Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wooden rammer or pestle ; place
Pinyin ZUI4 Jyutping zeoi3 On SUI SAI ZUI Kun TSUKU
Variant U+69DC
Cangjie Input Code DOGS

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dogs fighting , to go to law ; an indictment
Pinyin YAN2 Jyutping zin4 Viet nhằn

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dogs barking , little dog ; a puppy , name of a place in today's Henan Province Xinyexian
Pinyin HAN3 Jyutping ham3

JMdict 100319
Word 犬馬
Reading けんば
Translation eng dogs and horses ; one's humble self Translation ger Hund und Pferde ; ( bescheiden f.) ; die eigenen Dienste ; ( Dienste , die man jmd . anderem wie ein Hund od . Pferd anbieten kann )

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 犬猫
Reading いぬねこ
Translation eng dogs and cats ; pets

JMdict 100319
Word 犬と猿
Reading いぬとさる
Translation eng dogs and monkeys ( esp . as an example of a bad relationship , like that between cats and dogs )
Crossref 犬猿

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hong1 Reading On コウ ; ウン ; イン ; オン ; グ Reading Kun ほえ .る
Meaning moo of a cow ; scream ; to yell ; dogs barking at each other

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yan2
Meaning dogs fighting ; to go to law ; an indictment

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wooden rammer or pestle ; place
Pinyin zuì Jyutping zeoi3 On SUI SAI ZUI Kun TSUKU
Variant U+69DC
Cangjie Input Code DOGS

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dogs fighting , to go to law ; an indictment
Pinyin yán Jyutping zin4 Viet nhằn

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dogs barking , little dog ; a puppy , name of a place in today's Henan Province Xinyexian
Pinyin hǎn Jyutping ham3

JMdict 200217
Word 犬馬
Reading けんば
Translation eng dogs and horses ; one's humble self Translation ger Hunde und Pferde ; ( bescheiden f.) die die eigenen Dienste ( Dienste , man jmd . anderem wie ein Hund od . Pferd anbieten kann ) Translation rus ( кн .) собака и лошадь

JMdict 200217
Word 犬猫
Reading いぬねこ
Translation dut hond en kat ; iets onbeduidends {fig .}
Translation eng dogs and cats ; pets ; something trivial ; worthless thing Translation ger Hunde und Katzen ; Haustiere

JMdict 200217
Word 犬と猿
Reading いぬとさる
Translation spa muy mal avenidos ; como el perro y el gato
Translation eng cats and dogs ( as an example of a bad relationship ) ; dogs and monkeys Translation ger Hund und Affe ; Verhältnis wie von Hund und Katze ; schlechtes Verhältnis
Crossref 犬猿

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin hong1 Reading On コウ ; ウン ; イン ; オン ; グ Reading Kun ほえ .る
Meaning moo of a cow ; scream ; to yell ; dogs barking at each other

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yan2
Meaning dogs fighting ; to go to law ; an indictment

JMdict 200217

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