KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xi1 Reading On キ ; ケ Reading Kun まれ ; まばら Reading Korean heui Reading Korean
Meaning rare ; phenomenal ; dilute ( acid ) Meaning es raro ; fenómenal ; diluido ( ácido )
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld_2ed 1099

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yang3 Reading On ギョウ ; コウ Reading Kun あお .ぐ ; おお .せ ; お. っしゃる ; おっしゃ .る Reading Korean ang Reading Korean
Meaning face-up ; look up ; depend ; seek ; respect ; rever ; drink ; take Meaning fr regarder en l'air ; dire ( humble ) ; dépendre ; chercher ; respecter ; révérer ; boire ; prendre ( nourriture ) Meaning es admirar ; respetar ; mirar hacia arriba ; instrucciones Meaning pt Rosto para cima ; melhorar ; depender ; procurar ; respeito ; rever ; tomar
Dictionary dr_sh_kk2 1099

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jin1 Reading On キン Reading Kun えり Reading Korean geum Reading Korean
Meaning collar ; neck ; lapel ; one's inner feelings Meaning fr nuque ; col ; revers Meaning es cuello ; solapa ; corazón ; pensamiento Meaning pt colarinho ; pescoço ; lapela
Dictionary dr_heisig 1099

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin gong1 Reading On コウ ; ク Reading Kun いさお Nanori いさ ; かつ ; くぬ ; ぐう ; こと ; つとむ ; とし ; のり ; よし Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning achievement ; merits ; success ; honor ; credit Meaning fr réussite ; réalisation ; succès ; mérite ; honneur ; crédit Meaning es logro ; méritos ; éxito ; servicio Meaning pt realização ; méritos ; sucesso ; honra ; crédito
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 1099

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin huang1 Reading On コウ Reading Kun あら .い ; あら- ; あ. れる ; あ. らす ; -あ . らし ; すさ .む Nanori Reading Korean hwang Reading Korean
Meaning laid waste ; rough ; rude ; wild Meaning fr brutalité ; dévaster ; rude ; sauvage Meaning es áspero ; tosco ; rudo ; salvaje ; violento ; desolarse ; enfurecerse Meaning pt Abandonado no mato ; selvagem ; rude
Miscellaneous Frequency 1099

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ke4 Reading On コク Reading Kun か.つ Nanori かつ ; まさる ; よし Reading Korean geug Reading Korean
Meaning overcome ; kindly ; skillfully Meaning fr surmonter ; aimable ; habile Meaning es vencer ; superar ; ser capaz ; ser diestro en Meaning pt Superar ; bondoso ; habilmente
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 1099

HanDeDict 200217

Unicode 5.2
Character 𧒎

Unicode 12.1
Character 𧒎
Pinyin é

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition coriander
Pinyin SUI1 WEI1 WEI3 Jyutping seoi1 On I SUI ZUI NI
Variant U+840E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition coriander
Pinyin suī Jyutping seoi1 On I SUI ZUI NI
Variant U+840E

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YE4 On YOU YUU OU Kun SAKAN Hangul Korean YEP

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthworm
Pinyin SHAN4 DAN4 CHAN2 TUO2 Jyutping sin5 sin6 On SEN ZEN TAN DAN Kun MIMIZU

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping jip6 On YOU YUU OU Kun SAKAN Hangul : 1N Korean YEP

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition earthworm
Pinyin shàn Jyutping sin5 sin6 On SEN ZEN TAN DAN Kun MIMIZU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition evil look of deep-set eyes
Pinyin SUI1 GUI4 HUI1 XIE2 WEI4 Jyutping kwai4 seoi1 On KI KEI E SUI Viet vờ khoé

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition evil look of deep-set eyes
Pinyin suī Jyutping kwai4 seoi1 On KI KEI E SUI Viet vờ khoé

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crackle , pop , burst , explode
Pinyin BAO4 BO2 Jyutping baau3 On BAKU Kun SAKERU YAKU Hangul Korean PHOK PAK

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ants
Pinyin YI3 JI3 Jyutping ngai5 On GI Kun ARI Hangul Korean UY Tang *ngyɛ̌
Simplified U+8681

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition crackle , pop , burst , explode
Pinyin bào Jyutping baau3 On BAKU Kun SAKERU YAKU Hangul : 0E Korean PHOK PAK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ants
Pinyin Jyutping ngai5 On GI Kun ARI Hangul : 0N Korean UY Tang *ngyɛ̌
Simplified U+8681

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gaze at , stare at ; uninhibited
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1 On KI KEI KE Kun MIAGERU Hangul Korean SWU Tang xiuɛ xyui

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition gaze at , stare at ; uninhibited
Pinyin suī Jyutping seoi1 On KI KEI KE Kun MIAGERU Hangul : 1N Korean SWU Tang xiuɛ xyui

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) wax
Pinyin LA4 LI4 Jyutping laap6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition burn
Pinyin RUO4 RE4 Jyutping jyut3 On ZETSU NECHI ZEI NEI NETSU Kun YAKU Hangul Korean SEL

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fire
Pinyin LONG2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) wax
Pinyin Jyutping laap6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition burn
Pinyin ruò Jyutping jyut3 On ZETSU NECHI ZEI NEI NETSU Kun YAKU Hangul : 1N Korean SEL

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fire
Pinyin lóng Jyutping lung4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1 Hangul Korean SWU

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin suī Jyutping seoi1 Hangul : 1N Korean SWU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JING3 Jyutping ging2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin jǐng Jyutping ging2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition although , even if
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1
Traditional U+96D6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition although , even if
Pinyin suī Jyutping seoi1
Traditional U+96D6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition although , even if
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1 On SUI Kun IEDOMO Hangul Korean SWU Tang *sui Viet tuy
Simplified U+867D

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition although , even if
Pinyin suī Jyutping seoi1 On SUI Kun IEDOMO Hangul : 0E Korean SWU Tang *sui Viet tuy
Simplified U+867D

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin DA2

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LA4 LIE4 On ROU RYOU Viet dộp

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition toad
Pinyin CHAN2 Jyutping sim4 On SEN Kun HIKIGAERU Hangul Korean SEM Tang zhiɛm

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping laap6 On ROU RYOU Viet dộp

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition toad
Pinyin chán Jyutping sim4 On SEN Kun HIKIGAERU Hangul : 0N Korean SEM Tang zhiɛm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition comply with , follow along ; thereupon
Pinyin SUI4 SUI2 Jyutping seoi6 On SUI ZUI Kun TOGERU TSUINI Hangul Korean SWU Tang *zuì Viet toại

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition comply with , follow along ; thereupon
Pinyin suì Jyutping seoi6 On SUI ZUI Kun TOGERU TSUINI Hangul : 0E Korean SWU Tang *zuì Viet toại

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition acrida chinensis
Pinyin QI4 JI4 Jyutping kai3 On KEI KI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition acrida chinensis
Pinyin Jyutping kai3 On KEI KI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Sui dynasty ; surname
Pinyin SUI2 DUO4 TUO3 TUO1 Jyutping ceoi4 On TA DA ZUI Kun OCHIRU NAMAKERU Hangul Korean SWU Tang ziuɛ
Variant U+964F

Records 51 - 100 of 118 retrieved in 863 ms