Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) buttons
Pinyin NIU3 Jyutping naau2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to eat meat , ( same as ) the elbow , ( same as ) fine quality of meat , ( same as ) nose bleeding
Pinyin NIU3 Jyutping naau2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition blush , be bashful , be ashamed
Pinyin NIU3 NÜ4 Jyutping nau2 nuk6 On JIKU JUU Kun HAJIRU Hangul Korean NYU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition turn , twist , wrench ; seize , grasp
Pinyin NIU3 Jyutping nau2 On JUU NYU CHUU CHU Kun NEJIMAWASU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin NIU3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to covet ; to be accustomed
Pinyin NIU3 NÜ4 Jyutping nau2 On JUU Kun NARERU NARAU Viet nữu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition knot ; button ; handle , knob ; tie
Pinyin NIU3 Jyutping nau2 On CHUU JUU Kun HIMO Hangul Korean NYU Viet néo
Simplified U+7EBD Variant U+F9CF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition knot ; button ; handle , knob ; tie
Pinyin NIU3 Jyutping nau2
Traditional U+7D10

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin NIU3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition button , knob ; surname
Pinyin NIU3 CHOU3 Jyutping nau2 On CHUU JUU Kun TSUMAMI BOTAN Tang niǒu Viet nạo
Simplified U+94AE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition button , knob ; surname
Pinyin NIU3 Jyutping nau2
Traditional U+9215

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin NIU3 Hangul Korean NYU

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niu3
English accustomed to ; blush ; be shy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 忸忸怩怩 Simplified 忸忸怩怩
Pinyin niu3 niu3 ni2 ni2
English timid ; bashful

CEDict 100318
Traditional 忸怩 Simplified 忸怩
Pinyin niu3 ni2
English bashful ; blushing

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niu3
English to turn ; to twist ; to grab ; to wring

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭傷 Simplified 扭伤
Pinyin niu3 shang1
English a sprain ; a crick ; to sprain

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭力 Simplified 扭力
Pinyin niu3 li4
English torque ; turning force ; torsion

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭打 Simplified 扭打
Pinyin niu3 da3
English to wrestle ; to grapple ; to scuffle

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭捏 Simplified 扭捏
Pinyin niu3 nie5
English affecting shyness or embarrassment ; coy ; mincing ( walk , manner of speech ) ; mannered

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭擺 Simplified 扭摆
Pinyin niu3 bai3
English to swing

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭曲 Simplified 扭曲
Pinyin niu3 qu1
English to twist ; to warp ; to distort

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭矩 Simplified 扭矩
Pinyin niu3 ju3
English torque ; turning force

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭結 Simplified 扭结
Pinyin niu3 jie2
English to tangle up ; to twist together ; to wind

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭虧 Simplified 扭亏
Pinyin niu3 kui1
English to make good a deficit ; to reverse a loss

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭角羚 Simplified 扭角羚
Pinyin niu3 jiao3 ling2
English takin ( Budorcas taxicolor ) ; goat-antelope

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭轉 Simplified 扭转
Pinyin niu3 zhuan3
English to reverse ; to turn around ( an undesirable situation )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 扭頭 Simplified 扭头
Pinyin niu3 tou2
English to turn one's head ; to turn around

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niu3
English handcuffs ; red apricot

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niu3
English accustomed to

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niu3
English to turn ; to wrench ; button ; nu ( Greek letter Νν )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐倫堡 Simplified 纽伦堡
Pinyin Niu3 lun2 bao3
English Nürnberg or Nuremberg , town in Bavaria , Germany

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐卡斯爾 Simplified 纽卡斯尔
Pinyin Niu3 ka3 si1 er3
English Newcastle ( place name )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐卡素 Simplified 纽卡素
Pinyin niu3 ka3 su4
English Newcastle

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐子 Simplified 纽子
Pinyin niu3 zi5
English button

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐帶 Simplified 纽带
Pinyin niu3 dai4
English tie ; link ; bond

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐幾內亞 Simplified 纽几内亚
Pinyin Niu3 Ji1 nei4 ya4
English New Guinea ; Papua-New Guinea

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐扣 Simplified 纽扣
Pinyin niu3 kou4
English button

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐瓦克 Simplified 纽瓦克
Pinyin Niu3 wa3 ke4
English Newark ( place name )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約 Simplified 纽约
Pinyin Niu3 Yue1
English New York

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約人 Simplified 纽约人
Pinyin Niu3 yue1 ren2
English New Yorker

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約大學 Simplified 纽约大学
Pinyin Niu3 yue1 Da4 xue2
English New York University

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約客 Simplified 纽约客
Pinyin Niu3 yue1 ke4
English The New Yorker , US magazine ; resident of New York

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約州 Simplified 纽约州
Pinyin Niu3 yue1 zhou1
English New York state

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約市 Simplified 纽约市
Pinyin Niu3 Yue1 shi4
English New York City

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約時報 Simplified 纽约时报
Pinyin Niu3 Yue1 Shi2 bao4
English New York Times ( newspaper )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 紐約郵報 Simplified 纽约邮报
Pinyin Niu3 Yue1 you2 bao4
English New York post ( newspaper )

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 394 ms