Unicode 5.2
Character Definition other , another ; he , she , it
Pinyin TA1 Jyutping taa1 On TA Kun HOKA Hangul Korean THA Tang *tɑ Viet tha

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fall in ruins , collapse
Pinyin TA1 Jyutping taap3 On TOU Hangul Korean THAP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition she , her
Pinyin TA1 Jyutping ji1 taa1 On CHI JI SHA TA I Kun AZARU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition it ; other
Pinyin TA1 TUO1 Jyutping taa1 to1 On TA SHA Kun HEBI
Variant U+7260

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition he
Pinyin TA1 Jyutping taa1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname
Pinyin TA1 Jyutping hyun1

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
Variant | [ ta1 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English he or him ; ( used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant ) ; ( used before sb's name for emphasis ) ; ( used as a meaningless mock object ) ; other ; another

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他人 Simplified 他人
Pinyin ta1 ren2
English another ; sb else ; other people

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他們 Simplified 他们
Pinyin ta1 men5
English they

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他們的 Simplified 他们的
Pinyin ta1 men5 de5
English their ; theirs

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他們自己 Simplified 他们自己
Pinyin ta1 men5 zi4 ji3
English themselves

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他們都 Simplified 他们都
Pinyin ta1 men5 dou1
English all of them

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他加祿語 Simplified 他加禄语
Pinyin Ta1 jia1 lu4 yu3
English Tagalog ( language )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他國 Simplified 他国
Pinyin ta1 guo2
English another country

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他媽 Simplified 他妈
Pinyin ta1 ma1
English ( taboo curse ) darned ; damn it! ; fucking

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他殺 Simplified 他杀
Pinyin ta1 sha1
English homicide ( law )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他自己 Simplified 他自己
Pinyin ta1 zi4 ji3
English himself

CEDict 100318
Traditional 他遷 Simplified 他迁
Pinyin ta1 qian1
English to relocate ; to move elsewhere

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English collapse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 塌下 Simplified 塌下
Pinyin ta1 xia4
English collapse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 塌實 Simplified 塌实
Pinyin ta1 shi5
English solid ; on a firm footing ; dependable ; steady ; calm ; peace of mind

CEDict 100318
Traditional 塌方 Simplified 塌方
Pinyin ta1 fang1
English to cave in ; to collapse ; landslide

CEDict 100318
Traditional 塌棵菜 Simplified 塌棵菜
Pinyin ta1 ke1 cai4
English Brassica narinosa ( broadbeaked mustard ) ; Chinese flat cabbage

CEDict 100318
Traditional 塌陷 Simplified 塌陷
Pinyin ta1 xian4
English to subside ; to sink ; to cave in

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English she

CEDict 100318
Traditional 她們 Simplified 她们
Pinyin ta1 men5
English they ; them ( for females )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 她瑪 Simplified 她玛
Pinyin Ta1 ma3
English Tamir ( mother of Perez and Zerah )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 她自己 Simplified 她自己
Pinyin ta1 zi4 ji3
English herself

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English it

CEDict 100318
Traditional 它們 Simplified 它们
Pinyin ta1 men5
English they ( for inanimate objects )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 它本身 Simplified 它本身
Pinyin ta1 ben3 shen1
English itself

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English it ( used for animals )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English he , it ( pronoun used for God )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English inner shirt ; to sew onto clothing ; see also | [ Ta4 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 褟縧子 Simplified 褟绦子
Pinyin ta1 tao1 zi5
English lace hemming

CEDict 100318
Traditional 趿拉 Simplified 趿拉
Pinyin ta1 la5
English to shuffle along ( while walking ) ; to be deliberately slow ( in doing sth ) ; slippers

CEDict 100318
Traditional 踏實 Simplified 踏实
Pinyin ta1 shi5
English practical ; down-to-earth ; realistic ; firmly based ; steadfast ; to have peace of mind ; free from anxiety

CEDict 100318
Traditional 踏踏實實 Simplified 踏踏实实
Pinyin ta1 ta1 shi2 shi2
English realistic ; down-to-earth ; steadfast

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
English thallium ( chemistry )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta1
Deutsch er ( ihm , ihn ) ( Pron )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 他的 Simplified 他的
Pinyin ta1 de5
Deutsch sein , seine , seinem , seiner (u.E.) ( Pron )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 他敢說敢做 Simplified 他敢说敢做
Pinyin ta1 gan3 shuo1 gan3 zuo4
Deutsch er macht was er sagt (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 他國 Simplified 他国
Pinyin ta1 guo2
Deutsch anderes Land , andere Länder (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 他激 Simplified 他激
Pinyin ta1 ji1
Deutsch Fremderregung (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 他加祿語 Simplified 他加禄语
Pinyin ta1 jia1 lu4 yu3
Deutsch Tagalog ( eine Sprache auf den Philippinen ) ( Eig , Sprachw )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 他力 Simplified 他力
Pinyin ta1 li4
Deutsch fremd (u.E.)

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 232 ms