CEDict 100318
Traditional 大漢 Simplified 大汉
Pinyin da4 han4
English big person ; the great Han dynasty

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大灶 Simplified 大灶
Pinyin da4 zao4
English big stove ; stove in a common mess

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大砲 Simplified 大炮
Pinyin da4 pao4
English big gun ; cannon ; artillery ; one who talks big ; trad . form 大炮 also used

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大腕 Simplified 大腕
Pinyin da4 wan4
English star ; big shot ; celebrity ; leading actor ; authority ( slang )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大馬 Simplified 大马
Pinyin Da4 Ma3
English abbr . for 馬來西亞 | 马来西亚 , Malaysia ; big horse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大鱷 Simplified 大鳄
Pinyin da4 e4
English lit . big crocodile ; fig . major figure ; big shot ; top boss ( esp . criminal )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大鼓 Simplified 大鼓
Pinyin da4 gu3
English big bass drum

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin fei3
English big

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xue2
English big rocky mountain

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Traditional 巨無霸 Simplified 巨无霸
Pinyin Ju4 wu2 ba4
English Big Mac ( McDonald's hamburger )

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Traditional 巨細 Simplified 巨细
Pinyin ju4 xi4
English big and small

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Traditional 巨頭 Simplified 巨头
Pinyin ju4 tou2
English tycoon ; magnate ; big player ( including company , country , school etc ) ; big shot

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin kuo4
English big ; empty ; open

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Traditional 懸殊 Simplified 悬殊
Pinyin xuan2 shu1
English a wide gap ; big contrast ; large disparity ; a mismatch

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin mu3
English thumb ; big toe

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拇指 Simplified 拇指
Pinyin mu3 zhi3
English thumb ; big toe

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Traditional 拇趾 Simplified 拇趾
Pinyin mu3 zhi3
English big toe

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin Huan2
English surname Huan ; Chinese soapberry ( Sapindus mukurossi ) ; big

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歌舞團 Simplified 歌舞团
Pinyin ge1 wu3 tuan2
English big band

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hong2
English flood ; big ; great

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qu2
English big ; stream or canal ; drain ; ditch ; him ( toplect ) ; outer rim of a carriage wheel ( old )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tao1
English big wave

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dan1
English big jar

CEDict 100318
Traditional 登仙 Simplified 登仙
Pinyin deng1 xian1
English to become immortal ; big promotion ; die

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shuo4
English large ; big

CEDict 100318
Traditional 碩大 Simplified 碩大
Pinyin shuo4 da4
English big ; huge ; massive

CEDict 100318
Traditional 磊磊 Simplified 磊磊
Pinyin lei3 lei3
English big pile of rocks ; big hearted ; open and honest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 磊落 Simplified 磊落
Pinyin lei3 luo4
English big and stout ; big-hearted ; open and honest ; continuous ; repeated

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ke1
English big ; hunger

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin fan1
English big winnow basket

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dao4
English big banner ; feather banner or fan

CEDict 100318
Traditional 老大哥 Simplified 老大哥
Pinyin lao3 da4 ge1
English big brother

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hu1
English big piece of meat ; dried meat

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ke1
English big ; hungry-looking

CEDict 100318
Traditional 衝刺 Simplified 冲刺
Pinyin chong1 ci4
English to sprint ; to spurt ; to dash ; big effort

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gong1
English big ; cup made of horn ; horn wine container

CEDict 100318
Traditional 豪門 Simplified 豪门
Pinyin hao2 men2
English rich and powerful ( families ) ; aristocratic ; big shots

CEDict 100318
Traditional 足大指 Simplified 足大指
Pinyin zu2 da4 zhi3
English big toe

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ting3
English big arrow ; walk fast

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nao2
English big cymbals

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hong2
English big ; gate ; surname Hong

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Traditional 顯貴 Simplified 显贵
Pinyin xian3 gui4
English dignitary ; distinguished person ; royalty ; nobleman ; big shot

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鬥牛 Simplified 斗牛
Pinyin dou4 niu2
English bullfighting ; Big Dipper and Altair ( astronomy )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin qian2
Variant zeng4 , rice pot
English big iron pot ; cauldron

CEDict 100318
Traditional 麥香堡 Simplified 麦香堡
Pinyin Mai4 xiang1 bao3
English Big Mac hamburger ( Taiwan )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 龍頭老大 Simplified 龙头老大
Pinyin long2 tou2 lao3 da4
English big boss ; leader of a group ; dominant ( position )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 大本鐘 Simplified 大本钟
Pinyin da4 ben3 zhong1
Deutsch Big Ben (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 大笨鐘 Simplified 大笨钟
Pinyin da4 ben4 zhong1
Deutsch Big Ben (u.E.) (S, Tech )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 大島 Simplified 大岛
Pinyin da4 dao3
Deutsch Big Island (u.E.) ( Eig , Geo )

Records 151 - 200 of 562 retrieved in 5955 ms