Unicode 5.2
Character Definition two , both , pair , couple ; ounce Value 2
Pinyin LIANG3 LIANG4 Jyutping loeng5 On RYOU Kun FUTATSU Hangul Korean LYANG Tang liɑ̀ng liɑ̌ng Viet lưỡng
Simplified U+4E24 Variant U+4E21
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition willow , poplar , aspen ; surname
Pinyin YANG2 Jyutping joeng4 On YOU Kun YANAGI Hangul Korean YANG Tang *iɑng Viet dương
Simplified U+6768
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mixed up , confused ; cooked
Pinyin YAO2 XIAO2 XIAO4 Jyutping ngaau4 On KOU GYOU Kun MAJIRU Hangul Korean HYO
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition confused , in disarray , mixed up
Pinyin YAO2 XIAO2 Jyutping ngaau4 On KOU Kun MAJIRU Hangul Korean HYO
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition weld , solder
Pinyin HUI1 XUN1 YUN4 Jyutping fai1 wai1 On KI KEN KAN KUN Kun HIKARI Hangul Korean HWI HWUN
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡀠 Definition or ; emphatic particle ; ( Cant .) particle implying doubt
Jyutping bei6 Viet bịa
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition look towards ; turn one's back on
Pinyin ZHU4 Jyutping cyu5
Traditional U+4F47
Four-Corner Code 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition brook , mountain stream
Pinyin JIAN4 Jyutping gaan3 On KAN KEN Kun TANI TANIMIZU Hangul Korean KAN Tang *gɑ̀n
Simplified U+6DA7
Hong Kong proper shape 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fortune telling ; tell fortunes
Pinyin GUA4 Jyutping gwaa3 On KA KE Kun URAKATA Hangul Korean KWAY Viet quái
JIS X 0208-1990 2321

Unicode 5.2
GB 7589-87 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition destroyed , ruined ; to subvert to injure
Pinyin PI3 Jyutping pei2 On HI BI Kun YABURU YABURERU KUTSUGAESU KUTSUGAYERU Hangul Korean PI Viet dãy
JIS X 0212-1990 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scratch ; disturb , bother ; submit
Pinyin NAO2 Jyutping naau4 naau5
Traditional U+6493
PRC Telegraph Code 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scratch ; disturb , bother ; submit
Pinyin NAO2 Jyutping naau4 naau5 On DOU KOU JOU Kun TAWAMERU MIDARERU MIDASU Hangul Korean YO Tang nǎu Viet nhéo
Simplified U+6320
Taiwan Telegraph 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition return , revert to , restore
Pinyin FAN3 Jyutping faan1 faan2 On HEN HAN HON Kun KAESU KAERU Hangul Korean PAN Tang *biæ̌n Viet phản
GB 12345-90 2321 GB 2312-80 2321

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhong1 Reading On ショウ ; シュ Reading Kun あつ . める ; さかずき ; かね Reading Korean jong Reading Korean
Meaning spindle ; gather ; collect
Miscellaneous Frequency 2321

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tan1 Reading On タン ; ダン Reading Kun なだ ; せ Nanori だな ; なん Reading Korean tan Reading Korean
Meaning open sea Meaning es altamar ; mar abierto
Dictionary dr_heisig 2321

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fei3 Reading On ヒ ; ハイ Reading Kun そし .る Reading Korean bi Reading Korean
Meaning ridicule ; slander
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 2321

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yang2 Reading On ヨウ Reading Kun かわ ; やなぎ Nanori やな Reading Korean yang Reading Korean
Meaning willow Meaning es sauce
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 2321

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xie2 ; ye4 ; she4 Reading On ヨウ Reading Kun Nanori よ ; わ Reading Korean yeob ; seob Reading Korean ;
Meaning leaf ; plane ; lobe ; needle ; blade ; spear ; counter for flat things ; fragment ; piece Meaning fr feuille ; lobe ; aiguille ; brin ( herbe ) ; fragment ; compteur d'objets plats Meaning es hoja ; contador de cosas planas ; follaje Meaning pt folha ; avião ; ponta ; agulha ; lâmina ; lança ; sufixo p/ contagem de coisas chatas
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 2321

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jue2 Reading On カク Reading Kun さら .う ; つか .む Reading Korean hwag Reading Korean
Meaning abduct
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition two , both , pair , couple ; ounce Value 2
Pinyin liǎng Jyutping loeng5 On RYOU Kun FUTATSU Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYANG Tang liɑ̀ng liɑ̌ng Viet lưỡng
Simplified U+4E24 Variant U+4E21
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition willow , poplar , aspen ; surname
Pinyin yáng Jyutping joeng4 On YOU Kun YANAGI Hangul : 0E Korean YANG Tang *iɑng Viet dương
Simplified U+6768
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition mixed up , confused ; cooked
Pinyin xiáo Jyutping ngaau4 On KOU GYOU Kun MAJIRU Hangul : 1N Korean HYO
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition confused , in disarray , mixed up
Pinyin xiáo Jyutping ngaau4 On KOU Kun MAJIRU Hangul : 0N Korean HYO
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition weld , solder
Pinyin huī Jyutping fai1 wai1 On KI KEN KAN KUN Kun HIKARI Hangul :N : 0N Korean HWI HWUN
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡀠 Definition or ; emphatic particle ; ( Cant .) particle implying doubt
Jyutping bei6 Viet bịa
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition look towards ; turn one's back on
Pinyin zhù Jyutping cyu5
Traditional U+4F47
Four-Corner Code 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition brook , mountain stream
Pinyin jiàn Jyutping gaan3 On KAN KEN Kun TANI TANIMIZU Hangul : 0N Korean KAN Tang *gɑ̀n
Simplified U+6DA7
Hong Kong proper shape 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fortune telling ; tell fortunes
Pinyin guà Jyutping gwaa3 On KA KE Kun URAKATA Hangul : 0N Korean KWAY Viet quái
JIS X 0208-1990 2321

Unicode 12.1
GB 7589-87 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition destroyed , ruined ; to subvert to injure
Pinyin Jyutping pei2 On HI BI Kun YABURU YABURERU KUTSUGAESU KUTSUGAERU Hangul : 1N Korean PI Viet dãy
JIS X 0212-1990 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition scratch ; disturb , bother ; submit
Pinyin náo Jyutping naau4 naau5
Traditional U+6493
PRC Telegraph Code 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition scratch ; disturb , bother ; submit
Pinyin náo Jyutping naau4 naau5 On DOU KOU JOU Kun TAWAMERU MIDARERU MIDASU Hangul :N :0 Korean YO Tang nǎu Viet nhéo
Simplified U+6320
Taiwan Telegraph 2321

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition return , revert to , restore
Pinyin fǎn Jyutping faan1 faan2 On HEN HAN HON Kun KAESU KAERU Hangul : 0E Korean PAN Tang *biæ̌n Viet phản
GB 12345-90 2321 GB 2312-80 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Kun ささ Nanori さ ; さき ; しの ; じね Reading Korean se Reading Korean
Meaning bamboo grass ; ( kokuji ) Meaning fr pousse de bambou Meaning es hierba de bambú
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld_2ed 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zi1 Reading On Reading Kun つと . める Reading Korean ja Reading Korean
Meaning industriousness
Dictionary dr_heisig6 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhong1 Reading On ショウ ; シュ Reading Kun あつ . める ; さかずき ; かね Reading Korean jong Reading Korean
Meaning spindle ; gather ; collect
Miscellaneous Frequency 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tan1 Reading On タン ; ダン Reading Kun なだ ; せ Nanori だな ; なん Reading Korean tan Reading Korean
Meaning open sea Meaning es altamar ; mar abierto
Dictionary dr_heisig 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fei3 Reading On ヒ ; ハイ Reading Kun そし .る Reading Korean bi Reading Korean
Meaning ridicule ; slander
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yang2 Reading On ヨウ Reading Kun やなぎ Nanori やな Reading Korean yang Reading Korean
Meaning willow Meaning es sauce
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xie2 ; ye4 ; she4 Reading On ヨウ Reading Kun Nanori よ ; わ Reading Korean yeob ; seob Reading Korean ;
Meaning leaf ; plane ; lobe ; needle ; blade ; spear ; counter for flat things ; fragment ; piece Meaning fr feuille ; lobe ; aiguille ; brin ( herbe ) ; fragment ; compteur d'objets plats Meaning es hoja ; contador de cosas planas ; follaje Meaning pt folha ; avião ; ponta ; agulha ; lâmina ; lança ; sufixo p/ contagem de coisas chatas
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jue2 Reading On カク Reading Kun さら .う ; つか .む Reading Korean hwag Reading Korean
Meaning abduct
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 2321

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin sao1 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun さわ .ぐ ; うれい ; さわが . しい Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning harass ; bother ; annoy ; disturb ; agitate ; sad ; grieved
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 2321

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to grant , to allow , to consent
Pinyin YUN3 Jyutping wan5 On IN Kun MAKOTO YURUSU JOU Hangul Korean YUN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to grant , to allow , to consent
Pinyin yǔn Jyutping wan5 On IN Kun MAKOTO YURUSU JOU Hangul : 0N Korean YUN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition other , he ; surname ; a load
Pinyin TUO2 TUO1 TUO4 YI2 Jyutping taa4 to1 to4 On TA Kun HOKA WABIRU Hangul Korean THA Tang *tɑ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boorish , ignorant ; urgent , pressing
Pinyin KONG1 KONG3 Jyutping hung1 hung2 On KOU Kun NUKARU Hangul Korean KONG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition other , he ; surname ; a load
Pinyin tuó Jyutping taa4 to1 to4 On TA Kun HOKA WABIRU Hangul : 1N Korean THA Tang *tɑ

Records 1 - 50 of 90 retrieved in 673 ms