Unicode 5.2
Character Definition newborn baby with the eyelids closed , big eyes , to close the eyes
Pinyin BIAN3 Jyutping pin2

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 新生児
Reading しんせいじ
Translation eng newborn baby Translation ger Neugeborenes

JMdict 100319
Word 産児
Reading さんじ
Translation eng newborn baby ; childbirth Translation ger Geburt ; Kind , das geboren wird ; Neugeborenes

JMdict 100319
Word 初生
Reading しょせい
Translation eng firstborn ; first-produced ; newborn Translation ger erstmaliges Hervorbringen ; gerade geboren

JMdict 100319
Word 初生児
Reading しょせいじ
Translation eng newborn baby Translation ger Neugeborenes

JMdict 100319
Word 生まれ立て
Reading うまれたて
Translation eng newborn Translation ger neugeboren

JMnedict 100319
Reading ニューボーン Romaji Newborn

CEDict 100318
Traditional 仔畜 Simplified 仔畜
Pinyin zi3 chu4
English newborn animal

CEDict 100318
Traditional 初生 Simplified 初生
Pinyin chu1 sheng1
English newborn ; nascent ; primary ( biology )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 新生 Simplified 新生
Pinyin xin1 sheng1
English newborn ; new student

CEDict 100318
Traditional 新生兒 Simplified 新生儿
Pinyin xin1 sheng1 er2
English newborn baby ; neonate

CEDict 100318
Traditional 產兒 Simplified 产儿
Pinyin chan3 er2
English newborn baby ; fig . brand-new object

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin er2 Reading On ジ ; ニ ; ゲイ Reading Kun こ ; -こ ; -っこ Nanori Reading Korean a Reading Korean
Meaning newborn babe ; child ; young of animals Meaning fr nouveau-né ; enfant ; petit d'animal Meaning es recién nacido ; chiquillo ; cría Meaning pt recém-nascido ; criança ; filhote

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition newborn baby with the eyelids closed , big eyes , to close the eyes
Pinyin biǎn Jyutping pin2

JMdict 200217
Word 新生児
Reading しんせいじ
Translation dut pasgeboren kind ; pasgeborene ; jonggeborene ; nieuwgeborene ; boreling {form .} ; boorling ; neonaat {geneesk .} Translation spa recién nacido
Translation eng newborn baby Translation ger Neugeborenes ; neugeborenes Kind ; Neonatus Translation rus ( сущ .) новорождённый

JMdict 200217
Word 産児
Reading さんじ
Translation hun szülés ; vajúdás Translation spa bebé recién nacido ; parto
Translation eng newborn baby ; childbirth Translation ger Geburt ; Kind , das geboren wird ; Neugeborenes Translation rus новорождённый

JMdict 200217
Word 初生
Reading しょせい
Translation hun elsőszülött
Translation eng firstborn ; first-produced ; newborn Translation ger erstmaliges Hervorbringen ; gerade geboren

JMdict 200217
Word 初生児
Reading しょせいじ
Translation spa recién nacido
Translation eng newborn baby Translation ger Neugeborenes ; neugeborenes Kind

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin er2 Reading On ジ ; ニ ; ゲイ Reading Kun こ ; -こ ; -っこ Nanori Reading Korean a Reading Korean
Meaning newborn babe ; child ; young of animals Meaning fr nouveau-né ; enfant ; petit d'animal Meaning es recién nacido ; chiquillo ; cría Meaning pt recém-nascido ; criança ; filhote

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 仔畜 Simplified 仔畜
Pinyin zi3 chu4
English newborn animal

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 初生 Simplified 初生
Pinyin chu1 sheng1
English newborn ; nascent ; primary ( biology )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 新生 Simplified 新生
Pinyin xin1 sheng1
English new ; newborn ; emerging ; nascent ; rebirth ; regeneration ; new life ; new student

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 新生兒 Simplified 新生儿
Pinyin xin1 sheng1 er2
English newborn baby ; neonate

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 產兒 Simplified 产儿
Pinyin chan3 er2
English newborn baby ; fig . brand-new object

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 臍屎 Simplified 脐屎
Pinyin qi2 shi3
English newborn baby's excrement ( meconium ) ; belly button discharge ( infection )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 赤子 Simplified 赤子
Pinyin chi4 zi3
English newborn baby ; the people ( of a country )

JMdict 200217
Word 産子
Reading うぶご
Translation spa recién nacido ; neonato
Translation eng newborn

JMnedict 200217
Reading ニューボーン Romaji Newborn

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