Unicode 5.2
Character Definition halo in sky ; fog ; dizzy , faint
Pinyin YUN1 YUN4 Jyutping wan4 wan6 On UN Kun KASA BOKASHI MEMAI Hangul Korean HWUN WUN Tang ngiuən Viet vừng
Simplified U+6655

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wood streaks
Pinyin YUN2 On UN Kun MOKUME Hangul Korean WUN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ridge pole ; shape wood by use of heat ; tool for shaping bent wood
Pinyin YIN4 YIN3 On IN Kun MUNE Hangul Korean UN
Variant U+6AFD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition many , great ; abundant , flourishing
Pinyin YIN1 YAN1 YIN3 Jyutping jan1 jan2 jin1 On IN AN Kun SAKAN Hangul Korean UN AN Tang *qiən qiə̌n qɛn Viet ân

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition life giving influences of nature ; spirit of harmony ; prosperity
Pinyin YUN1 Jyutping wan1 On UN Kun SAKAN Korean ON
Traditional U+6C33

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition life giving influences of nature ; spirit of harmony ; prosperity
Pinyin YUN1 Jyutping wan1 On UN Kun SAKAN Hangul Korean ON Tang qiuən
Simplified U+6C32

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN IN Viet vờn
Variant U+6DA2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YIN1 Hangul Korean UN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition billows
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN Hangul Korean WUN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sultriness , stuffiness
Pinyin YUN1 YUN4 WEN3 Jyutping wan3 On UN ON Kun IKIRE
Traditional U+7185

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smooth out , iron out
Pinyin YUN4 YUN2 YUN1 Jyutping wan1 wan3 On UN ON Kun UZUMIBI Hangul Korean ON Viet đào ùn
Simplified U+7174

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the snarling of dogs
Pinyin YIN2 Jyutping ngan4 On GEN GON Hangul Korean UN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition precious stone
Pinyin KEN4 On GIN Kun UTSUKUSHII Hangul Korean UN KAN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rash ; addiction , craving , habit
Pinyin YIN3 Jyutping jan5 On IN ON Kun HAREMONO Hangul Korean UN
Simplified U+763E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tall bamboo
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN EN Kun TAKE Hangul Korean WUN
Simplified U+7B7C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition confused , in disorder ; numerous
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN Kun MIDARERU Hangul Korean WUN
Simplified U+7EAD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition variant of U+7E15 , tangled hemp , raveled silk ; vague , confused
Pinyin YUN1 On UN ON Kun HURUI Korean ON
Variant U+7E15

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tangled hemp , raveled silk ; vague , confused
Pinyin YUN1 YUN4 Jyutping wan1 wan3 On UN ON Kun HURUI Hangul Korean ON
Simplified U+7F0A

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition weed
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN Kun KUSAGIRU Hangul Korean WUN
Variant U+79D0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition non-standard variant of U+8077 , duty , profession ; office , post

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YUN1 On UN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rue , an herb used keep insects away
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN Kun ABURANA Hangul Korean WUN
Simplified U+82B8

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the hippuris or mare's tail plant
Pinyin YUN4 WEN1 Jyutping wan1 On UN Kun TSUMU Korean ON
Traditional U+8580

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the hippuris or mare's tail plant
Pinyin YUN4 Jyutping wan1 On UN Kun TSUMU Hangul Korean ON
Simplified U+8570

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition collect
Simplified U+8574 Variant U+860A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition collect , gather , store ; profound ; ( Budd .) skandha
Pinyin YUN4 WEN1 Jyutping wan3 wan5 On UN ON Kun TSUMU TAKUWAERU OSAMERU Hangul Korean ON
Simplified U+8574

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YIN2 On GIN GON Kun KATARU Hangul Korean UN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition speak gently ; respectful
Pinyin YIN2 Korean UN
Traditional U+8ABE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition speak gently ; respectful
Pinyin YIN2 Jyutping ngan4 On GIN GON Hangul Korean UN
Simplified U+8A1A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition run ; simplified form of luck , fortune ; ship , transport
Pinyin YUN4 Jyutping wan6 On UN Kun HASHIRU
Traditional U+904B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition luck , fortune ; ship , transport
Pinyin YUN4 Jyutping wan6 On UN Kun HAKOBU MEGURU MEGURASU Hangul Korean WUN Tang *hiuə̀n Viet vận
Simplified U+8FD0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; an ancient town's name
Pinyin YUN4 Jyutping wan6 On UN
Simplified U+90D3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition county in Hubei province
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN
Simplified U+90E7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition county in Zhejiang province
Pinyin YIN2 Jyutping ngan4 On GIN GON Hangul Korean UN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition liquor
Pinyin YUN4 On UN Kun KAMOSU Korean ON
Simplified U+915D Variant U+919E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition liquor , spirits , wine ; ferment
Pinyin YUN4 Jyutping wan3 wan5 On UN Kun KAMOSU Hangul Korean ON Tang qiuə̀n
Simplified U+915D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition silver ; cash , money , wealth
Pinyin YIN2 Jyutping ngan2 ngan4 On GIN GON Kun SHIROGANE Hangul Korean UN Tang *ngyin Viet ngân
Simplified U+94F6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hide , conceal ; hidden , secret
Pinyin YIN3 YIN4 Jyutping jan2 On IN ON Kun KAKURERU KAKUSU YORU Korean UN
Traditional U+96B1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to hide , conceal , cover ; to disappear , lurk ; an open secret
Variant U+96B1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hide , conceal ; hidden , secret
Pinyin YIN3 YIN4 Jyutping jan2 On IN ON Kun KAKURERU Hangul Korean UN Tang qiə̌n Viet ẩn
Simplified U+9690

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clouds ; Yunnan province
Pinyin YUN2 Jyutping wan4 On UN Kun KUMO Hangul Korean WUN Tang *hiuən Viet vân
Simplified U+4E91

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin XUN4 YUN4 Jyutping wan6 On UN KUN KEN KAN Kun KUTSU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dumpling ; supply
Pinyin HUN2 YUN4 Jyutping wan4 wan6 On UN KON GON Kun OKURU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Japanese noodles
Pinyin YUN2 On UN Kun UDON Hangul Korean ON

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gums ( of the teeth ); to dispute
Pinyin KEN3 YIN2 Jyutping ngan4 On KIN GIN Kun HAGUKI Hangul Korean UN
Simplified U+9F82

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading こんな
Translation eng such ( about something/someone close to the speaker ( including the speaker ), or about ideas expressed by the speaker ) ; like this Translation ger so ein ; solch ein Translation fre cette sorte de ; un tel Translation rus такой
Crossref あんな ; そんな ; どんな

JMdict 100319
Reading ちょっぴり
Translation eng very little bit ; just a smidgin ; wee bit Translation ger kleines bisschen ; wenig Translation fre un tout petit peu ; une pincée

JMdict 100319
Word サラダ一皿
Reading サラダひとさら
Translation eng plate of salad Translation ger Teller mit Salat Translation fre un plat de salade

Records 151 - 200 of 790 retrieved in 543 ms