Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a child's shoes ; slippers
Pinyin SA3 TA1 Jyutping saap3 On SOU SHUU Kun KUTSU
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sly , cunning , shrewd ; artful
Pinyin XIA2 Jyutping hat6 kit3 waat6 On KATSU Kun SATOI WARUGASHIKO Hangul Korean HIL
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cold and raw ; pure , clear
Pinyin LIE4 Jyutping lit6 On RETSU REI Kun SAMUI TSUMETAI Hangul Korean LYEL Viet rét
Variant U+6D0C
KS X 1001:1992 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition perilous , hazardous ; high , steep
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping gap6 kap1 On KYUU GYUU Kun TAKAI Hangul Korean KUP Tang ngyip Viet ngập
JIS X 0208-1990 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character 渿
Pinyin NAI4
GB 7590-87 5409

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin SAN4 SA3
GB 7589-87 5409

Unicode 5.2
JIS X 0212-1990 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition madder , rubia cordifolia ; reeds
Pinyin QIAN4 QIAN1 XI1 Jyutping sai1 sin3 sin6 On SEN Kun AKANE Hangul Korean CHEN
PRC Telegraph Code 5409 Taiwan Telegraph 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spider
Pinyin ZHI1 Jyutping zi1 On CHI Kun KUMO Hangul Korean CI
Variant U+9F05
GB 12345-90 5409 GB 2312-80 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lucky , propitious , good
Pinyin JI2 Jyutping gat1 On KICHI KITSU Kun YOI Hangul Korean KIL Tang git Viet cát
Unicode Code Point 5409

HanDeDict 100318

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jing4 Reading On キョウ ; ケイ Reading Kun さかい Nanori さか ; じき Reading Korean gyeong Reading Korean
Meaning boundary ; border ; region Meaning fr frontière ; région ; environnement Meaning es límite ; frontera ; región ; circunstancia ; borde Meaning pt limite ; borda ; região
Dictionary dr_moro 5409

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin man2 Reading On バン Reading Kun えびす Reading Korean man Reading Korean
Meaning barbarian
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 5409

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xia2 Reading On カツ Reading Kun さと .い ; わるがしこ .い Reading Korean hil Reading Korean
Meaning crafty
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a child's shoes ; slippers
Pinyin Jyutping saap3 On SOU SHUU Kun KUTSU
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sly , cunning , shrewd ; artful
Pinyin xiá Jyutping hat6 kit3 waat6 On KATSU Kun SATOI WARUGASHIKO Hangul : 1N Korean HIL
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cold and raw ; pure , clear
Pinyin liè Jyutping lit6 On RETSU REI Kun SAMUI TSUMETAI Hangul : 0N Korean LYEL Viet rét
Variant U+6D0C
KS X 1001:1992 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition perilous , hazardous ; high , steep
Pinyin Jyutping gap6 kap1 On KYUU GYUU Kun TAKAI Hangul : 1N Korean KUP Tang ngyip Viet ngập
JIS X 0208-1990 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character 渿
Pinyin nài
GB 7590-87 5409

Unicode 12.1
GB 7589-87 5409

Unicode 12.1
JIS X 0212-1990 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition madder , rubia cordifolia ; reeds
Pinyin qiàn Jyutping sai1 sin3 sin6 On SEN Kun AKANE Hangul : 1N Korean CHEN
PRC Telegraph Code 5409 Taiwan Telegraph 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spider
Pinyin zhī Jyutping zi1 On CHI Kun KUMO Hangul : 0N Korean CI
Variant U+9F05
GB 12345-90 5409 GB 2312-80 5409

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lucky , propitious , good
Pinyin Jyutping gat1 On KICHI KITSU Kun YOI Hangul : 0E Korean KIL Tang git Viet cát
Unicode Code Point 5409

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin man2 Reading On バン Reading Kun えびす Reading Korean man Reading Korean
Meaning barbarian
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 5409

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xia2 Reading On カツ Reading Kun さと .い ; わるがしこ .い Reading Korean hil Reading Korean
Meaning crafty
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 5409

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jing4 Reading On キョウ ; ケイ Reading Kun さかい Nanori さか ; じき Reading Korean gyeong Reading Korean
Meaning boundary ; border ; region Meaning fr frontière ; région ; environnement Meaning es límite ; frontera ; región ; circunstancia ; borde Meaning pt limite ; borda ; região
Dictionary dr_moro 5409

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to press down heavily with the fingers
Pinyin NA4 Jyutping naat6 On NATSU DATSU Kun OSU Hangul Korean NAL Viet nài

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition preceding
Pinyin SA4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to press down heavily with the fingers
Pinyin Jyutping naat6 On NATSU DATSU Kun OSU Hangul : 0N Korean NAL Viet nài

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition preceding

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CE4

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to sort out the stalks used in divination ; to fold
Pinyin SHE2 TIE2 DIE2 YE4 Jyutping dip6 sip3 sit3 On SETSU ZECHI CHOU JOU Kun KAZOERU Hangul Korean SEL

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition smear ; rub , wipe ; anoint
Pinyin CHA2 Jyutping caa4 On TA DA Korean CHA

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YE4 Viet dẹp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to sort out the stalks used in divination ; to fold
Pinyin dié Jyutping dip6 sip3 sit3 On SETSU ZECHI CHOU JOU Kun KAZOERU Hangul : 1N Korean SEL

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smear ; rub , wipe ; anoint
Pinyin chá Jyutping caa4 On TA DA Korean CHA

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Viet dẹp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lift up , raise ; leave , depart
Pinyin LIAO1 LIAO2 LIAO4 Jyutping liu1 liu4 On RYOU ROU Kun OSAMERU IDOMU Hangul Korean LYO Tang leu lěu Viet lêu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rut
Pinyin LAO3 LAO2 LIAO3 Jyutping lou4 lou5 On RAU ROU RYOU Kun TAWAMERU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lift up , raise ; leave , depart
Pinyin liāo Jyutping liu1 liu4 On RYOU ROU Kun OSAMERU IDOMU Hangul : 1N Korean LYO Tang leu lěu Viet lêu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rut
Pinyin lǎo Jyutping lou4 lou5 On RAU ROU RYOU Kun TAWAMERU

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