Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , deliver , pay , hand over ; entrust
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun TSUKERU ATAERU TSUKU Hangul Korean PWU Tang biò Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spread , publicize , announce
Pinyin BU4 Jyutping bou3 On HO HU Kun AMANESHI Hangul Korean PHO
Variant U+5E03

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tutor , teacher ; assist ; surname
Pinyin FU4 FU1 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun MORI TSUKU KASHIZUKU Hangul Korean PWU Tang biò Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition on duty
Pinyin BAO4 Jyutping bou3 On HOU HYOU Kun TONORU Hangul Korean PHO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition carpenter's plane ; plane , level
Pinyin BAO4 PAO2 Jyutping paau4 On HOU BYOU Kun KEZURU Korean PHO Viet bào

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition assist ; supplement ; assistant
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3 On FUKU Kun SOU SOE Hangul Korean PWU POK Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wrap ; KangXi radical 20
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun TSUTSUMU Korean PHO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wrap , pack , bundle ; package
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun TSUTSUMU TSUTSUMI Hangul Korean PHO Tang bau Viet bao

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crawl ; lie prostrate
Pinyin PU2 Jyutping pou4 On HO Kun HAU Hangul Korean PHO Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gourd ; musical instrument
Pinyin PAO2 Jyutping paau4 On HOU Kun HISAGO Hangul Korean PHO Viet bầu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roar
Pinyin PAO2 Jyutping paau4 On HOU Kun HOERU Hangul Korean PHO Tang bhɑu Viet bàu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition instruct , order
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3 fu6 On HO BU Kun IITSUKERU Hangul Korean PWU Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chew food ; feed
Pinyin BU3 Jyutping bou1 bou6 On HO Kun FUKUMU HAGUKUMU Hangul Korean PHO Tang bhò Viet phô

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chew food ; feed
Pinyin BU3 Jyutping bou1 bou6 On HO Kun FUKUMU HAGUKUMU Hangul Korean PHO Tang bhò Viet phô

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition garden , cultivated field
Pinyin PU3 Jyutping bou2 pou2 On HO Kun HATAKE Hangul Korean PHO Tang Viet bo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cotton cloth , textiles , linen
Pinyin BU4 Jyutping bou3 On FU Kun NUNO SHIKU Hangul Korean PHO Tang *bò Viet bố
Variant U+4F48

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kitchen ; cooking , cuisine
Pinyin PAO2 Jyutping paau4 On HOU Kun KURYA Hangul Korean PHO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition terror , fear ; frighten ; terrified
Pinyin BU4 Jyutping bou3 On FU HO Kun KOWAI OSORERU OJIRU Hangul Korean PHO Viet bố

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition throw ( away )
Pinyin PAO1 Jyutping paau1 On HOU Kun NAGEUTSU Hangul Korean PHO Tang pau Viet phao
Traditional U+62CB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wear ; split ; crack
Pinyin PI1 Jyutping pei1 On HI Kun HIRAKU Hangul Korean PHI Tang *pyɛ Viet phơ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition embrace , hold in arms , enfold
Pinyin BAO4 Jyutping bou6 pou5 On HOU Kun IDAKU DAKU KAKAERU Hangul Korean PHO Tang *bhɑ̌u Viet bão
Variant U+6294

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PI1 On HI BI Kun HIRAKU Viet phơ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition throw ( away ), abandon , reject
Pinyin PAO1 Jyutping paau1 On HOU Kun NAGEUTSU Korean PHO
Simplified U+629B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arrest , catch , seize
Pinyin BU3 Jyutping bou6 On HO Kun TORAERU TORU TSUKAMAERU Hangul Korean PHO Tang bhò Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition late afternoon
Pinyin BU1 Jyutping bou1 On HO HU Kun YUUGATA Hangul Korean PHO Tang bo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition universal , general , widespread
Pinyin PU3 Jyutping pou2 On FU HO Kun AMANESHI Hangul Korean PO Viet phổ

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BAO4 BO2 Hangul Korean PHO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sun , air in sun , expose or dry in the sun
Pinyin PU4 Jyutping buk6 On BAKU Kun SARASU Hangul Korean PHO PHOK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bubbles , suds ; blister ; soak
Pinyin PAO4 PAO2 PAO1 Jyutping paau1 paau3 pou5 On HOU Kun AWA Hangul Korean PHO Viet bàu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bank of river , shore ; surname
Pinyin PU3 Jyutping pou2 pou4 On HO Kun URA Hangul Korean PHO Tang *pǒ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition large gun , cannon ; artillery
Pinyin PAO4 BAO1 PAO2 Jyutping baau1 paau3 On HOU Kun ABURU Hangul Korean PHO Viet pháo
Variant U+7832

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roast , broil ; bake
Pinyin PAO2 PAO4 Jyutping paau4 On HOU BYOU HUU HU Hangul Korean PHO
Variant U+70AE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition acne
Pinyin PAO4 Jyutping paau3 On HOU Kun MOGASA Hangul Korean PHO
Traditional U+76B0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition basin , tub , pot , bowl
Pinyin PEN2 Jyutping pun4 On BON HON Kun HACHI Hangul Korean PWUN Viet phơ bồn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gun , cannon
Pinyin PAO4 Jyutping baau3 paau3 paau4 On HOU Kun OOZUTSU TSUTSU Hangul Korean PHO Viet bâu pháo
Variant U+70AE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition womb , placenta , fetal membrane
Pinyin BAO1 PAO2 PAO4 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun ENA Hangul Korean PHO Viet bào
Variant U+812C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dried meat ; preserved fruits
Pinyin FU3 PU2 Jyutping fu2 pou2 On HO FU Kun HOJISHI Hangul Korean PHO Tang biǒ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition store , shop
Pinyin PU4 PU1 Jyutping pou3 On HO FU Kun MISE Hangul Korean PHO Viet phố
Variant U+92EA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition store , shop
Pinyin PU4 PU1 Jyutping pou3 On HO FU Kun MISE Hangul Korean PHO Viet phố
Variant U+92EA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a variety of rush ; firm , enduring ; to burst forth
Pinyin BAO1 PAO2 BIAO1 Jyutping baau1 On HOU HYOU Kun TSUTO Hangul Korean PHO Tang bau

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition grapes
Pinyin PU2 BEI4 Jyutping pou4 On HO BU Hangul Korean PHO Tang bho

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of rush ; vine
Pinyin PU2 BO2 Jyutping pou4 On HO BU Kun GAMA KAMA Hangul Korean PHO Tang *bho Viet bồ
Variant U+8386

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long gown , robe , cloak
Pinyin PAO2 BAO4 Jyutping pou4 On HOU BOU Kun WATAIRE Hangul Korean PHO Tang *bhɑu Viet bào

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition praise , commend , honor , cite
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping bou1 On HOU Kun HOMERU Hangul Korean PHO Tang bɑu
Variant U+8943

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition obituary ; give notice of death
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun SHIRASE Hangul Korean PWU Viet phó
Simplified U+8BA3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition huge ; to admonish
Pinyin PU3 BU1 On HO HU Hangul Korean PHO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition go to ; attend , be present
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun OMOMUKU Hangul Korean PWU Tang *pio Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flee , run away , leave debt unsettled
Pinyin BU1 Jyutping bou1 On HO FU Kun NOGARERU Hangul Korean PHO Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition carpenter's plane
Pinyin BAO4 PAO2 Jyutping paau4 On HOU Kun KANNA Hangul Korean PHO Viet bào
Simplified U+94C7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spread out , arrange ; shop , store ; place to sleep , bed
Pinyin PU1 PU4 Jyutping pou1 pou3 On HO FU Kun SHIKU MISE Hangul Korean PHO Tang *po Viet phố
Simplified U+94FA

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 505 ms