CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ye4 Taiwan [ yi4 ]
English to drag ; to pull

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ye4 Taiwan [ yi4 ]
English liquid ; fluid

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ye4 Taiwan [ yi4 ]
English armpit ; ( biology ) axilla ; ( botany ) axil

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition alas , exclamation of surprise or pain
Pinyin AI1 AI4 Jyutping aai1 oi1 On KAI KI AI I Kun AA AAOO IYAIYAKOTAERU Hangul Korean AY Viet hãy
Variant U+8A92

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dumb , mute ; become hoarse
Pinyin YA3 YA1 E4 Jyutping aa1 aa2 ak1 On A Kun OSHI Hangul Korean A Tang
Simplified U+54D1 Variant U+5516

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition peaceful , tranquil , quiet
Pinyin AN1 Jyutping ngon1 on1 On AN Kun YASUI YASUNJIRU IZUKUNSO Hangul Korean AN Tang *qɑn Viet an

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition peaceful , quiet ; clear ; late in the day
Pinyin YAN4 Jyutping aan3 ngaan3 On AN Kun OSOI Hangul Korean AN Tang qàn qèn qěn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition table , bench ; legal case
Pinyin AN4 Jyutping ngon3 on3 On AN Kun TSUKUE KANGAERU Hangul Korean AN Tang qɑ̀n Viet duyên án

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eucalyptus
Pinyin AN1 AN4 Jyutping on1 on3 Hangul Korean AN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition saddle ; any saddle-shaped object
Pinyin AN1 Jyutping on1 On AN Kun KURA Hangul Korean AN Tang *qɑn Viet yên
Variant U+978C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition crow , raven ; Corvus species ( various )
Pinyin YA1 YA3 Jyutping aa1 ngaa1 On A Kun KARASU Hangul Korean A Tang *qa
Simplified U+9E26 Variant U+9D76

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition (J) non-standard form of U+7B2C , sequence , number ; grade , degree

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a net ; net-like , radical 122
Pinyin WANG3 Jyutping mong5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition frozen ; cold
Jyutping ding1 ting1

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( standard form of ) a surplus or excess , a tithe , a great stock of merit
Pinyin LE4 Jyutping lak6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) deception ; sleight of hand ; magic
Pinyin HUAN4 Jyutping nap6 wan6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) claws of birds or animals , feet , to scratch , to claw , to grasp
Pinyin ZHAO3 Jyutping zaau2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) a friend ; a companion ; a associate , friendly , to make friends of , brotherly regard
Pinyin XU4 YOU3 YOU4 Jyutping zaau5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it , to store up ; to save up , peaceful , used as a term of comparison
Pinyin ZHU4 Jyutping cyu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) to arrive at ; to go to
Jyutping zi1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ancient form of 'five' Value 5
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a book or painting which can be easily folded or rolled up , a division of a book
Pinyin JUAN4 Jyutping gyun2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dried up ( of waterway ; the channel of a river ; a pond , etc .)
Jyutping kap1 Viet ướt

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form same as ) mutually ; together ; each other ( dialect ) scratching or clawing to and fro
Pinyin HU4 Jyutping wu6 wui1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition male adult ; robust , vigorous ; 4th heavenly stem
Pinyin DING1 ZHENG1 Jyutping ding1 zaang1 zang1 On TEI CHOU TOU Kun HINOTO ATARU YOBORO Hangul Korean CENG Tang *deng deng Viet đinh

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unit of length equal 3.3 meters ; gentleman , man , husband
Pinyin ZHANG4 Jyutping zoeng6 On JOU CHOU Kun TAKE DAKE Hangul Korean CANG Tang *djhiɑ̌ng djhiɑ̌ng Viet trượng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition table
Pinyin JI1 Jyutping gei1 On KI GI Kun SONO SORE DAI Korean KI
Variant U+5176

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition no , not ; un- ; negative prefix
Pinyin BU4 FOU3 FOU1 Jyutping bat1 fau2 On FU BU FUTSU HI Kun SEZU NIARAZU INAYA Hangul Korean PWU PWUL Tang *biət biət Viet bất
Variant U+F967

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition and ; with ; to ; for ; give , grant
Pinyin YU3 YU4 YU2 Jyutping jyu4 jyu5 jyu6 On YO Kun ATAERU KUMISURU TOMONI Korean YE Viet dữ
Traditional U+8207

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition parapet ; invisible
Pinyin MIAN3 Jyutping min5 On BEN MEN Kun MIENU Korean MYEN

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beggar ; beg ; give
Pinyin GAI4 Jyutping koi3 On KAI KATSU Kun KOU Korean KAL KAY Viet cái

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clown , comedian ; 2nd terrestrial branch
Pinyin CHOU3 Jyutping cau2 On CHUU CHU Kun USHI Hangul Korean CHWUK CHWU Viet sửu
Traditional U+919C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the period from 1 to 3 a.m.; 2nd character of the 'branches'

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition monopolize , take sole possession
Pinyin ZHUAN1 Jyutping zyun1 On SEN Kun MOPPARA
Traditional U+5C08

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition thirty , thirtieth
Pinyin SHI4 On SEI SE Kun YO
Variant U+4E16

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition third ; 3rd heavenly stem
Pinyin BING3 Jyutping bing2 On HEI HYOU Kun HINOE Hangul Korean PYENG Viet bính

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition silk ; fine thread ; wire ; strings
Pinyin SI1 Jyutping si1
Traditional U+7D72

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition discard , reject , lose
Pinyin DIU1 Jyutping diu1 diu6 On CHUU CHU Kun SARU NAGEUTSU Hangul Korean CWU
Simplified U+4E22

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition discard
Pinyin DIU1 Jyutping diu1 diu6 On CHUU CHU Kun SARU NAGEUTSU Korean CWU Viet điêu
Traditional U+4E1F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition half of tree trunk ; rad . no . 90
Pinyin QIANG2
Variant U+723F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition central ; center , middle ; in the midst of ; hit ( target ); attain
Pinyin ZHONG1 ZHONG4 Jyutping zung1 zung3 On CHUU Kun NAKA UCHI ATARU Hangul Korean CWUNG Tang *djiùng djiung Viet trung

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition catch

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dense

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abundant , lush , bountiful , plenty
Pinyin FENG1 Jyutping fung1 On HOU FU FUU BU Kun MIMEYOI SHIGERU Hangul Korean PONG Viet phong
Traditional U+8C50

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition string ; relatives ; conspire
Pinyin CHUAN4 GUAN4 Jyutping cyun3 gwaan3 On SEN KAN Kun KUSHI TSURANUKU Hangul Korean KOC KWAN CHEN Viet xuyến
Variant U+F905

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition draw near , approach ; descend
Pinyin LIN2 LIN4 Jyutping lam4
Traditional U+81E8

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