Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a variety of grass , couch grass family
Pinyin XIAN2 Jyutping haam4
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a water plant , Nymphoides peltalum
Pinyin XING4 Jyutping hang6 On KOU GYOU Kun HANAJIYUNSAI Hangul Korean HAYNG Tang hæ̌ng Viet hành
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YAN2
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a fragrant plant the root is medicinal
Pinyin HENG2 Jyutping hang4 On KOU GYOU
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 5.2
Character 𦸇
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CUN3 Jyutping cyun2 On SON SEN Kun KIRU TATSU SAKU Korean CHON Viet thổn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition creak ; ( Cant .) to babble , gibberish
Pinyin TUN1 Jyutping teon1 zeon1 On TON DON SHUN TAI TE KYOU KAU Kun IKI Korean THON

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to swallow hastily ; to gobble up
Pinyin TUN1 KUO4 On TON KUWAKU Kun TATAKU Hangul Korean THON Viet xôn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ton ( metric or English )
Pinyin DUN1 Jyutping deon1 On TON Kun TON Hangul Korean THON
Simplified U+5428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inch ; small , tiny ; KangXi radical 41
Pinyin CUN4 Jyutping cyun3 On SUN SON Kun HAKARU TOKI KI Hangul Korean CHON Tang *tsuə̀n Viet thốn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition guess , suppose , conjecture
Pinyin CUN3 Jyutping cyun2 On SON Kun HAKARU Hangul Korean CHON Viet thổn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition village , hamlet ; uncouth , vulgar
Pinyin CUN1 Jyutping cyun1 On SON Kun MURA Hangul Korean CHON Tang *tsuən Viet thôn

Unicode 5.2
Kun TON Hangul Korean THON

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠴘
Viet thổn

Unicode 5.2
Character 𦛻
Viet thộn

Unicode 5.2
Character 𩺦
Viet thờn

JMdict 100319
Reading まぐろ ; しび
Translation eng tuna ( edible fish , Thunnus spp .) ; tunny ; northern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus ) ; dead lay ( someone who is inactive during sexual intercourse ) Translation ger {Fischk .} Thunfisch Translation fre thon Translation rus тунец

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of a variety of grass , couch grass family
Pinyin xián Jyutping haam4
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a water plant , Nymphoides peltalum
Pinyin xìng Jyutping hang6 On KOU GYOU Kun HANAJUNSAI ASAZA Hangul : 0N Korean HAYNG Tang hæ̌ng Viet hành
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yàn Jyutping jin4 jin6
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a fragrant plant the root is medicinal
Pinyin héng Jyutping hang4 On KOU GYOU
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 12.1
Character 𦸇
Jyutping seot6
Cangjie Input Code THON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition creak ; ( Cant .) to babble , gibberish
Pinyin tūn Jyutping teon1 zeon1 On TON DON SHUN TAI TE KYOU KAU Kun IKI Korean THON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to swallow hastily ; to gobble up
Pinyin tūn On TON KUWAKU Kun TATAKU Hangul : 1N Korean THON Viet xôn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ton ( metric or English )
Pinyin dūn Jyutping deon1 On TON Kun TON Hangul :1 Korean THON
Simplified U+5428

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin wa Jyutping deon1 Kun TON Hangul :1 Korean THON

JMdict 200217
Reading まぐろ ; しび ; マグロ
Translation dut tonijn {dierk .} ; tonijn {dierk .} ; Thunnus Translation hun tonhal Translation spa atún
Translation eng tuna ( edible fish , Thunnus spp .) ; tunny ; Pacific bluefin tuna ( edible fish , Thunnus orientalis ) ; dead lay ; starfish ; person who is inactive during sexual intercourse Translation ger Thunfisch ; Thunfisch ; toter Fisch im Bett ; sexuelle Passivität Translation fre thon Translation rus крупный тунец (( ср .) まぐろ ) ; тунец восточный , Thunnus orientalis ( Temm . et Schl .)

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cun4 Reading On スン Nanori す ; みき Reading Korean chon Reading Korean
Meaning measurement ; tenth of a shaku ; a little ; small Meaning fr dimension ; un peu ; sun = 3, 03 cm ( 1/10 de shaku ) Meaning es longitud ; medida ; un poco ; sólo ; antigua unidad de medida Meaning pt medição ; medida valendo pés/ 10
Reading vietnam Thốn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cun1 Reading On ソン Reading Kun むら Nanori え ; むた ; ら Reading Korean chon Reading Korean
Meaning village ; town Meaning fr village ; ville Meaning es ciudad ; pueblo Meaning pt cidade ; aldeia
Reading vietnam Thôn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tun1 Reading On トン ; ドン Reading Kun の.む Reading Korean tan Reading Korean
Meaning drink Meaning es beber ; tragar ; menospreciar ; subestimar
Reading vietnam Thôn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cun3 Reading On ソン Reading Kun はか .る Reading Korean chon Reading Korean
Meaning conjecture
Reading vietnam Thốn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tun1 Reading On トン Reading Kun あさひ Reading Korean don Reading Korean
Meaning sunrise ; sun's rays
Reading vietnam Thôn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tun4 ; tui4 Reading On タイ ; トン Reading Kun あ. せる ; ぬ.ぐ Reading Korean toe Reading Korean
Meaning fade ; discolour
Reading vietnam Thốn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cun1 Reading On ソン Reading Kun むら Reading Korean chon Reading Korean
Meaning village ; hamlet ; rustic
Reading vietnam Thôn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tun1 Reading On トン ; シュン ; タイ ; テ ; キョウ ; コウ Reading Kun いき Reading Korean ton
Meaning creak
Reading vietnam Thôn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin da1 Reading On タツ ; タチ Reading Korean dal
Meaning sound made get horse move forward
Reading vietnam Thơn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tun1 Reading On トン ; イン ; キン Reading Kun は.く
Meaning meander
Reading vietnam Thôn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tun3 Reading On トン ; タン ; トウ ; ツ Reading Kun そろわない
Meaning ground
Reading vietnam Thỗn

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cun4 Reading On トウ ; ドウ ; スン Reading Kun インチ Reading Korean chon ; du Reading Korean ;
Meaning inch
Reading vietnam Thốn

JMnedict 100319
Reading トンブリー Romaji Thonburi

JMnedict 200217
Reading トンブリー Romaji Thonburi

JMnedict 100319
Reading トンデー Romaji Thondhe

JMnedict 200217
Reading トンデー Romaji Thondhe

JMnedict 100319
Reading トゥンドップ Romaji Thondup

JMnedict 200217
Reading トゥンドップ Romaji Thondup

JMnedict 100319
Reading トネー Romaji Thonet

JMnedict 200217
Reading トネー Romaji Thonet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of bridge
Pinyin YONG3 Jyutping cung1 jung2 tung2 On YOU YU Kun OKITSUCHI Hangul Korean YONG Viet thõng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition in pain , sorrowful
Pinyin TONG1 DONG4 Jyutping dung6 tung1 On DOU TOU Kun ITAMU Hangul Korean THONG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sadness , grief ; mourn ; be moved
Pinyin TONG4 Jyutping dung6 On DOU TOU Kun NAGEKU Hangul Korean THONG Tang dhùng Viet đỏng
Simplified U+6078

Records 1 - 50 of 95 retrieved in 836 ms