Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Asia ; second ; used as a prefix to names
Pinyin YA4 YA1 Jyutping aa3 ngaa3 On A ATSU OU Kun TSUGU Hangul Korean A Tang
Simplified U+4E9A Variant U+4E9C
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition proud , haughty , overbearing
Pinyin AO4 Jyutping ngou6 On GOU Kun OGORU ANADORU Hangul Korean O Tang ngɑù Viet ngạo
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dumb , mute ; become hoarse
Pinyin YA3 YA1 E4 Jyutping aa1 aa2 ak1 On A Kun OSHI Hangul Korean A Tang
Simplified U+54D1 Variant U+5516

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a granary
Pinyin AO2 Jyutping ngou4 On GOU
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition near , close by , next to , towards , against ; to wait ; to lean on
Pinyin AI1 AI2 Jyutping aai1 On AI Kun HIRAKU Hangul Korean AY
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ramble , play about ; leisurely ; surname
Pinyin AO2 AO4 Jyutping ngou4 ngou6 On GOU Kun ASOBU OGORU Hangul Korean O Tang ngɑu Viet ngào
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cook down , to boil ; endure
Pinyin AO2 AO1 Jyutping ngou4 On GOU Kun IRU Hangul Korean O
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition mastiff , large fierce dog
Pinyin AO2 Jyutping ngou1 ngou4 On GOU Kun INU Hangul Korean O Viet ngao
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unnecessary , superfluous
Pinyin ZHUI4 Jyutping zeoi3 On ZEI SEI Kun IBO Hangul Korean CHWEY
Simplified U+8D58
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ramble , roam ; travel for pleasure
Pinyin AO2 Jyutping ngou4 ngou6 On GOU Kun ASOBU Hangul Korean O Viet ngao
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to lick ; to taste , a mat , bamboo bark
Pinyin TIAN3 TIAN4 Jyutping tim2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition (J) non-standard form of U+559C , to like , love , enjoy ; a joyful thing
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form ) to follow , to trust to ; to put confidence in ; to depend on , to turn around ; to turn the body , ( interchangeable )
Pinyin YIN3 Jyutping zaan2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
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Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
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Unicode 5.2
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Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) cruel , unfortunate , sad
Pinyin XIONG1 Jyutping gun3 hung1 zung1
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) to own money , deficient , to yawn , last name
Pinyin QIAN4 Jyutping gim1 him3
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( standard form of ) strong ; valiant , a minority ethnic group in China
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping go1 kwok3 ngaat6
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( standard form of ) all ; the whole of ; a multitude , a crowd ( three or more )
Pinyin ZHONG4 Jyutping zung3
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition name of a person
Pinyin N3 NEI4 NG3 Jyutping fu1 mou5 noi6
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) to save ; to lift up
Pinyin CHENG4 ZHENG3 Jyutping cing2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( simplified form of ) name of a place , last name
Jyutping fung1
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
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Unicode 5.2
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Unicode 5.2
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Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) choked and unable to breath
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gei3 hei2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition (a variant of ) wealth ; property ; valuables , bribes
Pinyin CAI2 Jyutping coi4
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical of ) cruel , unfortunate , sad
Jyutping hung1 kung4
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a law , to punish ; punishment
Pinyin XING2 Jyutping zing4
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to engrave , ( interchangeable with U+5951 ) a written contract or agreement
Pinyin QI4 QIA4 YAO2 Jyutping kaai3
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
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Unicode 5.2
Character Definition with purpose ; with ambition ; with the determination and courage to get ahead
Pinyin JI2 YI4 Jyutping gaat1 kaau1
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) an age , a generation of thirty years , from generation to generation
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping saai3 si6
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) great ; distinguished
Jyutping pei1
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) to hum ; to intone , to moan , to sigh , high ridges of cliffs , pebble ground
Pinyin YIN2 Jyutping zaam4 zaam6
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to fall over ; rolling on the ground
Jyutping him3 kaai1 lim4 zap3
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to apply knowledge to final causes ; to extend knowledge to the utmost , equally ; average , smooth
Pinyin ZHI4 Jyutping zi3
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form of ) history ; chronicles ; annals
Pinyin SHI3 Jyutping sei3 si2
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition loud ; clamour ; hubbub , big mouth , to brag
Pinyin HUA4 Jyutping waa6 zyu5
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used to represent sound ; to hum ; to groan
Jyutping si1
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin FAN4 Jyutping faan6
Total Strokes 6

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 6

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 226 ms