
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition confusion , state of chaos ; create chaos , revolt
Pinyin LUAN4 Jyutping lyun6 On RAN RON Kun MIDARERU Hangul Korean LAN Tang *luɑ̀n luɑ̀n Viet loạn
Simplified U+4E71

CEDict 100318

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin luan4
Deutsch verwirrt , durcheinander , Unordnung , Chaos (u.E.); Bsp .: 亂七八糟 乱七八糟 -- grosses Durcheinander , Riesenchaos

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin luan4 Reading On ラン ; ロン Reading Kun みだ . れる ; みだ .る ; みだ .す ; みだ .れ ; おさ . める ; わた .る Reading Korean ran Reading Korean
Meaning war ; disorder ; riot ; disturb

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition confusion , state of chaos ; create chaos , revolt
Pinyin luàn Jyutping lyun6 On RAN RON Kun MIDARERU Hangul :0 : 0E Korean LAN Tang *luɑ̀n luɑ̀n Viet loạn
Simplified U+4E71

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin luan4 Reading On ラン ; ロン Reading Kun みだ . れる ; みだ .る ; みだ .す ; みだ .れ ; おさ . める ; わた .る Reading Korean ran Reading Korean
Meaning war ; disorder ; riot ; disturb

CC-CEDict 200217

HanDeDict 200217

CEDict 100318
Traditional 乿 Simplified 乿
Pinyin luan4
Variant | [ luan4 ]

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 乿 Simplified 乿
Pinyin luan4
Variant | [ luan4 ]

JMdict 200217
Word 乱暴 ; 亂暴
Reading らんぼう
Translation dut baldadigheid ; geweld ; gewelddadigheid ; hardhandigheid ; ruw gedrag ; bruut geweld ; onstuimigheid ; woestheid ; ordeloosheid ; overweldiging ; violentie ; ongeregeldheden ; grofheid ; bruutheid ; ruwheid ; ruigte ; ruigheid ; woestheid ; baldadig ; gewelddadig ; hardhandig ; onstuimig ; woest ; wild ; rebels ; onbesuisd ; ordeloos ; ongeregeld ; torve {lit .t.} ; grof ; bruut ; ruw ; hard ; ruig ; baldadig ; gewelddadig ; hardhandig ; onstuimig ; woest ; wild ; rebels ; onbesuisd ; ordeloos ; ongeregeld ; torve {lit .t.} ; grof ; bruut ; ruw ; hard ; ruig ; wild tekeergaan ; rouwdouwen ; {Barg . ; volkst .} rauzen ; aanranden ; geweld aandoen ; brutaliseren ; overweldigen ; verkrachten {i .h.b.} ; molesteren Translation hun goromba ; nyers ; csiszolatlan ; durva ; durván ; érdes ; huligán ; megközelítő ; megmunkálatlan ; repedezett ; vagány ; a törvénnyel szembekerülő ; féktelen ; törvény nélküli ; törvénnyel szembehelyezkedő Translation slv nasilje ; grobost ; neotesanost Translation spa maleducado ; grosero ; violento ; rudo ; desobediente ; irracional ; temerario
Translation eng violence ; assault ; running riot ; rough (e.g. handling ) ; reckless ; careless ; coarse ; rude ; unreasonable (e.g. demand ) ; wild (e.g. argument ) ; rape ; sexual assault Translation ger Gewalttätigkeit ; Rücksichtslosigkeit ; Rohheit ; Unfug ; Grobheit ; Wildheit ; gewaltsam ; gewalttätig ; rücksichtslos ; grob ; roh ; wild ; schonungslos ; störrisch ; in grober Weise ; roh ; gewalttätig ; rücksichtslos ; wild ; Gewalt antun ; Unfug treiben ; sich wie wild gebärden Translation fre grossier ; dur ; brutal ; rude ; violent ; sans foi ni loi ; sans scrupule ; déraisonnable ; téméraire Translation rus 1) буйство , бесчинство , дебоширство ; хулиганство ; буйный ; дебоширский ; хулиганский {~な} ; буйствовать , бесчинствовать , буянить , дебоширить ; хулиганить {~する} ; 2): {~な} грубый ; 3): {~な} беззаконный ; непомерный , несообразный ; безрассудный ; буйный ; дебоширский ; хулиганский ; беззаконный ; непомерный , несообразный ; безрассудный ; грубый ; буйствовать , бесчинствовать , буянить , дебоширить ; хулиганить

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂臣賊子 Simplified 乱臣贼子
Pinyin luan4 chen2 zei2 zi3
English rebels and traitors ( idiom ) ; general term for scoundrel

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂成一團 Simplified 乱成一团
Pinyin luan4 cheng2 yi1 tuan2
English in a great mess ; chaotic

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂吃 Simplified 乱吃
Pinyin luan4 chi1
English to eat indiscriminately

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂吃 Simplified 乱吃
Pinyin luan4 chi1
English to eat indiscriminately

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂穿馬路 Simplified 乱穿马路
Pinyin luan4 chuan1 ma3 lu4
English to jaywalk

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂穿馬路 Simplified 乱穿马路
Pinyin luan4 chuan1 ma3 lu4
English to jaywalk

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂闖 Simplified 乱闯
Pinyin luan4 chuang3
Deutsch randalieren (u.E.) (V)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 亂闖 Simplified 乱闯
Pinyin luan4 chuang3
Deutsch randalieren (V)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂竄 Simplified 乱窜
Pinyin luan4 cuan4
English to flee in disarray ; to scatter

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂竄 Simplified 乱窜
Pinyin luan4 cuan4
English to flee in disarray ; to scatter

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂彈琴 Simplified 乱弹琴
Pinyin luan4 tan2 qin2
English to talk nonsense ; to behave like a fool

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂彈琴 Simplified 乱弹琴
Pinyin luan4 tan2 qin2
English to talk nonsense ; to behave like a fool

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂黨 Simplified 乱党
Pinyin luan4 dang3
English the rebel party

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂黨 Simplified 乱党
Pinyin luan4 dang3
Deutsch Rebellen (u.E.)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂黨 Simplified 乱党
Pinyin luan4 dang3
English the rebel party

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 亂黨 Simplified 乱党
Pinyin luan4 dang3
Deutsch Rebellen

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂道 Simplified 乱道
Pinyin luan4 dao4
English see 亂說 | 乱说 [ luan4 shuo1 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂掉 Simplified 乱掉
Pinyin luan4 diao4
English throw away ; to discard

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂掉 Simplified 乱掉
Pinyin luan4 diao4
English to throw away ; to discard

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂丟 Simplified 乱丢
Pinyin luan4 diu1
Deutsch verwerfen (u.E.) (V)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂丟 Simplified 乱丢
Pinyin luan4 diu1
English to discard in the wrong place ( cigarette butts etc ) ; to leave one's things lying around

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 亂丟 Simplified 乱丢
Pinyin luan4 diu1
Deutsch verwerfen (V)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂動 Simplified 乱动
Pinyin luan4 dong4
English to fiddle with ; to tamper with ; to meddle with ; to move randomly ; to flail about

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂動 Simplified 乱动
Pinyin luan4 dong4
Deutsch herumtoben , wild herumlaufen (u.E.) (V)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂動 Simplified 乱动
Pinyin luan4 dong4
English to fiddle with ; to tamper with ; to meddle with ; to move randomly ; to flail about

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 亂動 Simplified 乱动
Pinyin luan4 dong4
Deutsch herumtoben , wild herumlaufen (V)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂斗 Simplified 乱斗
Pinyin luan4 dou4
Deutsch Faustschlag (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 亂斗 Simplified 乱斗
Pinyin luan4 dou4
Deutsch Faustschlag (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂紛紛 Simplified 乱纷纷
Pinyin luan4 fen1 fen1
Deutsch chaotisch , verwirrt (u.E.) ( Adj )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 亂紛紛 Simplified 乱纷纷
Pinyin luan4 fen1 fen1
Deutsch chaotisch , verwirrt ( Adj )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂墳崗 Simplified 乱坟岗
Pinyin luan4 fen2 gang1
Deutsch Leichenberg (u.E.) (S) ; Leichenhügel (u.E.) (S) ; Massengrab (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 亂墳崗 Simplified 乱坟岗
Pinyin luan4 fen2 gang1
Deutsch Leichenberg (S) ; Leichenhügel (S) ; Massengrab (S)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂搞 Simplified 乱搞
Pinyin luan4 gao3
English to make a mess ; to mess with ; to be wild ; to sleep around ; to jump into bed

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂搞 Simplified 乱搞
Pinyin luan4 gao3
English to make a mess ; to mess with ; to be wild ; to sleep around ; to jump into bed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂搞男女關係 Simplified 乱搞男女关系
Pinyin luan4 gao3 nan2 nu :3 guan1 xi4
English to be promiscuous ; to sleep around

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂搞男女關係 Simplified 乱搞男女关系
Pinyin luan4 gao3 nan2 nu :3 guan1 xi4
English to be promiscuous ; to sleep around

CEDict 100318
Traditional 亂咕攘 Simplified 乱咕攘
Pinyin luan4 gu1 rang5
English to disturb ( topolect )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 亂咕攘 Simplified 乱咕攘
Pinyin luan4 gu1 rang5
English to disturb ( dialect )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 亂哄哄 Simplified 乱哄哄
Pinyin luan4 hong1 hong1
Deutsch Tumult (u.E.) (S, Pol ) ; turbulent (u.E.)

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