Unicode 5.2
Character Definition confuse , senile , stupid
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fear ; dread ; fright ; scare
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) side , by the side of ; nearby
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a variety of panicled millet , a small coarse grain resembling sorghum
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) snowing heavily
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition disorderly , messy ; huge , big
Pinyin PANG2
Traditional U+9F8E Variant U+9F90

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bulky ; thick and large ; confused
Pinyin PANG2 MANG2 Jyutping mong4 pong4 On BOU Kun OOKII Hangul Korean PANG
Variant U+9F90

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PANG2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition disorderly , messy ; huge , big
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4
Traditional U+9F90

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abundant ; mixed
Pinyin PANG2 MANG2 Jyutping mong4 pong4 On BOU MO BAU MAU Kun HAKKIRISHINAI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition like , resembling ; resemble
Pinyin PANG2 FANG3 Jyutping fong2 pong4 On HOU Kun SAMAYOU Hangul Korean PANG Viet phảng
Variant U+4EFF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to wander about , walk along side of ; to be next to
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4 On HOU BOU Kun TSUKISOU Hangul Korean PANG Viet bàng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition side ; by side , close by , near
Pinyin PANG2 BANG4 Jyutping pong4 On HOU BOU Kun KATAWARA TSUKURI KATAGATA Hangul Korean PANG PHAYNG Tang *bhɑng Viet bàng

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PANG2 PENG2 Jyutping pong4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to swell

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin PANG2 Hangul Korean PANG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crab
Pinyin PANG2 BANG3 Jyutping pong4 On HOU BOU HYOU Hangul Korean PANG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a surname
Pinyin PANG2 FENG2 Jyutping pong4 On HOU BOU Kun HUSAGU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition snowing heavily
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4 On HOU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition downpouring of rain
Pinyin PANG2 PANG1 Jyutping pong4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition loud , noisy , boisterous ; fight
Pinyin PANG2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the pelvis , the hip-bone ; the humerus ; a wing
Pinyin PANG2 BANG3 Jyutping bong2 On HOU BOU Kun MOMO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition disorderly , messy ; huge , big
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4 Hangul Korean PANG LONG Tang mang
Simplified U+5390 Variant U+9F90

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition disorderly , messy ; huge , big
Pinyin PANG2 Jyutping pong4 On HOU BOU ROU RU Kun TAKADONO Hangul Korean PANG NONG Tang bhang
Simplified U+5E9E Variant U+5390

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pang2
English huge

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pang2
English shaggy dog ; striped

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pang2
English irresolute

CEDict 100318
Traditional 彷徉 Simplified 彷徉
Pinyin pang2 yang2
English unsettled ; doubtful ; to roam about

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pang2
English beside ; one side ; other ; side ; self ; the right-hand side of split Chinese character , often the phonetic

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁人 Simplified 旁人
Pinyin pang2 ren2
English other people ; bystanders ; onlookers ; outsiders

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁氏 Simplified 旁氏
Pinyin Pang2 shi4
English Pond's ( brand of skin care products )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁白 Simplified 旁白
Pinyin pang2 bai2
English background narrator or commentator in a play ; chorus ( as a subsidiary character in a play )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁聽 Simplified 旁听
Pinyin pang2 ting1
English to visit (a meeting , class , trial etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁腱肌 Simplified 旁腱肌
Pinyin pang2 jian4 ji1
English see 膕旁腱肌 | 腘旁腱肌 [ guo2 pang2 jian4 ji1 ] ; hamstring ( anatomy )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁觀 Simplified 旁观
Pinyin pang2 guan1
English spectator ; non-participant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁觀者 Simplified 旁观者
Pinyin pang2 guan1 zhe3
English observer ; spectator

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁證 Simplified 旁证
Pinyin pang2 zheng4
English circumstantial evidence

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁路 Simplified 旁路
Pinyin pang2 lu4
English to bypass

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁遮普 Simplified 旁遮普
Pinyin Pang2 zhe1 pu3
English Punjab state of India ; Punjab province of Pakistan

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁遮普省 Simplified 旁遮普省
Pinyin Pang2 zhe1 pu3 sheng3
English Punjab province of Pakistan

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁邊 Simplified 旁边
Pinyin pang2 bian1
English lateral ; side ; to the side ; beside

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁邊兒 Simplified 旁边儿
Pinyin pang2 bian1 r5
English erhua variant of 旁邊 | 旁边 , lateral ; side ; to the side ; beside

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁門 Simplified 旁门
Pinyin pang2 men2
English side door

CEDict 100318
Traditional 旁鶩 Simplified 旁鹜
Pinyin pang2 wu4
English to be inattentive ; to be distracted by sth

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 305 ms