted and abbreviated form of ) false ; fake , errors ; wrong
Pinyin PI3 Jyutping pei2

Character Definition draw up agreement ; arrange
Pinyin DING4 Jyutping deng6 ding3 ding6 On TEI CHOU Kun HAKARU TADASU Hangul Korean CENG Viet đính
Simplified U+8BA2

Character Definition obituary ; give notice of death
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun SHIRASE Hangul Korean PWU Viet phó
Simplified U+8BA3

Pinyin QIU2 Jyutping kau4 On KYUU KU KOU DOU NOU


Pinyin JIAO4

Character Definition the sound of a crash
Pinyin HONG1 JUN4 HENG1 Jyutping gwang1 On KOU KEN GEN KIN Hangul Korean KOYNG Tang xuɛng

Character Definition plan , plot ; strategem ; scheme
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gai3 gei3 On KEI KAI Kun HAKARU KAZOERU HAKARIGOTO Hangul Korean KYEY Tang *gèi Viet kể
Simplified U+8BA1

Character Definition plan , plot ; strategem ; scheme
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gai3
Traditional U+8A08

Character Definition draw up agreement ; arrange
Pinyin DING4 Jyutping ding3 ding6
Traditional U+8A02

Character Definition obituary ; give notice of death
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6
Traditional U+8A03

Character Definition recognize , know , understand
Pinyin REN4 Jyutping jing6
Traditional U+8A8D

Character Definition ridicule , jeer , mock ; inspect
Pinyin JI1 Jyutping gei1
Traditional U+8B4F

Character 𧥠

Character Definition ( ancient form of ) honesty ; good faith ; to believe ortrust , a letter
Pinyin XIN4 Jyutping caan1 seon3

Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) to laugh at ; to sneer , to slander ; to abuse
Pinyin SHAN4 Jyutping saan3

Pinyin FAN4 Hangul Korean PEM

Character Definition inquire ; ask ; examine ; reproach
Pinyin XUN4 Jyutping seon3 On JIN SHIN SHUN Kun TOU Hangul Korean SIN Tang sìn
Simplified U+8BAF

Pinyin DIAO4

Character Definition confusion ; internal strife
Pinyin HONG2 HONG4 Jyutping hung3 hung4 On KOU Kun MOMERU MIDARERU YABURERU Hangul Korean HONG
Simplified U+8BA7

Pinyin CHA4

Character Definition to discuss ; ask for , beg ; demand ; dun ; marry
Pinyin TAO3 Jyutping tou2 On TOU Kun UTSU TAZUNERU Hangul Korean THO Tang tɑ̌u Viet thảo
Simplified U+8BA8

Character Definition boast , exaggerate ; great , broad
Pinyin XU1 XU3 Jyutping heoi1 On KU KO Kun ITSUWARU

Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin JIE2 JI4 Jyutping kit3 On KETSU Kun ABAKU Hangul Korean AL
Simplified U+8BA6

Character Definition deceive , cheat ; arrogant
Pinyin YI2 DAN4 Jyutping ji4 On SHI I TA TAN DAN Hangul Korean I
Simplified U+2B359

Character Definition hesitate to say , reluctant to speak
Pinyin REN4 Jyutping jan6 On JIN NIN Kun NAYAMU
Simplified U+8BB1

Character Definition teach , instruct ; exegesis
Pinyin XUN4 Jyutping fan3 On KUN KIN Kun OSHIERU OSHIE YOMU Hangul Korean HWUN Tang xiuə̀n Viet huấn
Simplified U+8BAD

Pinyin YIN2 On GIN GON Kun KATARU Hangul Korean UN

Character Definition abuse , slander ; vilify ; ridicule
Pinyin SHAN4 Jyutping saan3 On SAN SEN Kun SOSHIRU Hangul Korean SAN
Simplified U+8BAA

Character Definition finish ; conclude , stop ; exhaust
Pinyin QI4 Jyutping gat1 ngat6 On KITSU Kun OWARU Hangul Korean HUL Tang kiət
Simplified U+8BAB

Character Definition entrust , rely on ; commission
Pinyin TUO1 Jyutping tok3 On TAKU Kun YORU KAKOTSUKERU Hangul Korean THAK Tang *tɑk Viet thác
Simplified U+8BAC

Character Definition record ; keep in mind , remember
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gei3 On KI Kun SHIRUSU SHIRUSHI Hangul Korean KI Tang giə̀ Viet
Simplified U+8BB0

Pinyin XUN4

Character Definition speak gently ; respectful
Pinyin YIN2 Korean UN
Traditional U+8ABE

Character Definition expose other's secrets , pry
Pinyin JIE2 Jyutping kit3
Traditional U+8A10

Character Definition confusion ; internal strife
Pinyin HONG2 HONG4 Jyutping hung4
Traditional U+8A0C

Character Definition to discuss ; ask for , beg ; demand ; dun ; marry
Pinyin TAO3 Jyutping tou2
Traditional U+8A0E

Character Definition allow , permit , yield , concede
Pinyin RANG4 Jyutping joeng6
Traditional U+8B93

Character Definition abuse , slander ; vilify ; ridicule
Pinyin SHAN4 Jyutping saan3
Traditional U+8A15

Character Definition finish ; conclude , stop ; exhaust
Pinyin QI4 Jyutping gat1 ngat6
Traditional U+8A16

Records 1 - 50 of 1400 retrieved in 198 ms