Unicode 5.2
Character Definition book , letter , document ; writings
Pinyin SHU1 Jyutping syu1 On SHO Kun KAKU FUMI Hangul Korean SE Tang *shiu Viet thư
Simplified U+4E66
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vegetables ; dish , order ; food
Pinyin CAI4 Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun NA Hangul Korean CHAY Tang tsèi
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fetters
Pinyin LIAO2 LIAO4 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU Kun SHIROGANE ASHIKASE Hangul Korean LYO Viet banh rìu
Simplified U+9563
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jump , leap , vault , bounce ; dance
Pinyin TIAO4 TIAO2 TAO2 DIAO4 Jyutping tiu3 On CHOU TOU Kun HANERU TOBU ODORU Hangul Korean CO TO Tang dheu Viet khêu
Hong Kong proper shape 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition curse , damn , incantation
Pinyin ZHOU4 Jyutping zau3 On SHU SHUU JU Kun NOROU NOROI Korean CWU Viet chú
Variant U+546A
KPS 10721-2000 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the sun going behind and out from behind clouds
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping sik1 On EKI SEKU SEKI SHAKU Kun KAGERU
GB 7589-87 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition boil silk
Pinyin LIAN4 Jyutping lin6 On REN RAN Kun NERU Hangul Korean LYEN Viet rịn
JIS X 0212-1990 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ball , sphere , globe ; round
Pinyin QIU2 Jyutping kau4 On KYUU GU Kun TAMA Hangul Korean KWU Viet cầu
GB 12345-90 3982 GB 2312-80 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition odd , fractional , remainder , odds
Pinyin JI1 QI2 Jyutping gei1 kei1 On KI Kun HASHITA MEZURASHII KATAWA Hangul Korean KI
PRC Telegraph Code 3982 Taiwan Telegraph 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition white ; pure , unblemished ; bright
Pinyin BAI2 BO2 Jyutping baak6 On HAKU BYAKU Kun SHIRO SHIROI MOUSU Hangul Korean PAYK PAY Tang *bhæk Viet bạch
JIS X 0208-1990 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a vehicle for transporting prisoners
Pinyin XIAN4 Jyutping laam6 On KAN GEN Kun HIBIKI Hangul Korean HAM
GB 7590-87 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) constantly , frequently , usually habitually , regular , common , a rule , a principle
Pinyin CHANG2 TANG4 Jyutping soeng4
Unicode Code Point 3982

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cai4 Reading On サイ Reading Kun Nanori よう Reading Korean chae Reading Korean
Meaning vegetable ; side dish ; greens Meaning fr légume ; accompagnement ( du riz ) Meaning es verduras ; entremeses ; vegetales Meaning pt legume ; salada ; verduras
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3982

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin duan3 Reading On タン Reading Kun みじか .い Reading Korean dan Reading Korean
Meaning short ; brevity ; fault ; defect ; weak point Meaning fr court ; bref ; faute ; défaut ; point faible Meaning es pequeño ; breve ; defecto ; corto Meaning pt curto ; brevidade ; falta ; defeito ; ponto fraco
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition book , letter , document ; writings
Pinyin shū Jyutping syu1 On SHO Kun KAKU FUMI Hangul : 0E Korean SE Tang *shiu Viet thư
Simplified U+4E66
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vegetables ; dish , order ; food
Pinyin cài Jyutping coi3 On SAI Kun NA Hangul : 0E Korean CHAY Tang tsèi
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fetters
Pinyin liáo Jyutping liu4 On RYOU Kun SHIROGANE ASHIKASE Hangul : 1N Korean LYO Viet banh rìu
Simplified U+9563
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jump , leap , vault , bounce ; dance
Pinyin tiào Jyutping tiu3 On CHOU TOU Kun HANERU TOBU ODORU Hangul : 0E Korean CO TO Tang dheu Viet khêu
Hong Kong proper shape 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the sun going behind and out from behind clouds
Pinyin Jyutping sik1 On EKI SEKU SEKI SHAKU Kun KAGERU Hangul :N
GB 7589-87 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ball , sphere , globe ; round
Pinyin qiú Jyutping kau4 On KYUU GU Kun TAMA Hangul : 0E Korean KWU Viet cầu
GB 12345-90 3982 GB 2312-80 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition odd , fractional , remainder , odds
Pinyin Jyutping gei1 kei1 On KI Kun HASHITA MEZURASHII KATAWA Hangul : 0N Korean KI
PRC Telegraph Code 3982 Taiwan Telegraph 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition white ; pure , unblemished ; bright
Pinyin bái Jyutping baak6 On HAKU BYAKU Kun SHIRO SHIROI MOUSU Hangul : 0E Korean PAYK PAY Tang *bhæk Viet bạch
JIS X 0208-1990 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a vehicle for transporting prisoners
Pinyin jiàn Jyutping laam6 On KAN GEN Kun HIBIKI Hangul : 1N Korean HAM
GB 7590-87 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) constantly , frequently , usually habitually , regular , common , a rule , a principle
Pinyin cháng Jyutping soeng4
Unicode Code Point 3982

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin duan3 Reading On タン Reading Kun みじか .い Reading Korean dan Reading Korean
Meaning short ; brevity ; fault ; defect ; weak point Meaning fr court ; bref ; faute ; défaut ; point faible Meaning es pequeño ; breve ; defecto ; corto Meaning pt curto ; brevidade ; falta ; defeito ; ponto fraco
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 3982

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jia1 Reading On カ ; ケ Reading Korean ga Reading Korean
Meaning ( used phonetically ) Meaning es sonido "ka" en sánscrito
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 3982

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cai4 Reading On サイ Reading Kun Nanori よう Reading Korean chae Reading Korean
Meaning vegetable ; side dish ; greens Meaning fr légume ; accompagnement ( du riz ) Meaning es verduras ; entremeses ; vegetales Meaning pt legume ; salada ; verduras
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition curse , damn , incantation
Pinyin zhòu Jyutping zau3 On SHU SHUU JU Kun NOROU NOROI Korean CWU Viet chú
Variant U+546A
KPS 10721-2000 3982

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition boil silk
Pinyin liàn Jyutping lin6 On REN RAN Kun NERU Hangul : 1N Korean LYEN Viet rịn
JIS X 0212-1990 3982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flushed ; rubicund
Pinyin TUO2 Jyutping to4 On TA DA Kun AKARAMU

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tuo2 Reading On Reading Kun あか . らむ
Meaning flushed ; rubicund

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flushed ; rubicund
Pinyin tuó Jyutping to4 On TA DA Kun AKARAMU

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tuo2 Reading On Reading Kun あか . らむ
Meaning flushed ; rubicund

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition toast one's host with wine ; to express juice by pressing
Pinyin ZUO4 CU4 Jyutping cou3 zaa3 zok6 On SAKU Kun SU Hangul Korean CHO CAK
Variant U+918B

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zuo4 Reading On サク Reading Kun Reading Korean cho ; jag Reading Korean ;
Meaning vinegar ; sour ; acid ; tart Meaning fr vinaigre ; aigre ; acide ; sur ( goût ) Meaning es vinagre ; agrio ; ácido Meaning pt vinagre ; azedo ; ácido ; picante

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition toast one's host with wine ; to express juice by pressing
Pinyin Jyutping cou3 zaa3 zok6 On SAKU Kun SU Hangul : 0N Korean CHO CAK
Variant U+918B

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zuo4 Reading On サク Reading Kun Reading Korean cho ; jag Reading Korean ;
Meaning vinegar ; sour ; acid ; tart Meaning fr vinaigre ; aigre ; acide ; sur ( goût ) Meaning es vinagre ; agrio ; ácido Meaning pt vinagre ; azedo ; ácido ; picante

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition enjoy intoxicants
Pinyin HAN1 HAN4 Jyutping ham4 On KAN GAN KON Kun TAKENAWA Hangul Korean KEM Tang *hɑm

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin han1 Reading On カン Reading Kun たけなわ Reading Korean gam ; ham Reading Korean ;
Meaning height of ; thick of ; full swing

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition enjoy intoxicants
Pinyin hān Jyutping ham4 On KAN GAN KON Kun TAKENAWA Hangul : 1N Korean KEM Tang *hɑm

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin han1 Reading On カン Reading Kun たけなわ Reading Korean gam ; ham Reading Korean ;
Meaning height of ; thick of ; full swing

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to deal in spirits
Pinyin GU1 Jyutping gu1 On KO KU GO Kun HITOYOZAKE Hangul Korean KO Tang *go

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gu1 Reading On コ ; ク Reading Kun ひとよざけ Reading Korean go
Meaning to deal in spirits

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to deal in spirits
Pinyin Jyutping gu1 On KO KU GO Kun HITOYOZAKE Hangul : 1N Korean KO Tang *go

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin gu1 Reading On コ ; ク Reading Kun ひとよざけ Reading Korean go
Meaning to deal in spirits

Records 1 - 47 of 47 retrieved in 510 ms