Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to rub ; to crumple
Pinyin NUO2 RUO2 Jyutping no4 On DA NA DAI NAI Kun OSU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) weak ; timid ; imbecile
Pinyin NUO4 Jyutping no6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition storage room
Pinyin NUO3 Jyutping no5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition weak , feeble and tender branches
Pinyin NUO2 Jyutping no5 Viet nạng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to make a great effort
Pinyin NU2 Jyutping nou4 On DO Kun TSUTOMERU Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rich
Pinyin NUO2 Jyutping no4
Traditional U+513A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rich
Pinyin NUO2 Jyutping no4 On DA NA Kun ONIYARAI Hangul Korean NA
Simplified U+50A9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to exert , strive , make an effort ; to pout
Pinyin NU3 Jyutping nou5 On DO Kun TSUTOMERU YUME Hangul Korean NO Tang

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slave , servant
Pinyin NU2 Jyutping nou4 On DO NU Kun YAKKO YATSU ME Hangul Korean NO Tang *no Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one's children
Pinyin NU2 Jyutping nou4 On DO NU Kun TSUMAKO Hangul Korean NO Tang no Viet nua

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a treasury ; public funds
Pinyin TANG3 NU2 Jyutping nou4 tong2 On DO TOU Kun KANEGURA Hangul Korean THANG NO Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cross-bow , bow ; downward stroke
Pinyin NU3 Jyutping nou5 On DO Kun ISHUMI Hangul Korean NO Viet nỏ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition anger , rage , passion ; angry
Pinyin NU4 Jyutping nou6 On DO NU Kun IKARU OKORU Hangul Korean NO Tang *nǒ Viet nộ
Variant U+F960

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition timid , apprehensive
Pinyin NUO4 Jyutping no6 On ZEN NEN TA NA Kun YOWAI OSORERU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition weak , timid , cowardly
Pinyin NUO4 Jyutping no6 On DA JU ZEN Kun YOWAI Hangul Korean NA YU Tang nuɑ̀ Viet nhụa

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin NUO4 Jyutping no6 On DA JU ZEN Kun YOWAI Viet nạnh

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rub , stroke with hands ; crumple
Pinyin NUO4 NUO2 RUO2 Jyutping no4 On DA NA DAI NAI Kun OTOSU Viet noa nỗi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition glutinous , sticky
Pinyin NUO4 Jyutping no6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a bird-cage
Pinyin NU2 Jyutping nou4 On DO NU DA NA Kun TORIKAGO Hangul Korean NO Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition glutinous rice ; glutinous , sticky
Pinyin NUO4 Jyutping no6 On DA NA Kun MOCHIGOME Hangul Korean NA
Variant U+7CAB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tired , old horse ; old , weak
Pinyin NU2 Jyutping nou4 On DO Kun NIBUI NOROI Hangul Korean NO Tang no
Simplified U+9A7D

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠴑
Viet nở

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡝖
Viet nỡ

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡢻
Viet nợ

Unicode 5.2
Character 𥻟 Definition glutinous rice
Jyutping no6

Unicode 5.2
Character 𦀨

Unicode 5.2
Character 𦬑
Viet nở

Unicode 5.2
Character 𧴱
Viet nợ

Unicode 5.2
Character 𩛂
Viet no

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading の ; や ; ぬ
Translation eng plain ; field ; wild ; lacking a political post ; hidden ( structural ) member Translation ger Feld ; Flur Translation fre campagne ; champ
Crossref 野ウサギ

JMdict 100319
Translation eng possessive ( used on tombs , etc .)

JMdict 100319
Translation eng indicates possessive among other uses ( for full details and examples see the main entry ( linked ))

JMnedict 100319
Reading Romaji No

JMnedict 100319
Reading Romaji No

JMnedict 100319
Reading Romaji No

JMnedict 100319
Reading Romaji No

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ji2 Reading On キュウ Reading Kun およ .ぶ ; およ .び ; および ; およ . ぼす Nanori おい ; の Reading Korean geub Reading Korean
Meaning reach out ; exert ; exercise ; cause Meaning fr allonger ; tendre le bras ; exercice ; s'étendre ; causer Meaning es alcanzar ; llegar a ; y ; tocar ; extenderse ; causar Meaning pt alcance fora ; exerce ; exercício

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xiao3 Reading On ゾウ ; ショウ Reading Kun しの ; ささ ; すず Nanori Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning bamboo grass

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin quan2 Reading On セン Reading Kun いずみ Nanori いず ; ずい ; ずみ ; ぜい ; ぜん ; の Reading Korean cheon Reading Korean
Meaning spring ; fountain Meaning fr source ; fontaine Meaning es manantial ; fuente Meaning pt Fonte ; nascente

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dian3 Reading On テン ; デン Nanori すけ ; つね ; の ; のり Reading Korean jeon Reading Korean
Meaning code ; ceremony ; law ; rule Meaning fr code ; cérémonie ; loi ; règle Meaning es escrito ; ceremonia ; ley ; regla Meaning pt código ; cerimônia ; lei ; regra

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ru4 Reading On ニュウ ; ジュ Reading Kun い.る ; -い .る ; -い .り ; い. れる ; -い .れ ; はい .る Nanori いり ; いる ; に ; の ; りり Reading Korean ib Reading Korean
Meaning enter ; insert Meaning fr entrer ; insérer Meaning es entrar ; insertar ; admitir ; introducir ; meter Meaning pt entrar ; inserir

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nai3 Reading On ナイ ; ダイ ; ノ ; アイ Reading Kun の ; すなわ .ち ; なんじ Nanori おさむ ; お ; のり Reading Korean nae Reading Korean
Meaning from ; possessive particle ; whereupon ; accordingly Meaning fr enclitique "no" ; de ; a la suite de quoi ; par conséquence Meaning es de ( partícula posesiva ) ; ; qué hora

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nai3 Reading On ナイ ; ダイ ; ノ ; アイ Reading Kun すなわ .ち ; なんじ Reading Korean nae Reading Korean
Meaning in other words ; thou ; you ; possessive particle

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhi1 Reading On Reading Kun の ; これ ; おいて ; ゆく ; この Nanori ゆき ; いたる ; あき ; つな ; ゆみ Reading Korean ji Reading Korean
Meaning of ; this Meaning fr de ; ceci ; avancer ( radical shinnyuu ) Meaning es esto ; de ( partícula posesiva )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ye3 Reading On ヤ ; ショ Reading Kun Reading Korean ya Reading Korean
Meaning open country ; field ; wilderness

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nong2 Reading On ノウ Reading Kun こ.い Nanori Reading Korean nong Reading Korean
Meaning concentrated ; thick ; dark ; undiluted Meaning fr concentré ; non dilué ; épais ; sombre Meaning es concentrado ; espeso ; tupido ; oscuro ; profundo Meaning pt concentrado ; grosso ; espesso ; não diluído

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin na4 Reading On ノウ ; ナッ ; ナ ; ナン ; トウ Reading Kun おさ . める ; -おさ . める ; おさ . まる Nanori の ; ろ Reading Korean nab Reading Korean
Meaning settlement ; obtain ; reap ; pay ; supply ; store Meaning fr installer ; obtenir ; récolter ; payer ; réserve ; remise ; hangar Meaning es pagar ; proveer ; suministrar ; entregar ; finalizar ; concluir Meaning pt acordo ; obtem ; colheita ; pagamento ; oferta ; loja

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin neng2 Reading On ノウ Reading Kun よ.く Nanori たか ; の ; のり ; よし Reading Korean neung ; nae Reading Korean ;
Meaning ability ; talent ; skill ; capacity Meaning fr capacité ; habileté ; talent ; adresse Meaning es habilidad ; talento ; capacidad ; aptitud ; teatro japonés Meaning pt capacidade ; talento ; habilidade

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin nong2 Reading On ノウ Nanori な ; の ; み Reading Korean nong Reading Korean
Meaning agriculture ; farmers Meaning fr agriculture ; fermier Meaning es agricultura ; granjero Meaning pt agricultura ; fazendeiros

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