Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clutch , grasp ; pull up ; contradict
Pinyin ZU2 ZUO2 Jyutping cyut3 zeot1 On SOTSU SOCHI CHUTSU JUCHI SAI SUI Kun TSUKAMU Viet lót
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition guitar-like instrument
Pinyin PI2 Jyutping pei4 On BI HI Hangul Korean PI Tang *bhi Viet
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bamboo mat ; feast , banquet
Pinyin YAN2 Jyutping jin4 On EN Kun MUSHIRO Hangul Korean YEN Tang *iɛn
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bugle
Pinyin GU1 Jyutping gu1 On KO KU Kun HUE
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition grain ; small particle
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lap1 nap1 On RYUU Kun TSUBU Hangul Korean LIP Tang lip Viet lạp
Variant U+F9F9
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to fade ; withered or dried leaves ; tobacco ( used for U+70DF and U+7159 )
Pinyin YAN1 YU1 YU4 Jyutping jin1 On EN YO ON
Hong Kong proper shape 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition swindle , cheat ; erroneous , wrong
Pinyin E2 Jyutping ngo4
Traditional U+8A1B
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition error , mistake ; deceive , mislead
Pinyin GUA4 Jyutping gwaa3
Traditional U+8A7F
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inquire , question ; numerous
Pinyin SHEN1 Jyutping san1
Traditional U+8A75
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sincere , faithful ; surname
Pinyin CHEN2 Jyutping sam4
Traditional U+8AF6
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lie
Pinyin HUANG3 Jyutping fong1 fong2
Traditional U+8B0A
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition prudent , cautious ; attentive
Pinyin JIN3 Jyutping gan2
Traditional U+8B39
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition big , great , vast , large , high
Pinyin DA4 DAI4 TAI4 Jyutping daai6 On TAI DAI TA Kun OOKII HAJIME OOINI Hangul Korean TAY THAY Tang *dhɑ̀i Viet đại
JIS X 0208-1990 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition twilight ; sunset
Pinyin XUN1 Jyutping fan1 On KUN Kun TASOGARE Hangul Korean HWUN
JIS X 0212-1990 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tray ; turn , rotate ; search
Pinyin PAN2 Jyutping pun4 On HAN BAN Kun TARAI Hangul Korean PAN Viet bàn
GB 7589-87 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition swift current ; rapids
Pinyin LAI4 Jyutping laai6
Traditional U+7028
PRC Telegraph Code 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition swift current ; rapids
Pinyin LAI4 Jyutping laai6 On RAI Kun SE Hangul Korean LOY Tang lɑ̀i
Simplified U+6FD1 Variant U+702C
Taiwan Telegraph 3471

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin SE4 Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU SHICHI Kun AZAYAKA
GB 7590-87 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition enmesh , wrap around ; web , net
Pinyin LUO4 LAO4 Jyutping lok3 lok6 On RAKU Kun KARAMU MATOU TSUNAGARU Hangul Korean LAK Tang lɑk Viet rạc
Simplified U+7EDC
GB 12345-90 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition enmesh , wrap around ; web , net
Pinyin LUO4 LAO4 Jyutping lok3
Traditional U+7D61
GB 2312-80 3471

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of monkey , fingering for an ancient string instrument
Pinyin RAO3 Jyutping nau4
Unicode Code Point 3471

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hu1 Reading On Reading Kun よ.ぶ Nanori よぶ Reading Korean ho Reading Korean
Meaning call ; call out to ; invite Meaning fr appeler ; inviter Meaning es llamar ; aspirar Meaning pt chamada ; chamar para ; convidar
Dictionary dr_moro 3471

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin li4 Reading On リュウ Reading Kun つぶ Reading Korean rib Reading Korean
Meaning grains ; drop ; counter for tiny particles Meaning fr grain ; goutte ; compteur de particules Meaning es grano ; gota ; contador para partículas diminutas Meaning pt graões ; gota ; sufixo para contagem de partículas pequeninas
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3471

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yun4 ; yu4 Reading On イ ; ウツ Reading Kun のし ; おさ . える ; の.す ; ひのし Reading Korean wi ; ul Reading Korean ;
Meaning flatiron ; smooth out
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition clutch , grasp ; pull up ; contradict
Pinyin zuó Jyutping cyut3 zeot1 On SOTSU SOCHI CHUTSU JUCHI SAI SUI Kun TSUKAMU Viet lót
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition guitar-like instrument
Pinyin Jyutping pei4 On BI HI Hangul : 0N Korean PI Tang *bhi Viet
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition feast
Pinyin yán Jyutping jin4 On EN Kun MUSHIRO Hangul : 0N Korean YEN Tang *iɛn
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bugle
Pinyin Jyutping gu1 On KO KU Kun HUE
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition grain ; small particle
Pinyin Jyutping lap1 nap1 On RYUU Kun TSUBU Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LIP Tang lip Viet lạp
Variant U+F9F9
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to fade ; withered or dried leaves ; tobacco ( used for U+70DF and U+7159 )
Pinyin yān Jyutping jin1 On EN YO ON
Hong Kong proper shape 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition swindle , cheat ; erroneous , wrong
Pinyin é Jyutping ngo4
Traditional U+8A1B
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition error , mistake ; deceive , mislead
Pinyin guà Jyutping gwaa3
Traditional U+8A7F
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition inquire , question ; numerous
Pinyin shēn Jyutping san1
Traditional U+8A75
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sincere , faithful ; surname
Pinyin chén Jyutping sam4
Traditional U+8AF6
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lie
Pinyin huǎng Jyutping fong1 fong2
Traditional U+8B0A
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition prudent , cautious ; attentive
Pinyin jǐn Jyutping gan2
Traditional U+8B39
Four-Corner Code 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition big , great , vast , large , high
Pinyin Jyutping daai6 On TAI DAI TA Kun OOKII HAJIME OOINI Hangul : 0E Korean TAY THAY Tang *dhɑ̀i Viet đại
JIS X 0208-1990 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition twilight ; sunset
Pinyin xūn Jyutping fan1 On KUN Kun TASOGARE Hangul : 1N Korean HWUN
JIS X 0212-1990 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tray ; turn , rotate ; search
Pinyin pán Jyutping pun4 On HAN BAN Kun TARAI Hangul : 0N Korean PAN Viet bàn
GB 7589-87 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition swift current ; rapids
Pinyin lài Jyutping laai6
Traditional U+7028
PRC Telegraph Code 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition swift current ; rapids
Pinyin lài Jyutping laai6 On RAI Kun SE Hangul : 0N Korean LOY Tang lɑ̀i
Simplified U+6FD1 Variant U+702C
Taiwan Telegraph 3471

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping sat1 On SHITSU SHICHI Kun AZAYAKA Hangul :N
GB 7590-87 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition enmesh , wrap around ; web , net
Pinyin luò Jyutping lok3 lok6 On RAKU Kun KARAMU MATOU TSUNAGARU Hangul : 0E Korean LAK Tang lɑk Viet rạc
Simplified U+7EDC
GB 12345-90 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition enmesh , wrap around ; web , net
Pinyin luò Jyutping lok3
Traditional U+7D61
GB 2312-80 3471

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a kind of monkey , fingering for an ancient string instrument
Pinyin rǎo Jyutping nau4
Unicode Code Point 3471

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin du1 Reading On トク Nanori ただ ; ただし Reading Korean dog Reading Korean
Meaning coach ; command ; urge ; lead ; supervise Meaning fr superviseur ; entraîner ; commander ; mener ; pousser à faire Meaning es supervisar ; controlar ; ordenar ; instruir ; impulsar Meaning pt técnico ; comando ; desejo ; primazia ; supervisionar
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 3471

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin li4 Reading On リュウ Reading Kun つぶ Reading Korean rib Reading Korean
Meaning grains ; drop ; counter for tiny particles Meaning fr grain ; goutte ; compteur de particules Meaning es grano ; gota ; contador para partículas diminutas Meaning pt graões ; gota ; sufixo para contagem de partículas pequeninas
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3471

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yun4 ; yu4 Reading On イ ; ウツ Reading Kun のし ; おさ . える ; の.す ; ひのし Reading Korean wi ; ul Reading Korean ;
Meaning flatiron ; smooth out
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3471

KanjiDic2 200217
Meaning variant of radical 125
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 3471

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