
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stamp feet ; dance
Pinyin DAO3 DAO4 Jyutping dou6 tou1 On TOU DOU Kun FUMU Hangul Korean TO Tang dhɑ̀u Viet dạo

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dao3
English to tread on ; to trample ; to stamp ; to fulfill

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dao4 Reading On トウ Reading Kun ふ.む Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning step on ; trample ; carry through ; appraise ; evade payment

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stamp feet ; dance
Pinyin dǎo Jyutping dou6 tou1 On TOU DOU Kun FUMU Hangul : 0N Korean TO Tang dhɑ̀u Viet dạo

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dao4 Reading On トウ Reading Kun ふ.む Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning step on ; trample ; carry through ; appraise ; evade payment

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dao3 Taiwan [ dao4 ]
English to tread on ; to trample ; to stamp ; to fulfill

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dao3
Deutsch betreten , trampeln , stampfen (V)

JMdict 100319
Word 踏鞴 ; 蹈鞴
Reading たたら
Translation eng foot-operated bellows ; foot bellows Translation ger Fußblasebalg

JMdict 200217
Word 踏鞴 ; 蹈鞴
Reading たたら
Translation dut voetblaasbalg
Translation eng foot-operated bellows ; foot bellows Translation ger großer Fußblasebalg ( von mehreren Personen getreten ) ; Metallschmelze mit Fußblasebalg ( Abk .) Translation rus ножные мехи

CEDict 100318
Traditional 蹈常襲故 Simplified 蹈常袭故
Pinyin dao3 chang2 xi2 gu4
English follow the same old path ( idiom ); stuck in a rut ; always the same routine

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 蹈常襲故 Simplified 蹈常袭故
Pinyin dao3 chang2 xi2 gu4
English follow the same old path ( idiom ); stuck in a rut ; always the same routine

JMdict 100319
Word 蹈襲 ; 踏襲
Reading とうしゅう
Translation eng following (e.g. suit , in someone's footsteps , etc .) ; emulation Translation ger Nachfolge

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