Unicode 5.2
Character Definition particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis ; ( Cant .) slurred form of the number ten
Pinyin YA1 YA5 Jyutping aa1 aa3 aa6 On GA KA Kun A ATSU Hangul Korean HA Tang nga xa Viet nhá
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis ; ( Cant .) slurred form of the number ten
Pinyin YA1 YA5 Jyutping aa1 aa3 aa6 On GA KA Kun A ATSU Hangul Korean HA Tang nga xa Viet nhá
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sad , mournful , pitiful ; pity
Pinyin AI1 Jyutping oi1 On AI Kun AWARE AWAREMU KANASHII Hangul Korean AY Tang *qəi Viet ai
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interjection ; exclamation
Pinyin AI3 AI4 AI1 Jyutping oi2 On AI GAI Kun IKI Hangul Korean AY Viet áy
Simplified U+55F3
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition love , be fond of , like
Pinyin AI4 Jyutping ngoi3 oi3 On AI Kun MEDERU OSHIMU ITOSHII Hangul Korean AY Tang *qə̀i
Simplified U+7231
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crow , raven ; Corvus species ( various )
Pinyin YA1 YA3 Jyutping aa1 ngaa1 On A Kun KARASU Hangul Korean A Tang *qa
Simplified U+9E26 Variant U+9D76
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 3

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KUA4
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+7B44 ) last name ; KangXi radical 26 ; a joint , a seal , ( ancient form of )
Pinyin JIE2 Jyutping zit3
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a tally , like fitting the two halves of a tally , to petition the emperor that ..., to play music ; to beat time
Pinyin ZOU4 Jyutping zau3
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition seven Value 7
Pinyin QI1 Jyutping cat1 On SHICHI SHITSU Kun NANATSU NANATABI Hangul Korean CHIL Tang *tsit tsit Viet thất
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ten thousand ; innumerable Value 10000
Pinyin WAN4 MO4 Jyutping maan6 mak6 On MAN BAN Kun YOROZU Hangul Korean MAN MWUK Viet vạn
Traditional U+842C
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unit of length equal 3.3 meters ; gentleman , man , husband
Pinyin ZHANG4 Jyutping zoeng6 On JOU CHOU Kun TAKE DAKE Hangul Korean CANG Tang *djhiɑ̌ng djhiɑ̌ng Viet trượng
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition three Value 3
Pinyin SAN1 SAN4 Jyutping saam1 saam3 On SAN Kun MITSU MITABI Hangul Korean SAM Tang *sɑm sɑm Viet tam
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition top ; superior , highest ; go up , send up
Pinyin SHANG4 Jyutping soeng5 soeng6 On JOU SHOU Kun UE KAMI NOBORU Hangul Korean SANG Tang *zhiɑ̀ng zhiɑ̀ng zhiɑ̌ng Viet thượng
Variant U+4E04
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition under , underneath , below ; down ; inferior ; bring down
Pinyin XIA4 Jyutping haa5 haa6 On KA GE Kun SHITA SHIMO MOTO Hangul Korean HA Tang Viet hạ
Variant U+4E05
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition table
Pinyin JI1 Jyutping gei1 On KI GI Kun SONO SORE DAI Korean KI
Variant U+5176
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beggar ; beg ; give
Pinyin GAI4 Jyutping koi3 On KAI KATSU Kun KOU Korean KAL KAY Viet cái
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition moreover , also ( post-subject ); about to , will soon ( pre-verb )
Pinyin QIE3 JU1 Jyutping ce2 zeoi1 zoeng1 On SHA SHO Kun KATSU Hangul Korean CHA CE Tang *tsiǎ tsiǎ Viet thả
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition generation ; world ; era
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sai3 On SE SEI Kun YO Hangul Korean SEY Tang *shiɛì shiɛì Viet thế
Variant U+4E17
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strict , rigorous , rigid ; stern
Pinyin YAN2 Jyutping jim4
Traditional U+56B4
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition numerary adjunct , piece ; single
Pinyin GE4 GE3 Jyutping go3 On KA KO Kun KO HI Korean KAY KA Viet
Traditional U+500B
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition forked ; bifurcation
Pinyin YA1 Jyutping aa1 On A Kun HUTAMATA AGEMAKI Hangul Korean A Viet a
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition string ; relatives ; conspire
Pinyin CHUAN4 GUAN4 Jyutping cyun3 gwaan3 On SEN KAN Kun KUSHI TSURANUKU Hangul Korean KOC KWAN CHEN Viet xuyến
Variant U+F905
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition small round object ; pellet , pill
Pinyin WAN2 Jyutping jyun2 jyun4 On GAN Kun MARUI MARUMERU TAMA Hangul Korean HWAN Tang huɑn Viet hoàn
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beautiful , magnificent , elegant
Pinyin LI4 LI2 Jyutping lai6 On REI Kun URUWASHI
Traditional U+9E97
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raise , lift up ; recommend
Pinyin JU3 Jyutping geoi2 On KYO Kun AGERU
Traditional U+8209
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long time ( ago ); time passage , grow late
Pinyin JIU3 Jyutping gau2 On KYUU KU Kun HISASHII Hangul Korean KWU Tang *gioǔ gioǔ Viet cửu
Variant U+4E46
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long time ( ago ); time passage , grow late
Pinyin JIU3 On KYUU KU Kun HISASHII Korean KWU Tang gioǔ
Variant U+4E45
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to depend on , to entrust with
Pinyin ZHE2 NÜE4 ZHE4 TUO1 Jyutping tok3 zaak6 On TAKU CHAKU Korean CEK
Variant U+8650
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interrogative particle ; repetition of a tune small ; tender
Pinyin YAO1 MO5 ME5 MA5 MO3 Jyutping jiu1 mo1 On EU Korean YO Tang qeu
Traditional U+5E7A U+9EBC U+9EBD
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition right conduct , righteousness
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping ji6
Traditional U+7FA9
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kwukyel
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition nine Value 9
Pinyin JIU3 Jyutping gau2 On KYUU KU Kun KOKONOTSU Hangul Korean KWU KYU Tang *gioǔ gioǔ Viet cửu
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beg ; request
Pinyin QI3 Jyutping hat1 On KOTSU KI Kun KOU KOI Hangul Korean KEL KI Tang kiət Viet khất
Total Strokes 3
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beg ; request
Pinyin QI3 Jyutping hat1 On KOTSU KI Kun KOU KOI Hangul Korean KEL KI Tang kiət Viet khất
Total Strokes 3
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition also ; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity
Pinyin YE3 Jyutping jaa5 On YA Kun NARI MATA Hangul Korean YA Tang Viet
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition practice ; flapping wings
Pinyin XI2 Jyutping zaap6
Traditional U+7FD2
Frequency 3
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition practice ; flapping wings
Pinyin XI2 Jyutping zaap6
Traditional U+7FD2
Frequency 3
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition country ; rural ; village
Pinyin XIANG1 XIANG3 XIANG4 Jyutping hoeng1
Traditional U+9109
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition confusion , state of chaos , revolt
Pinyin LUAN4 Jyutping lyun6 On RAN Kun MIDARERU OSAMERU MIDASU Korean LAN Viet loạn
Traditional U+4E82
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dry ; first hexagram ; warming principle of the sun , penetrating and fertilizing , heavenly generative principle ( male )
Pinyin GAN1 QIAN2 Jyutping gon1 kin4 On KAN KEN GEN Kun KAWAKU KAWAKASU INUI Hangul Korean KAN KEN Tang *ghyɛn ghyɛn gɑn Viet kiền
Simplified U+5E72
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition confusion , state of chaos ; create chaos , revolt
Pinyin LUAN4 Jyutping lyun6 On RAN RON Kun MIDARERU Hangul Korean LAN Tang *luɑ̀n luɑ̀n Viet loạn
Simplified U+4E71
Frequency 3
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition confusion , state of chaos ; create chaos , revolt
Pinyin LUAN4 Jyutping lyun6 On RAN RON Kun MIDARERU Hangul Korean LAN Tang *luɑ̀n luɑ̀n Viet loạn
Simplified U+4E71
Frequency 3
Hong Kong school grade 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kwukyel hammer
Korean MA
Total Strokes 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dispute , fight , contend , strive
Pinyin ZHENG1 ZHENG4 Jyutping zaang1 zang1 On SOU Kun ARASOU ARASOI IKADEKA
Traditional U+722D
Frequency 3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to take small steps ; Korean place name
Pinyin CHU4 Jyutping cuk1 On CHOKU Kun TATAZUMU Korean CHOK MA Viet sục
Total Strokes 3

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 299 ms