JMnedict 200217
Word 梵烏
Reading ぼんがらす Romaji Bongarasu

JMnedict 100319
Word ボンガ塚
Reading ぼんがづか Romaji Bongaduka

JMnedict 200217
Word ボンガ塚
Reading ボンガづか Romaji Bongazuka

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pound ; weigh
Pinyin BANG4 PANG4 PANG2 PANG1 Jyutping bong2 bong6 On HOU Kun PONDO Hangul Korean PANG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pound sterling ; to scrape
Pinyin BANG4 PANG1 Jyutping bong2 bong6 On HAU HOU Kun KEZURU Hangul Korean PANG
Simplified U+9551

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pound sterling
Pinyin BANG4 Jyutping bong2 bong6
Traditional U+938A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pound ; weigh
Pinyin bàng Jyutping bong2 bong6 On HOU Kun PONDO Hangul : 0N Korean PANG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pound sterling ; to scrape
Pinyin bàng Jyutping bong2 bong6 On HAU HOU Kun KEZURU Hangul : 1N Korean PANG
Simplified U+9551

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pound sterling
Pinyin bàng Jyutping bong2 bong6
Traditional U+938A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the hem ; margin of the heel of a shoe , weeping sash or cord on a saddle , a leather rope , fringes of pearls on crowns , a pennant , ( same as ) a large belt
Pinyin DUO4 Jyutping bong2 bung2 pun4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the hem ; margin of the heel of a shoe , weeping sash or cord on a saddle , a leather rope , fringes of pearls on crowns , a pennant , ( same as ) a large belt
Pinyin duò Jyutping bong2 bung2 pun4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) classifier for walls
Pinyin BENG3 BANG4 Jyutping bong6 bung6 pung1 On HOU BO HAU BAU Kun CHIRI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( Cant .) classifier for walls
Pinyin běng Jyutping bong6 bung6 pung1 On HOU BO HAU BAU Kun CHIRI

JMnedict 100319
Reading ボンギ Romaji Bonghi

JMnedict 100319
Word 俸基
Reading ぼんぎ Romaji Bongi

JMnedict 200217
Reading ボンギ Romaji Bonghi

JMnedict 200217
Word 俸基
Reading ぼんぎ Romaji Bongi

JMdict 100319
Reading ボンゴ
Translation eng bongo Translation ger {Musikinstr .} Bongó ; (m) ; Bongos ; {mpl} Bongotrommel ; (f) ; ( einfellige paarweise verwendete Trommel kubanischen Ursprungs )

JMdict 100319
Word 梵語
Reading ぼんご
Translation eng Sanskrit Translation ger {Sprache} Sanskrit Translation rus санскри́т

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 梵語
Reading ぼんご
Translation dut Sanskriet ; Oudindisch Translation spa sánscrito Translation swe sanskrit
Translation eng Sanskrit Translation ger Sanskrit Translation rus санскрит
Crossref サンスクリット語

JMnedict 100319
Word 盆子原
Reading ぼんごばら Romaji Bongobara

JMnedict 200217
Word 盆子原
Reading ぼんごばら Romaji Bongobara

JMnedict 100319
Reading ボンゴーレ Romaji Bongo-re

JMnedict 200217
Reading ボンゴーレ Romaji Bongo-re

JMdict 200217
Reading ボンゴレ ; ヴォンゴレ
Translation eng clam sauce pasta ; vongole (e.g. spaghetti alle vongole ) Source Language ita vongole

JMnedict 100319

JMnedict 200217

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a squat jar for holding wine , sauces etc .
Pinyin PENG4 BENG4 Jyutping bong3 paang1 paang6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a squat jar for holding wine , sauces etc .
Pinyin bèng Jyutping bong3 paang1 paang6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) the sides of a shoe
Jyutping bong1 pang4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dishevelled hair , ( same as ) to meet unexpectedly , to collide ; to hit ; to touch
Pinyin PENG2 Jyutping bong2 pang4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( same as ) the sides of a shoe
Pinyin bāng Jyutping bong1 pang4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dishevelled hair , ( same as ) to meet unexpectedly , to collide ; to hit ; to touch
Pinyin péng Jyutping bong2 pang4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pole ; beat
Pinyin BENG4 BANG4 PENG2 Jyutping bong1 pong3 On HOU HYOU BYOU Kun OOU Hangul Korean PANG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition placard ; list of successful exam candidates
Pinyin BANG3 BANG4 BENG1 PANG2 Jyutping bong2 pong3 On BOU HOU Kun TATEFUDA KAJI Hangul Korean PANG PYENG Tang bæ̀ng bɑ̀ng Viet xách bàng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition upper arm ; shoulder ; wing
Pinyin BANG3 BANG4 PANG1 PANG2 PANG3 Jyutping bong2 pong4 On HOU BOU Kun WAKIBARA FUKURERU Hangul Korean PANG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pole ; beat
Pinyin bàng Jyutping bong1 pong3 On HOU HYOU BYOU Kun OOU Hangul : 1N Korean PANG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition placard ; list of successful exam candidates
Pinyin bǎng Jyutping bong2 pong3 On BOU HOU Kun TATEFUDA KAJI Hangul : 0N Korean PANG PYENG Tang bæ̀ng bɑ̀ng Viet xách bàng

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition upper arm ; shoulder ; wing
Pinyin bǎng Jyutping bong2 pong4 On HOU BOU Kun WAKIBARA FUKURERU Hangul : 0N Korean PANG

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition by side of , beside , near , close
Pinyin BANG4 PANG2 Jyutping bong6 pong4 pong6 On BOU HOU Kun KATAWARA SOU Hangul Korean PANG PHAYNG Tang *bhɑn bhɑn Viet bàng

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition by side of , beside , near , close
Pinyin bàng Jyutping bong6 pong4 pong6 On BOU HOU Kun KATAWARA SOU Hangul : 0E Korean PANG PHAYNG Tang *bhɑn bhɑn Viet bàng

JMnedict 100319

JMnedict 200217

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