Unicode 12.1
Character Definition thank ; decline
Pinyin xiè Jyutping ze6
Traditional U+8B1D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shoes , footwear in general
Pinyin xié Jyutping haai4 On AI KAI Kun WARAJI Hangul : 0N Korean HYEY Tang hæi hɛi Viet hài

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lay down ; retire from office
Pinyin xiè Jyutping se3 On SHA Kun OROSU OROSHI Hangul : 1N Korean SA
Variant U+7F37

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition little , few ; rather , somewhat
Pinyin xiē Jyutping se1 On SA SHA Kun ISASAKA Hangul : 0N Korean SA Viet ta

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ribs , armpits ; flank ; threaten
Pinyin xié Jyutping hip3
Traditional U+8105

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ribs ; armpits ; flank ; threaten
Pinyin xié Jyutping hip3 On KYOU KOU KYUU Kun OBYAKASU ODOSU ODOKASU Hangul : 0E Korean HYEP Tang xiæp Viet hiếp
Simplified U+80C1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rest , stop , lodge
Pinyin xiē Jyutping hit3 On KETSU KAI Kun YAMERU TSUKIRU Hangul : 0N Korean HEL Tang *xiæt Viet hết

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition slanting , sloping , inclined
Pinyin xié Jyutping ce3 ce4 je4 On SHA Kun NANAME Hangul : 0E Korean SA YA Tang *zia Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition little , few ; rather , somewhat
Pinyin XIE1 SUO4 SA1 Jyutping se1 On SA SHA Kun ISASAKA Hangul Korean SA Viet ta

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wedge ; gatepost ; foreword
Pinyin XIE1 XIE4 Jyutping sit3 On SETSU KETSU Kun KUSABI HOUDATE Hangul Korean SEL

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rest , stop , lodge
Pinyin XIE1 YA4 Jyutping hit3 On KETSU KAI Kun YAMERU TSUKIRU Hangul Korean HEL Tang *xiæt Viet hết

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smoke or flames from fire ; roast
Pinyin XIE1 XIE2 HE4 Jyutping hit3 hot3 On KATSU KACHI RYOU Kun OOKAMI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scorpion
Pinyin XIE1 Jyutping hit3 kit3 On KATSU KETSU Kun SASORI Hangul Korean KAL

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition short garments
Pinyin XIE1

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
English some ; few ; several ; (a measure word )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 些許 Simplified 些许
Pinyin xie1 xu3
English a few ; a little ; a bit

CEDict 100318
Traditional 挾怨 Simplified 挟怨
Pinyin xie1 yuan4
English to hold a grudge

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
English to wedge ; wedge

CEDict 100318
Traditional 楔子 Simplified 楔子
Pinyin xie1 zi5
English wedge ; peg ; stopper ; prologue ( in some modern novels ) ; prologue or interlude in Yuan dynasty drama

CEDict 100318
Traditional 楔形 Simplified 楔形
Pinyin xie1 xing2
English cuneiform ( letters ) ; wedge-shape

CEDict 100318
Traditional 楔形文字 Simplified 楔形文字
Pinyin xie1 xing2 wen2 zi4
English cuneiform ( Babylonian script )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 楔形物 Simplified 楔形物
Pinyin xie1 xing2 wu4
English wedge

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
English to rest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歇息 Simplified 歇息
Pinyin xie1 xi5
English to have a rest ; to stay for the night ; to go to bed ; to sleep

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歇斯底里 Simplified 歇斯底里
Pinyin xie1 si1 di3 li3
English hysterical

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歇業 Simplified 歇业
Pinyin xie1 ye4
English to close down ; to go out of business ; same as 停業 | 停业

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歇氣 Simplified 歇气
Pinyin xie1 qi4
English to have a break ; to rest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歇腳 Simplified 歇脚
Pinyin xie1 jiao3
English to stop on the way for a rest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歇艎 Simplified 歇艎
Pinyin xie1 huang2
English large warship

CEDict 100318
Traditional 歇菜 Simplified 歇菜
Pinyin xie1 cai4
English Stop it! ( recent Beijing and internet slang ) ; Game over! ; You're dead!

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
English short-snout dog

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
English scorpion

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
English scorpion

CEDict 100318
Traditional 蠍子 Simplified 蝎子
Pinyin xie1 zi5
English scorpion

CEDict 100318
Traditional 蠍虎座 Simplified 蝎虎座
Pinyin xie1 hu3 zuo4
English Lacerta ( constellation )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
English short garments

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
Deutsch Zählwort , einige (u.E.) ; einige (s), etwas (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 些微 Simplified 些微
Pinyin xie1 wei2
Deutsch geringfügig (u.E.) ( Adj )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 些許 Simplified 些许
Pinyin xie1 xu3
Deutsch ein bisschen (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 楔緊 Simplified 楔紧
Pinyin xie1 jin3
Deutsch einkeilen ( Buchdruckform ) (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 楔形 Simplified 楔形
Pinyin xie1 xing2
Deutsch keilförmig (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 楔型土豆 Simplified 楔型土豆
Pinyin xie1 xing2 tu3 dou4
Deutsch Potato Wedges , Kartoffelecken , Kartoffelspalten (u.E.) (S, Ess )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 楔眼 Simplified 楔眼
Pinyin xie1 yan3
Deutsch Nut (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xie1
Deutsch ausruhen , bleiben (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 歇後語 Simplified 歇后语
Pinyin xie1 hou4 yu3
Deutsch Xiehouyu ( zweigliedriges Sprichwort , bei dem der zweite Teil meist ausgelassen wird ) (u.E.) (S, Sprachw )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 歇會兒 Simplified 歇会儿
Pinyin xie1 hui3 er1
Deutsch sich einen Augenblick ausruhen (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 歇腳 Simplified 歇脚
Pinyin xie1 jiao3
Deutsch Fußbett (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 歇洛克福爾摩斯 Simplified 歇洛克福尔摩斯
Pinyin xie1 luo4 ke4 fu2 er3 mo2 si1
Deutsch Sherlock Holmes (u.E.) ( Lit )

Records 51 - 100 of 150 retrieved in 1276 ms