
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition piece together , assemble
Pinyin COU4 Jyutping cau3 On SOU Kun MINATO ATSUMARU Korean CWU
Traditional U+6E4A

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cou4
English to gather together , pool or collect ; to happen by chance ; to move close to ; to exploit an opportunity

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cou4
Deutsch sammeln (u.E.) (V)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cou4 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun みなと ; あつ . まる Reading Korean ju
Meaning piece together ; assemble

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition piece together , assemble
Pinyin còu Jyutping cau3 On SOU Kun MINATO ATSUMARU Korean CWU
Traditional U+6E4A

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cou4 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun みなと ; あつ . まる Reading Korean ju
Meaning piece together ; assemble

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cou4
English to gather together , pool or collect ; to happen by chance ; to move close to ; to exploit an opportunity

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cou4
Deutsch sammeln (V)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊成 Simplified 凑成
Pinyin cou4 cheng2
English to put together ; to make up (a set ) ; to round up (a number to a convenient multiple ) ; resulting in ...

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 湊成 Simplified 凑成
Pinyin cou4 cheng2
Deutsch zusammentun (u.E.) (V)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊成 Simplified 凑成
Pinyin cou4 cheng2
English to put together ; to make up (a set ) ; to round up (a number to a convenient multiple ) ; resulting in ...

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 湊成 Simplified 凑成
Pinyin cou4 cheng2
Deutsch zusammentun (V)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊份子 Simplified 凑份子
Pinyin cou4 fen4 zi5
English to pool resources ( for a gift , project etc )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊份子 Simplified 凑份子
Pinyin cou4 fen4 zi5
English to pool resources ( for a gift , project etc )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊付 Simplified 凑付
Pinyin cou4 fu5
English to put together hastily ; to make do with

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊合 Simplified 凑合
Pinyin cou4 he5
English to bring together ; to make do in a bad situation ; to just get by ; to improvise ; passable ; not too bad

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 湊合 Simplified 凑合
Pinyin cou4 he2
Deutsch zusammen bringen , zusammenbringen [ alt ], sich zusammenfinden , zusammenkommen , sich versammeln (u.E.) (V) ; nicht allzu schlecht , es geht so , es ginge noch ( Nordchinesisch ) (u.E.) ( Adv )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊合 Simplified 凑合
Pinyin cou4 he5
English to bring together ; to make do in a bad situation ; to just get by ; to improvise ; passable ; not too bad

HanDeDict 200217

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊近 Simplified 凑近
Pinyin cou4 jin4
English to approach ; to lean close to

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊近 Simplified 凑近
Pinyin cou4 jin4
English to approach ; to lean close to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊齊 Simplified 凑齐
Pinyin cou4 qi2
English to collect all the bits to make a whole

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊齊 Simplified 凑齐
Pinyin cou4 qi2
English to collect all the bits to make a whole

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊錢 Simplified 凑钱
Pinyin cou4 qian2
English to raise enough money to do sth ; to pool money ; to club together ( to do sth )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊錢 Simplified 凑钱
Pinyin cou4 qian2
English to raise enough money to do sth ; to pool money ; to club together ( to do sth )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊巧 Simplified 凑巧
Pinyin cou4 qiao3
English fortuitously ; luckily ; as chance has it

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 湊巧 Simplified 凑巧
Pinyin cou4 qiao3
Deutsch unglücklicherweise , ausgerechnet , leider , zufällig , gerade (u.E.) ( Adj )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊巧 Simplified 凑巧
Pinyin cou4 qiao3
English fortuitously ; luckily ; as chance has it

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 湊巧 Simplified 凑巧
Pinyin cou4 qiao3
Deutsch unglücklicherweise , ausgerechnet , leider , zufällig , gerade ( Adj )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊趣 Simplified 凑趣
Pinyin cou4 qu4
English to comply in order to please others ; to accommodate sb else's taste ; to make fun of

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊熱鬧 Simplified 凑热闹
Pinyin cou4 re4 nao4
English to butt in ( an cause trouble ) ; to cause trouble ; to join in the fun ; to get in on the action

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊熱鬧 Simplified 凑热闹
Pinyin cou4 re4 nao5
English to join in the fun ; to get in on the action ; ( fig .) to butt in ; to create more trouble

CEDict 100318
Traditional 湊手 Simplified 凑手
Pinyin cou4 shou3
English at hand ; within easy reach ; convenient ; handy

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊手 Simplified 凑手
Pinyin cou4 shou3
English at hand ; within easy reach ; convenient ; handy

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊數 Simplified 凑数
Pinyin cou4 shu4
English to serve as a stopgap ; to make up a shortfall in the number of people

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 湊在一起 Simplified 凑在一起
Pinyin cou4 zai4 yi4 qi3
Deutsch Ansammlung (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 湊在一起 Simplified 凑在一起
Pinyin cou4 zai4 yi4 qi3
Deutsch Ansammlung (S)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 湊足 Simplified 凑足
Pinyin cou4 zu2
English to scrape together enough ( people , money etc )

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